Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. The disease can be either bacterial or non-bacterial. It is often found among males, and if you do not get rid of it in a timely manner, the consequences will be severe and extremely negative. And if you turn to a specialist in time, the prognosis will be favorable. In Russian conditions, many people prefer to supplement the main course of treatment with folk remedies. Someone makes a mistake, relying only on traditional medicine. In particular, the treatment of prostatitis with garlic at home is common.

With the discovery of the first signs of a sexual disorder, people sometimes rely solely on pharmaceutical drugs, forgetting about the effectiveness of natural remedies and the importance of prevention. Meanwhile, garlic for prostatitis and prostate adenoma can be a real savior.
It has a beneficial effect on the patient's body due to the fact that it has a high content of vitamins, micro and macro elements. Garlic from prostatitis in men beganused when people have noticed that it strengthens the body's resistance to infections, helps reduce the manifestations of diabetes. In addition, since ancient times it was believed that this remedy stimulates the brain, helps to cope with addiction to alcohol, nicotine. But most of the male population of the Earth is worried about whether it is possible to eat garlic with prostatitis, because of its effect on sexual strength.
Sex power
And traditional healers confirm that this product has a positive effect on potency. It contains substances that help cleanse the vascular system. Vessels become more elastic, better filled with blood.

Thanks to this, blood circulates better in the penis, which means that the erection acquires quality. Cholesterol has a negative effect on potency. And the treatment of prostatitis with garlic at home allows you to get rid of excess cholesterol. In addition, digestion improves. This product helps to get rid of the manifestations of obesity. Excess weight is the main enemy of quality potency.
Effect on the prostate gland
A lot of discomfort provokes prostatitis in the male body. As a rule, the patient experiences severe pain during urination. And if, before treating prostatitis with garlic, take care of prevention, the likelihood of avoiding these symptoms decreases dramatically. After all, this product is a well-known prophylactic against prostatitis.

In addition, there are also knownadditional properties of garlic. Yes, it's an aphrodisiac. For this reason, if a person systematically eats it, his potency becomes better, and his libido increases. But the product also has the most important drawback - too pungent smell. For those who eat garlic, parsley is a good way to counter this flavor, which should be eaten after the garlic.
In addition, pharmacies sell garlic capsules. And it is also believed that the bad smell is reduced if, before eating a fresh product, the core is pulled out of it - the green stalk.
Helps garlic and athletes. During intense physical activity, the body produces a lot of cortisol - a hormone that serves as an obstacle to muscle growth. While testosterone is responsible for their development. If a person eats garlic before a workout, cortisol production stops while more testosterone is released. For this reason, the product is beneficial for bodybuilders.
Treatment of prostatitis with garlic is possible due to the fact that it contains many vitamins of group B, C, as well as phytoncides, allicin, sulfuric, silicic acid. In addition, there are many trace elements in garlic - potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. This plant has many healing properties, for this reason it is often found in tinctures and herbs. Its use in cooking is widespread. As a rule, it becomes a bright seasoning that makes dishes spicy.
Garlic is very useful for those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. It promotes better absorption of food. This is a great way to speed up your metabolism. For patientsin old age, it becomes a cure for sleep disorders, migraines or common headaches. In addition, its components destroy harmful microbes, cleanse the body. The thing is that garlic has an antiseptic property.
What causes the effect
Inflammatory process in the prostate provokes the production of free radicals. And the components present in garlic begin to cope with them. This prevents inflammation from spreading to he althy areas.
Using Garlic
Before you treat prostatitis with garlic, you should familiarize yourself with the recipes of folk remedies. There are many.
So, one of the most popular ways to use garlic for prostatitis is to mix it with turnips in a thermos. It is necessary to take 1 turnip, chop its peel, put in a container. Next, you need to put five cloves of garlic in it and pour the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water.
Further, after straining the mixture, start taking this folk remedy 3 times a day, 200 ml each. It is important to consider that along with this, the remedy has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.

You can use garlic for prostatitis, and brew it with boiling water only. To do this, you need to grind a few cloves in the evening, and then pour them with 0.6 liters of boiling water. The mixture is left overnight. And in the morning they use 50-100 ml of the product. And every day before going to bed, they drink the same amount. The duration of such therapy is at least 1 month.
Another way to use garlic for prostatitis is to take five cloves of it, 0.5 lhoney. You also need to add the same amount of lemons. Products are passed through a meat grinder. And then the mixture is poured with honey. This medicine is eaten three teaspoons three times a day.

In addition, garlic is used for prostatitis in combination with milk. To prepare a healing potion, you need to add one tablespoon of chopped garlic to one glass of milk. After that, the tool is put on a slow fire. When it boils, you will need to leave the drug on fire for another 1 minute. And then the mixture is infused for twenty minutes. After straining, they begin to use the medicine, two tablespoons after each meal.
Garlic for prostatitis (600 g) pour 0.5 liters of alcohol. Then the drug is infused in a dark place for three weeks. Take the tincture daily, twenty drops in the morning and evening.

Garlic sugar tincture is also considered a recognized medicine. To prepare it, you will need to peel twenty cloves, and then chop them. Then twenty teaspoons of sugar are added to them. After thoroughly mixing the components of the medicine, you need to add a little water here. After the mixture is put on low heat and brought to a boil. When the product cools down, it is filtered. And then they start taking it - four times a day, one tablespoon each.
Some categories of patients with prostatitis garlic should be used with extreme caution. For example, in the presence of liver disease, with an ulcerin the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids, pancreatitis, this vigilance should be exercised - the dosages must be observed exactly as in the recipes. The therapeutic effect is effective only if a person follows all the requirements presented by traditional healers.
Adding to the diet
Garlic has the maximum effect on prostatitis if a person introduces this product into his diet. It can be consumed every day in combination with vegetables. As a rule, garlic is eaten with tomato, spinach, carrots, parsley. Garlic oil is also very he althy. When garlic is used, blood circulation returns to normal, prostate activity is restored.
To prepare healing oil, you need to chop the head of garlic. Then the gruel is placed in a container, pouring 200 ml of oil into it. After that, put it all in the refrigerator. You need to consume garlic oil one teaspoon three times a day. You can also dilute the remedy with the same amount of lemon juice and increase the dose of vitamins that will enter the body. The duration of the full course of treatment is one month.
Onion and garlic
Onion and garlic are popular remedies for prostatitis. Despite the fact that both products have an unpleasant odor, they are very actively used in the treatment of prostate inflammation. Onion has many medicinal properties, it increases potency, stimulates sexual power. In addition, it also has antimicrobial agents. You can use this mixture after heat treatment - in this case, the pungent odor will decrease.
And the bestThe solution is to combine garlic for prostatitis with exercise. Suitable for running, walking, swimming, gymnastics. During exacerbations, it is best not to resort to the most active sports. Doctors advise to combine physical activity with breathing exercises.
In addition, doctors recommend combining garlic with prostatitis with magnetotherapy procedures. If the inflammatory process is chronic, magnetic fields are used in the treatment. The emitter is fixed and directed directly to the perineum. The duration of such therapy is about four to six sessions.
It is also worth combining the use of garlic with laser therapy methods. If the chronic form of the disease is being treated, a course of treatment of eight to fourteen procedures is required.
Hirudotherapy has been a popular method for treating prostate inflammation since ancient times. This is a treatment with leeches. And traditional doctors believe that the effect of garlic will be much brighter if you combine its use with nine to ten sessions of hirudotherapy.
Electrophoresis is another popular therapy. As a rule, to get rid of prostatitis, you need to go through eight to ten sessions.
Prostate massage should only be done by an experienced doctor. The duration of treatment is about five to eight sessions.
It is important to consider that garlic therapy is only an addition to the main course. You should not rely only on it, even with all its positive properties. It must also be remembered that the chronic formdisease is incurable. At the same time, with systematic prevention and a he althy lifestyle, remission will last up to two to four years. After this period, the course of therapy is repeated. Acute prostatitis is usually cured in one to three months.

Garlic is recommended for all forms of prostate inflammation. But we must not forget that before using garlic therapy, you will need to consult a doctor. He must be aware of the patient's intentions, because his assistance and advice will make the therapy even more effective.
Features of treatment
It is best to use folk recipes in getting rid of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, strictly following the recipes. At the same time, many people are helped simply by eating two cloves of garlic a day. But without knowing the subtleties, such a person will provoke the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
Therefore, you need to remember that garlic retains its beneficial properties even when used as a component of dishes. To get rid of prostatitis using garlic, you will need a lot of patience. After all, such therapy can last for several months.
Doctor's advice
We must not forget that the use of garlic is unlikely to make sense if a person leads an unhe althy lifestyle throughout the course of treatment. The healing effect of garlic in this case is not enough to cope with negative phenomena. It is necessary to follow a diet, give up bad habits.