Reducing the labia - a necessity or a whim?

Reducing the labia - a necessity or a whim?
Reducing the labia - a necessity or a whim?

Labioplasty, or, as it is also called, plastic surgery of the genital organs, is one of the most common and popular aesthetic surgical procedures that is performed to modify the female genital organs.

Reduction of the labia
Reduction of the labia

It implies not only a size correction (reduction or increase), but also a change in color and shape.

Reduction of the labia minora is performed if a woman has some complaints about their excessively large size or is not satisfied with the shape. The labia may lose their original shape during childbirth, increase with age, or be initially large in size from birth. Reducing the labia or changing their shape has not only an aesthetic, but sometimes a psychological effect. Often a woman who feels uncomfortable about their size cannot feel free and relaxed when having sex.

Reduction of the labia minora
Reduction of the labia minora

Increasing the size of the labia is used in situations where there is a congenital underdevelopment that interferes with the performance of a number of physiological functions.

Labioplasty is less traumatic and minimally invasivean operation that is most often performed under local anesthesia or, if desired, under general anesthesia. The duration of the entire procedure is no more than one day, and after a few hours after the surgery, the patient can go home. During the first ten days, there may be some discomfort and some pain in the area of intervention.

Reducing the labia is diagnosed if their size exceeds four centimeters. Often such asymmetry is noticeable upon examination - the labia is noticeably thickened or elongated in some areas or along the entire length.

Plasty of the labia makes it possible to reduce an excessively large size and eliminate other defects, while giving a more aesthetic appearance to this organ. Reduction of the labia is performed by excising excess tissue. Removal occurs both in a V-shape and linearly, it depends on the individual. The discharge is made after the woman has recovered from anesthesia, and her he alth is assessed as satisfactory.

Genital plasty
Genital plasty

Change in the size of the labia majora is shown with their serious asymmetry. Such a deformation gives a woman a lot of inconvenience, not only sexually, but also in everyday life. Women suffering from this disease cannot engage in certain sports and wear beautiful erotic lingerie. Reducing the labia in this case is the only solution to the problem.

Augmentation of the labia is applicable in cases of congenital underdevelopment of these organs. Suchan anomaly can cause a violation of the temperature regime of internal organs and is fraught with infection.

Labia reduction enables many women to regain their lost confidence in themselves and their sexuality.

A few weeks after surgery, you can return to an active sex life without any fear.
