Can eye color change? Causes, timing of color changes in newborns

Can eye color change? Causes, timing of color changes in newborns
Can eye color change? Causes, timing of color changes in newborns

Eye color is a feature of every person. Brown, blue, gray or green tint is due to the presence of a substance - melanin. The color of the iris depends on the amount of this pigment. If there is more of it, it will be darker; if it is less, it will be lighter. Can eye color change in children and adults? This is discussed in sections of the article.

Features of the phenomenon

Scientists believe that the shade of the iris can change. This may be due to hormonal imbalances (for example, during gestation or after a mental trauma). The color becomes slightly lighter or darker. The same thing happens with prolonged use of drops. Does eye color change in newborns? This question interests many. Babies usually have brown or blue irises.

baby eye color
baby eye color

Will her color change in a child whose parents have light eyes? When a baby is born, his irisorgans of vision looks a little cloudy. This is due to the fact that the newborn begins to adapt to the conditions of the surrounding world. Can a child's eye color change under the influence of external influences? Is this phenomenon dangerous for the baby's organs of vision? This is covered in the next section.

Reasons for change

Over time, the beautiful blue shade of the iris in a child becomes green, gray or brown. Why is this happening? The color of the skin and eyes is determined by the amount of a certain substance - melanin. It is formed in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. While in the womb, the baby does not receive enough light. Therefore, his skin and eyes are pale in color. Most babies born to Caucasians have a blue tint to the iris. After some time, under the influence of ultraviolet light, it becomes gray, green or brown. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether eye color can change in children is positive. The color of the iris in this case depends on hereditary predisposition. However, there are situations when a high concentration of melanin in the baby's body is determined by genetics (his parents have dark skin). Then the baby is born with brown eyes.

baby brown eyes
baby brown eyes

Sometimes babies are born with a natural feature - albinism. They have a pale skin tone and irises. In the body of such children, the production of melanin is not observed. Such a disease does nottherapy.

The role of the pigment

Melanin is the substance that determines the color of the iris. It performs a protective function.

eye colors
eye colors

It prevents the penetration of excess ultraviolet radiation into the fabric. The more of this pigment in the body, the less it is sensitive to radiation. This explains the fact that dark-skinned people almost never burn in the sun. And light-skinned, on the contrary, are forced to protect themselves from such influence. The concentration of melanin in the body is determined by heredity and depends on race. At the eleventh week of gestation, the shade of the iris is laid in the embryo. As a rule, it comes from one of the parents.

When does change happen?

Mom and dad of a baby, of course, are interested in the question of how their baby will look and who will look like. It is impossible to immediately determine the permanent shade of the iris. Does eye color change in newborns? When does it happen? There is no clear time frame during which the shade of the iris is established once and for all.

child's eye color change
child's eye color change

In a baby with blue eyes, it may become lighter or darker, more cloudy or transparent. It depends on the emotional state of the child. Sometimes fluctuations in the concentration of melanin provoke such changes. These phenomena do not affect the functions of the organs of vision and are considered the norm. In some babies, as early as the age of three months, the eyes acquire a permanent color. It usually happens in babieswith brown iris. In other children, the shade changes 3-4 times and only then is finally established. As a rule, this occurs between the ages of six months and eight months. During this period, there is an intensive production of melanin. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether eye color changes in children is positive, regardless of the genetically inherent shade. However, there are babies in whom the color of the iris becomes permanent only at the age of three or four years. This phenomenon is considered normal.

Possible violations

In some cases, the organs of vision in a child have a different shade. This phenomenon is called heterochromia. It is due to a lack or excess of melanin in the baby's body. The anomaly is associated with genetic problems or hereditary pathologies.

heterochromia in a child
heterochromia in a child

Can the color of the eyes change in the presence of such a deviation? The answer to this question will be positive in case of timely treatment to the doctor. The ophthalmologist prescribes the necessary treatment to normalize the production of melanin.

Change in the shade of the iris in adults

This phenomenon is common. It is explained by the following factors:

  1. Illnesses of the organs of vision.
  2. Use drops containing hormones.
  3. Lighting features.
  4. Clothes and cosmetics.
  5. Hormonal failure.
  6. Strong emotions.

Does eye color change with age? The answer to this question is in the affirmative. The fact is that in older people the processcell renewal in the body slows down. The production of melanin is not as fast as it used to be. Consequently, chocolate-colored eyes become light brown, and green ones fade. In addition, the iris thickens and becomes cloudy.

The color of the organs of vision also depends on lighting or clothing. For example, if you wear a blue sweater, cornflower blue eyes become brighter. Emotional reactions lead to an increase or decrease in the volume of the pupil. Can the color of the eyes change in this case? Naturally, yes. Reduced pupils give the iris a darker color, and enlarged pupils lighter. In women, a change in shade can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. This phenomenon is observed before critical days, during the period of gestation and during menopause. The endocrine system and the central nervous system affect the color of the iris. With certain pathologies, there is a failure in the production of melanin.

How to change the color of the organs of vision?

The iris can be given a different shade. This is done using the following methods:

Colored contact lenses. They are used even with normal vision

color contact lenses
color contact lenses
  • Drops. These medications contain hormones. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether a person's eye color can change under the influence of such substances is positive. However, to achieve the effect, you need to use the drops for a long time.
  • Diet (consumption of foods containing carotene, tyrosine and tryptophan).
  • Clothes and cosmetics.
  • Laser operation. This method is expensive as it includes the cost of eye care products.
