How useful can a mushroom be? As a rule, people eat them without even suspecting how many different trace elements they contain. We will talk about this in our article.
What medicinal mushrooms
They contain a large amount of protein and fiber, vitamin C, calcium. More than 70 years ago, the first antibiotic penicillin was obtained from a mold fungus. Thanks to his discovery, a considerable number of lives were saved. Many representatives of wildlife are used in the fight against cancer.

Medicinal mushrooms have been used in folk medicine for hundreds of years. They have not only an antibacterial effect, but also many other useful properties.
They are studied by a separate science - mycology. But for the treatment of mushrooms there is a separate name - fungotherapy.
There are three most medicinal types of medicinal mushrooms: maitake, reishi and shiitake.
What are their useful properties
As mentioned, they all contain a considerable amount of trace elements,necessary for the human body. So, in mushrooms, medicinal properties boil down to the following:
- increase heart he alth;
- help boost immunity;
- reduce inflammation;
- reduce the risk of tumor formation;
- kill bacteria and fungi;
- fight allergic reactions;
- balance blood sugar levels.
"Medicinal Mushrooms": Isaev Yury Viktorovich as the founder of the project
A lot can be said about this man. It was he who began to study the methods of treating tumors using extracts of this kingdom. Founded "Medicinal mushrooms" Isaev Yuri Viktorovich in 2003. In the same year, the company of this great scientist signed a contract that provided for the production of drugs from them to fight cancer.
The contract was concluded with a Chinese company that cooperates favorably with many medical clinics in the People's Republic of China, USA, Vietnam.
In addition, 6 years after the founding of "Medicinal Mushrooms" Yury Viktorovich Isaev were admitted to the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association. Its composition is represented by medical institutions of the oncological profile of this country.
Thanks to the fact that this particular scientist founded such a company to study the properties of medicinal mushrooms in the fight against tumors and successfully cooperates with China, we can talk about advanced technologies in the treatment of tumors in our country.
Yuri Viktorovich's company receives extracts of medicinal anti-cancer mushrooms. She also has access to scientificdatabases that are only available to the Chinese Association. The possibility of consulting with oncologists who treat cancer with medicinal mushrooms is also one of the advantages of this company.
Perhaps in the future, thanks to this company, people will overcome this terrible disease and will treat it no more seriously than a common cold.
A little about the beneficial properties of porcini mushroom
It contains substances that have a tonic antitumor effect. White fungus is edible and quite tasty. Its nutritional value comes from its ability to stimulate digestive juices.
Usually in folk medicine, mushroom extract is used to treat frostbite.
Most people, when collecting it, probably did not think about the fact that it contains useful trace elements. It turns out that eating a portion of medicinal mushrooms at dinner, you help the body get enough of substances that do not allow cancer cells to develop.
What is the use of gouty morel
Medicinal mushroom Veselka is another name for it. It is also used in the fight against metastases and recurrences of cancer. It is usually used for oncology of female organs and during the course of chemotherapy. Veselka perfectly strengthens the immune system.
Earlier, alcohol tinctures were made from medicinal mushrooms. They were taken for stomach ulcers and gastritis. In addition, with the help of this mixture, people washed their wounds. Kidney disease and gout could also be cured with an infusion of dried morels.
When sexual weaknessthis mushroom will also help. A number of compounds that are present in its composition, entering the body of a man, are transformed and perform the function of their organs. Unlike drugs for impotence, the components of the fungus increase the human immune system, produce vitamin D and, accordingly, fight cancer.
In folk medicine, Veselka is used for problems with the heart and blood vessels, myoma, hemorrhoids, psoriasis, eczema. This medicinal mushroom also has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and anti-stress actions.
Oyster mushroom as a delicacy of Japanese cuisine
Yes, this medicinal mushroom is widely used by the peoples of Asia. It has a low calorie content and is therefore considered a dietary product. It also contains the very useful substances that are so necessary for the human body.

About 70% of the mushroom are polyunsaturated fatty acids. This main component can lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
Like the rest of this kingdom, oyster mushroom has anti-cancer and immunomodulatory effects. It has also been compared to meat and fruits due to its water soluble vitamin content. These medicinal mushrooms contain ascorbic acid, B vitamins, vitamin PP and E.
Oyster mushroom can be used in the treatment of numbness of the limbs and blood vessels.
Raincoat as a hemostatic agent
These medicinal mushrooms have a strong wound healingEffect. They are also good at stopping bleeding. To do this, cut the mushroom in half and attach to the wound. There is no suppuration after the procedure, and everything heals quickly. Raincoat spores have the same effect. When stored, their medicinal properties remain.

In the USA, this mushroom is used to treat hives and smallpox, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx - laryngitis.
Chanterelle ordinary - salvation from inflammation of the eyes: myth or reality
This mushroom, due to its content of chitinmannose, helps to easily get rid of helminthic invasions.
It is also true that eating chanterelles improves vision and relieves eye inflammation. In addition, they prevent night blindness.
Medicinal mushrooms contain about eight amino acids, so necessary for the human body, vitamins A and PP, copper and zinc.

The ergosterol contained in them has an effective effect on liver enzymes. With hepatitis and fatty degeneration, chanterelles are very useful.
Eating these medicinal mushrooms will reduce the incidence of acute respiratory and infectious diseases.
Is fly agaric poisonous
Yes, this mushroom is very dangerous and should not be eaten. His body contains toxic compounds, some of which have a hallucinogenic effect. Because of this property, fly agaric was previously used in religious ceremonies.

Traditional medicine uses it as a remedy for lichen and epilepsy.
It is believed that fly agaric also has anti-cancer properties. But, unfortunately, today there are no proven or disproved facts.
Conditionally edible autumn fungus mushroom
This is because it can cause indigestion if undercooked. Honey agaric has a lot of useful properties:
- increases blood flow to the heart and brain without increasing blood pressure;
- reduces heart rate;
- allows to reduce the symptoms of neurasthenia and renal hypertension;
- relieves inflammation of the eyes and improves vision, allows you to get rid of night blindness.
An interesting fact is that eating about one hundred grams of mushrooms satisfies the daily requirement of the human body for copper and zinc.
Types of tinder fungus and their benefits
A mushroom that grows on a birch helps stop the development of tumors. In addition, it also has an antibacterial property.
With rheumatism and gout, cinnabar red tinder will help. It has hemostatic and anti-inflammatory actions. It has a detrimental effect on the fungus. In addition, it is used to combat sarcoma. The use of infusions from medicinal plants, tinder fungi will remove toxic substances and poisons.

Medicines based on another species,varnished, eliminate coronary heart disease and allow you to enrich the blood with oxygen, normalize cardiac activity. The biologically active components isolated from the tinder fungus have antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, anticancer effects. These substances are able to regulate the cardiovascular and nervous system. Previously, tinder fungus was used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, gastritis and liver diseases. The effectiveness of this fungus has been proven in hypertension and arthritis, hepatitis and diabetes, myotonic dystrophy.
The bordered tinder fungus is used in medicine as a raw material for preparations in homeopathy. A tonic is made from it, which helps to reduce inflammation of the digestive tract. The mushroom is used in the same way as a hemostatic agent.
The flat appearance of the tinder fungus has an immunostimulatory property. An aqueous infusion of these mushrooms is used in the treatment of cancer of the esophagus and to reduce sputum. The tinder preparation has an antipyretic and analgesic effect.
In the fight against herpes viruses, a multi-colored tinder fungus will have a good effect. In the rehabilitation of cancer, during the period of radiation therapy, it is used. The fungus has hormone-stimulating properties. In addition, it contributes to the restoration and regulation of the liver, prevents the formation of gallstone disease.
In the complex treatment of alcoholism and hepatitis, mushrooms and medicinal herbs, as well as medicines are used.
Chaga or beveled tinder fungus is used in the field of medicine among different peoples. He possessesimmunomodulatory properties. This medicinal mushroom is used in the fight against lung and breast cancer. Chaga has anti-cancer activity. This mushroom has almost no contraindications, and its toxicity is very low.
Some information about the black fungus
Another name for it is shiitake. It is used in Chinese and Japanese cuisine. It is also used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, liver, and exhaustion.
The fungus helps to inhibit the development of cancerous tumors. It has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. People used to believe that shiitake prevented premature aging.
Books about mushrooms
There is a lot of useful literature about these representatives of the kingdom. You should familiarize yourself with them primarily because there are no side effects from them, unlike drugs. The encyclopedia of medicinal mushrooms will allow you to learn about all their constituent components, where and how they are used. Of course, thanks to the book, you can find out whether it is edible or inedible.

In addition, not all types of medicinal mushrooms are described in the article. For example, the encyclopedia of Mikhail Vishnevsky describes more than 230 species used in traditional and folk medicine. For each of them, the places of distribution, chemical composition, collection rules, preparations, forms and methods of use for medicinal purposes are given. Also, here you can find some interesting information about mushrooms.
Books about representatives of the kingdom of wildlife will become for manreliable tool for solving he alth problems.