Few people know how many of our ailments are associated with vascular problems. We are constantly in a hurry somewhere and try to do a hundred things at the same time, and therefore we cannot always understand what exactly the body is signaling. But almost every city dweller between the ages of twenty-five and fifty regularly suffers from headaches, dizziness, numbness of the limbs, cold hands syndrome and other similar diseases. And all of them are directly related to vascular problems.
Besides the fact that they cause a lot of inconvenience, each such disease is very dangerous and can lead to more serious problems in the body in the future. Therefore, doctors strongly advise, at the slightest suspicion of such problems, to contact specialists and take prescribed vasodilators. They will be discussed in our article. We will give them a general description, list the most common in Russian pharmacies and take a closer look at vasodilators for the brain and limbs.

What are dangerousvascular disease?
Vasodilator drugs have a very wide spectrum of action. They are prescribed, for example, for complaints of tinnitus or regular aching pains in the head. Also, the reasons for taking this medication may be disorders in the blood supply to the limbs, frequent spasms of blood vessels or osteochondrosis of the neck.
Vasodilator drugs for such problems are often prescribed along with other drugs designed to improve the general condition of the patient. But, unfortunately, many consider the diseases of this category not too serious and neglect not only the appeal to specialists, but also the already announced treatment. But are vascular problems really that dangerous? Should You Be Worried If You Have Headaches? And is it necessary to take vasodilators for the brain and other organs as a preventive measure? Let's look for answers to these questions together.
It's no secret that our entire body is riddled with millions of blood vessels of various sizes and thicknesses. They provide uninterrupted supply of all human organs and tissues with oxygen, and any problems with this process instantly reduce the quality of life. After all, pain and discomfort are just symptoms of the disease. They can be considered as the tip of the iceberg, but in fact the problem lies in the fact that the vessels that cannot provide the body with the usual blood flow due to spasms that lead to their narrowing experience increased pressure on their walls. At some point, they may not withstand, which will lead to their rupture. In medicine, this situation is called a stroke. And about himdanger is known to almost every average Russian.
In addition to the problem already described, the refusal of timely treatment with vasodilators (including for the vessels of the head and neck) causes regular oxygen starvation of certain organs and tissues. Most often, our brain experiences a lack of oxygen, signaling the situation with pain, dizziness and ringing in the ears. Nerve cells cannot get enough nutrition, and the network of capillaries becomes much smaller over time, because some vessels turn into very thin threads that cease to perform their main functions.
In order to provide ourselves with food, at first our body tries to independently redistribute blood flows so that all organs receive the necessary oxygen. If at this stage you do not start taking vasodilator drugs for the head, then the consequences of the disease may become irreversible. For example, they include the death of neurons, which eventually becomes the cause of dementia and other problems with brain activity.
Even a cursory glance at this situation is enough to understand that vasodilator drugs are a must. But you need to do this under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise you may make a mistake with the dosage or treatment regimen, thereby causing significant harm to yourself. In addition, before you start taking vasodilator drugs for blood vessels, it is necessary to conduct an examination and find out the cause of the disease. Fortunately, there are not so many of them.

Causes of vascular disease
Doctors distinguish several categories of diseases associated with blood vessels, but they name three problems as the main causes of their occurrence.
The first is atherosclerosis. If we describe this disease in simple terms, then we can say that the patient experiences unpleasant symptoms of oxygen starvation due to formations on the walls of blood vessels. They fall under the term "atherosclerotic plaques", which can clog blood flow and disrupt the supply of vital organs with oxygen. It is noteworthy that over time, the plaques increase in size and the lumen narrows even more. If you do not start taking vasodilator drugs in time (we will give a list of the most common ones a little later), then doctors predict a stroke with a 100% guarantee.
The second reason is spasms. The fact is that such spasms are short-term and long-term. The first category does not bring significant harm, but with frequent repetitions it can still cause rupture of blood vessels, which regularly experience increased stress. But prolonged spasms are very dangerous. In this case, the same arteries without interruption drive large volumes of blood through themselves under strong pressure through the vessels narrowed several times. It is impossible to cope with the disease without vasodilators.
The third reason is considered to be increased blood viscosity. With such problems, it is very difficult for the vascular system to cope with its functions, which affects the nutrition of the organs and tissues of the body. The moreThe doctor revealed the high viscosity during the examination, the more pressure it will pass through the vessels. In the process, they wear out quickly, and blood clots form on the walls. Such cases require the appointment of vasodilators for blood vessels, which strengthen the walls of the capillaries and in parallel improve the quality of the blood. After a few weeks of treatment, patients begin to notice improvements in their condition. The feeling of fatigue, tinnitus disappears, memory improves and efficiency increases.
If you do not belong to the category of people who are ready to take drugs in large quantities, but you have problems with blood vessels, then do not refuse the prescribed treatment. Keep in mind that almost any disease in this category can be cured at an early stage. For this, vasodilators are used for therapeutic, and later for prophylactic purposes. Otherwise, you risk not only worsening the quality of your life, but also parting with it.

Classification of drugs
Modern medicine operates with a fairly wide range of vasodilators. At the same time, they have a completely different mechanism of work and are based on different categories of active substances.
Pharmacists distinguish the following groups of vasodilators (for the brain and other organs):
1. Calcium channel blockers.
There are most of these drugs in pharmacies. Basically, drugs in this group are used for the vessels of the head.(vasodilator drugs of this series are very common), but in some cases they can also be prescribed to improve blood flow in the extremities. A distinctive feature of drugs is the fact that they act directly on the vessels and do not affect the tone of the veins at all.
Their main mechanism is the ability to expand the capillaries, in connection with this, the blood flow increases. In the process, the nutrition of brain cells and tissues of other organs of the body improves.
Manufacturers of these drugs are actively working to make their drugs safer and more effective, so today you can buy third-generation calcium channel blockers in pharmacies. Similar vasodilators are suitable for the limbs, brain and other organs. However, in the process of treatment, the likelihood of side effects is high, so you should not prescribe the medicine yourself.
In the list of brain vasodilators in this category, Cinnarizine is the most popular. It is the latest generation medicine and has a number of advantages over its predecessors. For example, these tablets, like others from the third generation, are characterized by a prolonged action, a rather selective effect on blood vessels and do not give a large number of side effects.
Despite this, calcium channel blockers are prescribed only after a comprehensive examination. Recommendations should be given not only by the local therapist, but also by a neurologist together with a cardiologist. In most cases, these tabletspatients take for life.
2. Extracts from plants.
It is known that in ancient times healers treated only with decoctions and ointments based on herbs. Plants can be very effective in the case of vascular diseases, so manufacturers began to make extracts from them and produce very effective vasodilators (for neck vessels, for example), which are used in the treatment of various problems. Patients appreciate these remedies, and doctors often prescribe them.
Usually, pharmacists produce medicines for blood vessels based on the pomace of two plants: periwinkle and ginkgo biloba. The first proved to be very effective in situations where it is urgent to remove the spasm of cerebral vessels. Periwinkle successfully improves metabolism in brain tissues, provides nutrition to all cells of the body and does not allow platelets to stick together. Manufacturers claim that drugs from this category have practically no contraindications and do not give side effects. They are encountered by a small percentage of patients. Among all the drugs in this series, doctors most often prescribe Cavinton and Vinpocetine. Many even use them without medical supervision, referring to the maximum safety of the pills.
Medicines based on ginkgo biloba are a godsend for those who cannot constantly consult a doctor, but have a diagnosis in the medical record, characterized by cerebrovascular accident. Let's say right away that vasodilators (with osteochondrosis they are often prescribed according to the standard scheme), the drugs have a compleximpact. They improve cell nutrition, increase blood flow, provide an anti-edematous effect, strengthen the veins, and so on. Manufacturers consider the fact that they can be bought without a prescription and not worry about harm to one's own he alth a significant advantage of their drugs. In our pharmacies, Russians most often purchase Gingoum, which has proven itself well. However, all pharmaceutical companies warn buyers against thoughtless use of the drug. The fact is that it is absolutely not combined with some other drugs. Therefore, patients should carefully study the instructions and follow them when drawing up a treatment regimen.
3. Based on nicotinic acid.
These drugs can hardly be classified as vasodilators. For the lower extremities, however, and for other problems with the blood supply, they are prescribed very often. Keep in mind that drugs in this category do not work on large vessels, but when taking tablets in small capillaries, an expanding effect is observed, which can be seen by a slight reddening of the skin. The main tasks of preparations based on nicotinic acid are the destruction of cholesterol and the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels.
Doctors usually prescribe such drugs as part of complex therapy. They are most effective when taking a course with short breaks.
Separately, I would like to mention medicines produced to strengthen blood vessels. Pharmacists often position them as a biological food supplement, as they contain largecontains vitamins and microelements. They accelerate the metabolism in cells, thereby making the vascular walls more dense and at the same time elastic. They are considered the most effective for neck vessels.
Vasodilator drugs are produced in large quantities. And in the following sections of the article, we will describe a few of the most common.

Vasodilator drugs list
For the brain, as you already understood, there are quite a lot of drugs of interest to us and the mechanism of their action is individual. However, physicians usually prescribe only a few vasodilating drugs to their patients. They have already been tested by time and have proven their continued effectiveness:
- Cinnarizine.
- "Amlodipine".
- Stugeron.
- Indapamide.
- "Drotaverine".
Below we will give a brief description of the mentioned drugs and mark their manufacturers.
"Cinnarizine": a drug for solving vascular problems

Of the vasodilator drugs available to doctors for the head, Cinnarizine is most often prescribed to patients. It is indicated for use by people who have problems with blood supply to the limbs, cerebral blood supply, and so on.
It is interesting that patients are often confused in the names of the drug. The fact is that, in addition to the main word denoting the active substance, there are others on the package that introduce buyers intodelusion. In fact, there is only one type of tablet on sale, but each pharmaceutical plant has patented its name in order to stand out from the competition. Initially, the drug was developed and first released for sale in Soviet times. During this period, it did not matter which plant produces tablets, but in the nineties the situation changed. In order to have the right to produce Cynarizine, they had to invent new names. Today, the presence of excipients in tablets of different plants of various compositions is allowed.
I would like to note that this vasodilator drug for cerebral vessels also has a pronounced antihistamine effect. In parallel, it reduces problems with the vestibular apparatus, which significantly expands the list of indications for use.
Description of "Amlodipine"
This drug belongs to the same pharmacological group as the previous one. But it is most often prescribed to "cores", that is, patients who have problems with the heart muscle. The main effects of "Amlodipine" include a decrease in blood pressure and a parallel decrease in the heart's need for oxygen. This reduces the risk of angina pectoris.
To date, pharmacists produce about twelve varieties of the drug. Between themselves, they differ only in abbreviations in the name. This allows factories to insist on the uniqueness of their product, although its production was started back in the Soviet Union. Experts say that the consumer does not know which drugis the best, and therefore buys the one that is available. However, in fact, different raw materials can be used to produce Amlodipine, and the technology itself can differ depending on the manufacturing plant.
In specialized sources it is noted that "Amlodipine Teva" is very popular. If you take a closer look at this drug, it turns out that it is produced by a Hungarian company. But the license is obtained from an Israeli corporation known for its medicinal products. This provides the tablets with a very high quality, which, unfortunately, the Russian manufacturer does not differ in. The active substance at the Teva factories undergoes multi-stage purification, which allows patients to get a more pronounced effect during the treatment process. In parallel, the likelihood of adverse reactions is reduced. As a result, a high-quality, effective and expensive drug enters the Russian market.
Brief description of "Stugeron"

Many believe that Stugeron is the same Cinnarizine, focusing on the active substance of the drugs. However, there are many differences between them. And first of all, they are indications for use.
This brain vasodilator has been shown to be effective in peripheral circulatory disorders such as diabetes or stroke. Often he is discharged for a speedy recovery from traumatic brain injuries.
This drug can be used for a very long time, but induring this period, it is important to monitor your condition, since the pills can cause a lot of side effects. Despite this, the medicine is indicated for children from six years of age. However, it can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Experts strongly warn against self-administration of tablets and especially Stugeron capsules. They have a higher concentration of the active substance and a prolonged exposure period.
"Indapamide": we consider the drug in more detail
This drug differs significantly from the previous ones in its mechanism of action. It has a diuretic effect, so it effectively reduces blood pressure and reduces the contraction of the muscles of the arteries, which causes vasodilation throughout the body. The drug is prescribed mainly for those who suffer from heart failure and have problems with high blood pressure.
Pharmaceutical companies produce at least twelve types of Indapamide. Russian doctors claim that the highest quality of them are Indapamid Teva and Indapamid Sandoz. Factories purchase raw materials for the production of tablets and capsules only from trusted suppliers. Among them, Italian laboratories stand out, which are widely known for their responsible approach to the purity of raw materials.
Often the drug is prescribed in parallel with other drugs. It works well with many blood pressure medications.
A long-familiar drug: "Drotaverine"
Most Russians consider this drug to be a pain reliever. And people are right, but in fact the mentioned effect is achieved by neutralizing the musclespasm and vasodilation to increase blood flow. Due to this, "Drotaverin" has a wide range of applications. It primarily relieves pain in gastric problems, women's diseases and diseases of the urinary tract.

In pharmacies you can buy a drug of eight varieties, which, however, differ little from each other. In order to stand out, the manufacturer usually introduces the designation of his company into the name. Thus, the buyer immediately receives information about whose product he is purchasing. To be objective, we note that Drotaverin, released by different corporations, does not have significant differences.
We hope that the reader now has an understanding of the dangers of vascular problems and the importance of timely intake of vasodilator drugs.