Periodontosis in children is a dental disease that occurs against the background of a critical lack of nutrients necessary for the formation of periodontal tissues. The development of the disease at advanced stages is accompanied by the appearance of dystrophic changes in the structure of the periodontium, gums and jaw bones. Parodontosis in a child is observed quite rarely. Most often, pathological changes affect the body of adults. However, without timely treatment in the long term, the disease can cause progressive destruction of gum tissue and tooth loss. Let's look at the symptoms and treatment of periodontal disease in children.
About the causes of the development of the disease

In children, periodontal disease (photos of manifestations can be viewed on special resources) can be formed under the influence of the following adverse factors:
- Refusing timely treatment of oral diseases (periodontitis, gingivitis).
- Poor oral care, irregular brushing of teeth.
- Ignoring the need for periodic dentalstone.
- Hereditary predisposition of the baby to the resolution of periodontal tissues.
- Endocrine disruption.
- Presence of systemic pathologies (HIV infection, vascular dystonia, diabetes mellitus).
- Inhibition of the protective functions of the body.
- Various beriberi, deficiency of trace elements essential for the body.
- An unbalanced diet that leads to a lack of calcium in the body.
Characteristic symptoms

The primary symptom of periodontal disease in children is an increase in the sensitivity of teeth to various stimuli, in particular, cold and hot food. Parents often do not pay due attention to this complaint from the side of the baby. Since the sign of the development of pathology is able to disappear for a long time and re-assert itself in the long term.
In the future, the child is brought to experience physical and aesthetic discomfort due to the exposure of the neck of the teeth near the root. Troubles accompany the formation of a sensation of persistent itching in the area of adjacent gums. Local fabrics change color from hot pink to pale. Due to the destruction of periodontal tissues, tooth enamel becomes darker, experiencing a deficiency of nutrients. A characteristic sign of periodontal disease in a child is the appearance of a persistent putrefactive odor from the oral cavity.
Stages of disease
Dentists distinguish several stages of periodontal disease formation:
- Mild - proceeds without severe symptoms. The child practically does not feel discomfort. Occasionally, the baby may complain of a slight tingling sensation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe roots of the teeth.
- Medium - periodontal disease in a child begins to gradually declare itself in full force. Increasing incidence of bleeding gums. Trouble occurs not only during the care of the oral cavity, but also during the meal. An abundance of food begins to get stuck between the teeth, causing an unpleasant odor.
- Heavy - decay of tissues near the tooth roots becomes noticeable to the naked eye. The gums are periodically covered with ulcerative formations. Teeth loosen from the slightest physical impact. Degenerative changes in the structure of local tissues progress rapidly.

It is not difficult for a dentist to determine the characteristic signs of the formation of periodontal disease. Typical manifestations of the disease are clearly visible during a visual examination of the state of the oral cavity. In order to confirm a disappointing diagnosis, doctors often prescribe an X-ray, which allows you to notice the depletion of bone tissue in the picture.
A blood test plays an important role in making a correct conclusion. The results of a clinical study make it possible to determine the presence of pathologies of internal organs that can affect the formation of periodontal disease. Additionally, a diagnostician can give a referral to a child to visit a general practitioner, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist.
Drug therapy
Elimination of the consequences of developmentperiodontal disease in a child 1.5 years old and older is a troublesome task. Achieving positive change requires the use of integrated solutions. To stop the progress of the disease, doctors prescribe pharmacological agents that not only stop unpleasant symptoms, but also eliminate the root cause of the disease.
Drug treatment of periodontal disease in children in the early stages involves the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics along with anti-inflammatory drugs. The solution makes it possible to relieve swelling of the gums and suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria that multiply massively in the structure of damaged tissues. Before prescribing antibiotics, the doctor must perform studies that allow you to assess the degree of resistance of bacteria parasitizing in the oral cavity to the effects of the active components of the drug.
If the disease is in an advanced stage, the attending physician may additionally prescribe medications that have a strengthening effect on the immune system. This treatment strategy is due to the fact that the progressive destruction of periodontal tissues is observed against the background of a significant decrease in the protective functions of the body.
Gum massage

One of the methods of treating periodontal disease in a child 4 years and older is the performance of therapeutic massage. The solution contributes to the normalization of blood flow in the problem area. The result of such effects is accelerated delivery of oxygen to damaged tissues, saturation of local structures with an abundance ofnutrients.
The first sessions of gum massage are performed by a doctor in a clinical setting. Parents need to carefully monitor the actions of the dentist in order to subsequently repeat the operation on their own. The decisive attention here is paid to gentle pressure on the gums, which avoids unwanted tissue injury and aggravation of the situation.
Laser treatment

An effective modern method of treating periodontal disease is the use of a laser. The method opens up the possibility of performing first-class cleaning of damaged tissues. During the treatment of the child, it is not possible to resort to anesthesia, since the therapy is absolutely painless.
The essence of laser therapy is the polishing of tissues prone to the development of destructive processes. Thanks to the solution, the concentration of pathogenic bacteria in the problem area is significantly reduced. Already following the results of several procedures, the child relieves of the expressed discomfort, which caused discomfort during the formation of the pathology. Complete recovery is noted after several courses of therapy. The obvious advantage of the method, along with the absence of pain, is the possibility of taking measures when the child's body is prone to developing allergic reactions.
When treating periodontal disease, the doctor treats the damaged areas of tissue with a photosensitizing gel. Subsequent exposure to the laser activates the saturation of local structures with oxygen. The result is the death of a significant masspathogenic bacteria.
Probable Complications
The most dangerous consequence of the development of periodontal disease in a child looks like progressive loosening of teeth with subsequent loss. Ignoring the characteristic symptoms of the disease, the lack of timely diagnosis and high-quality treatment leads to thinning of the jaw bones. As a result, the likelihood of the formation of pathological necrosis increases. The course of the disease in an advanced stage forces one to resort to complex, expensive and lengthy therapy.
Often in the later stages, the only solution to troubleshoot is surgery. It is advisable to use surgical techniques when the formation of critical layers of tartar is noted. If hard pathological structures cannot be removed by laser and mechanical cleaning, the gum is surgically incised, followed by removal of tartar accumulations with special instruments.
Healing pastes

In order to treat periodontal disease in children, dentists prescribe the use of special pastes made on the basis of safe natural ingredients. Among the most effective products in this category, it is worth noting the products of the following brands:
- "Chamomile" - contains a whole mass of biologically active substances that inhibit the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. The components of the toothpaste are tinctures of pharmacy chamomile and St. John's wort. These ingredients are produced on the tissue of the oral cavityanti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.
- "Forest balm" - the product consists of several dozen herbal ingredients. Regular use of the paste helps to stop bleeding gums, regenerate local tissues, and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Doctors advise using the product during therapeutic massage.

To avoid the appearance of periodontal disease in a baby, the formation of a habit of regular hygienic care of the oral cavity allows. From the age of two, the child must be periodically shown to the dentist. Such actions make it possible to identify signs of the disease in advance and minimize the likelihood of developing a serious pathology.
A he althy diet plays an important role. The child should be limited in the use of all kinds of sweets. Parents should daily offer their baby fresh fruits and vegetables, other dishes that are a source of essential vitamins and minerals for the body.