In this article I would like to consider an important topic that worries all young parents. "When does a boy's head open?" - this is perhaps the most common question to which pediatricians around the world do not have a clear answer. Let's try to decide when it is still worth the parents to panic, or you can still give nature the opportunity to do its job, like all previous generations.
In 100% of newborns, the outer weed is tightly attached to the head of the penis. There is a popular opinion that almost immediately after birth, the head of the penis should be slightly opened. But, as common sense dictates, this should not be done. All doctors have one common opinion that it is worth opening the foreskin no earlier than 6-8 months. You need to be extremely careful not to damage all the delicate and delicate tissues of this area.

It is clear that the Indians and Jews do not have such a problem - as you know, these peoples have a rite of circumcision of the foreskin. But what about the majority of the European population, how do you know when the head opens in boys? Is it worth waiting 6-7, and in some cases - 10-12 years, howsays most surgeons and pediatricians?
The expectation theory is based on the activation of sex hormones at a certain age, when periodic nocturnal erections occur. At this time, the tissues of the foreskin become elastic, the penis begins to grow and the head opens completely by the time of puberty.

But there is no certainty that inaction will not lead to surgery. When the head of the boys opens without much effort, this is good, but is it worth waiting until the narrowing of the foreskin, phimosis occurs? This condition is either congenital or acquired. In the case of acquired phimosis, there is chronic inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin (anterior skin) or adhesions between the foreskin and the glans penis. There is also congenital phimosis, which is caused by a thickening of the penis.
In this regard, the foreskin will not be able to open itself, which will require surgical intervention. There are also reverse cases when parents, overly worried about the he alth of the child, take him to a surgeon, pediatrician, urologist, and doctors, in turn, prescribe manipulation in the form of incisions in the foreskin (at best) or surgery (at worst). Such a simple manipulation is painful, and it will be done with a baby who is not yet a year old - it is clear that the child will survive terrible pain and at least lose his voice.

There is another question: "Is it necessary?" After all, there is no single answer, and the opinions of most pediatricians can becriticize, since many doctors do not carry out a full examination of a small patient. It is easier and more profitable for them to operate than to collect many analyzes and study each case individually.
The question of when the head opens in boys remains open. Responsibility for the he alth of babies, in any case, lies with the parents, and only then - on the conscience of doctors. So here are some tips:
- first of all - to determine what benefit or harm you will do to the baby with your actions;
- consult not with one doctor, but with several specialists with a proven track record;
- do not jump to conclusions;
- the most important thing is to feel when the baby needs outside help.