As you know, the skeleton is a support for the whole organism. Without the skeletal system, we could not only perform various movements, but even stand. Therefore, the supporting function of the skeleton is one of the most important abilities necessary for life.
Unfortunately, bone disease is quite common. Most often they are associated with pathologies of the joints. In most cases, problems with the musculoskeletal system begin to appear in old age. Especially often they develop in women who are in the menopausal period. Nevertheless, bone pathologies occur in people of all ages. Children and newborns are no exception.

Pathologies of the skeletal system: description
Diseases of the bones and joints are characterized by disorders of the musculoskeletal function, which are reflected by symptoms such as a change in gait, the inability to bend or turn, deformity of the limb or spine. Pathologies can be both congenital (genetically incorporated) and acquired during life. Diseases are divided into localized (coverone or more bones) and widespread, which affect the entire musculoskeletal system. Pathologies can be inflammatory, genetic (congenital anomalies), tumor in nature. Also, lesions of the musculoskeletal system include fractures, dislocations of the joints, deformities and contractures in systemic pathologies of the body. Human bone diseases have the same prevalence throughout the world. They are more common among the female population. Nevertheless, the percentage of men with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is also high.

Bone and joint disease: varieties
The etiology of osteoarticular pathologies is different. It depends on what type of disease occurs in a particular case. Based on this, pathologies are divided into the following groups:
- Dystrophic lesions. These include rickets in childhood and osteoporosis, which occurs in adults. Occur due to insufficiency of trace elements (calcium, phosphorus). The lack of these substances can occur with improper nutrition, as well as due to disruption of the thyroid gland, ovaries.
- Inflammatory pathologies - osteomyelitis. This disease develops as a result of the introduction of microbial agents into the bone tissue. In this case, its destruction occurs - necrosis.
- Traumatic lesions of the musculoskeletal system. These include fractures and broken bones. Also included in this group are injuries of the joints and ligaments (dislocation, sprain). Causes of traumatic bone diseasesnature are impacts, compression and other mechanical factors.
- Degenerative (dysplastic) pathologies. These include osteoarthritis, Bechterew's disease. The etiology of these pathologies is not exactly known. It is believed that they may be hereditary (genetic) in nature, and also belong to autoimmune lesions of bone tissue.
- Tumor lesions of the musculoskeletal system.
- Rare genetic syndromes. These include Paget's disease, osteogenesis imperfecta, etc.
Causes for the development of bone pathologies

Despite the fact that all bone diseases have a different etiology, there are factors that provoke any of these pathologies. These include the following impacts:
- Wrong diet. Insufficient intake of foods rich in calcium leads to a decrease in bone density. As a result, adults develop osteoporosis.
- Lack of sunlight. This cause leads to a disease such as rickets. This pathology is common in young children.
- Hormonal imbalance. This is especially true for the thyroid gland. This organ is responsible for maintaining the balance between calcium and phosphorus necessary for the skeletal system. Also, disruption of the parathyroid glands and ovaries can lead to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
- Excessive stress on the skeleton. This reason means the constant wearing of weights, prolonged physical activity, obesity.
- Chronic foci of infection. It is worth remembering that a bacterial or viral infection of any organ can lead to the penetration of microbes into the skeletal system.
- Systemic pathologies.
- Genetic predisposition to diseases of bones and joints. For example, osteoarthritis or gout in parents.
Clinical picture in bone pathologies
Symptoms of bone disease depend on the pathology itself, as well as on its severity. Nevertheless, the clinical picture of diseases of the musculoskeletal system has some common characteristics. These include discomfort during movement, deformation of the bone or joint, swelling and soreness at the site of the lesion. These signs are characteristic of almost all pathologies. Inflammatory bone diseases, in addition to the listed symptoms, are manifested by fever, general weakness, loss of appetite.
A pathology such as osteoporosis may not have any clinical picture. It is usually possible to suspect the disease due to the frequent traumatization of the patient, leading to bone fractures.
Other dystrophic pathology is osteomalacia. In adults, it can be considered an independent disease, in children - a manifestation of rickets. The main symptom of osteomalacia is pain at the site of softening of the bone, discomfort when walking.
Clinical manifestations of cancer of the musculoskeletal system depend on the stage of the process. Typically, the tumor is characterized by the appearance of an area of compaction (elevation) along the bone, which tends toto growth. In severe stages, there is an increase in lymph nodes, subfebrile temperature, weakness.

Diagnosis of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system
To find out what bone diseases can be observed in a patient, it is necessary to conduct an examination not only of the musculoskeletal system, but of the whole organism as a whole. The main reason for going to the clinic are complaints of pain, limitation of movement, deformity. The specialist should find out the following factors: whether there was an injury or excessive physical exertion. This is followed by an examination of the musculoskeletal system. The doctor asks the patient to make various movements and evaluates their performance. Among laboratory data, such indicators as leukocytes and ESR, uric acid, calcium and phosphorus are important. Also, if the patient complains of soreness or stiffness of the joints, it is necessary to conduct an analysis to identify the rheumatoid factor. In addition, a bone x-ray is performed. If necessary, computed tomography is performed.

Differential Diagnosis of Bone Diseases
In order to distinguish one bone disease from another, you need to carefully examine the patient. When an injury occurs, x-rays are taken immediately, and the diagnosis is not difficult. The inflammatory process can be suspected due to examination of the limb (the presence of a wound with purulent contents, hyperemia and edema), an increase in body temperature, and laboratory data (leukocytosis, accelerated ESR). Dystrophic changes in the bones are diagnosed using x-rays. If a tumor or cyst is suspected, computed tomography is performed. Pathologies such as osteoarthritis or ankylosing spondylitis are detected (to a greater extent) due to the clinical picture. They are distinguished by a pronounced deformation of the musculoskeletal system and a change in gait.

Bone diseases: treatment of pathologies
Even with slight pain or limited movement, you should consult a doctor. When you get an injury, it is important to take an x-ray and apply a plaster cast in time, as the bone may not heal properly, after which longer treatment will be required. You should also seek medical attention if ulcers appear. This is especially true for patients suffering from diabetes and varicose veins. Despite the fact that these pathologies are not associated with the musculoskeletal system, trophic ulcers can lead to the development of osteomyelitis. In case of curvature of the spine, flat feet and impaired gait, you need to contact an orthopedist. The traumatologist is responsible for fractures and dislocations of the joints. A rheumatologist specializes in the inflammatory response resulting from an autoimmune process.

Diet therapy for bone pathologies
Any bone disease is an indication for dieting. Proper nutrition will help not only strengthen the bones, but also avoid the further development of pathology. Most of all it concerns traumatic and dystrophic diseases. To ensure the proper level of calcium in the body, it is necessary to consume dairy products. The highest content of this element is observed in hard varieties of cheese, cottage cheese, kefir. Also sources of calcium are liver, cabbage and nuts. Sugar, grapes, beans and alcoholic beverages are not recommended.
Medical and surgical treatment
In inflammatory diseases of bones and joints, drugs of the NSAID group are used. These include medicines "Diclofenac", "Artoxan", "Aertal". Painkillers are also recommended. For example, the drug "Ketonal". This medication is also necessary for traumatic bone lesions. Women during menopause often develop osteoporosis. To reduce bone fragility, the use of estrogen-containing drugs is recommended. With severe deformation of the musculoskeletal system, surgical intervention is performed. Also, surgical treatment is indicated in case of detection of a tumor and the development of osteomyelitis.
Prevention of bone pathologies
To avoid the appearance or development of bone pathologies, it is necessary to follow a diet, get rid of excess weight. It is also recommended to perform a set of physical exercises, but the main thing here is not to overdo it. Prevention of inflammatory processes is the sanitation of foci of infection and antibiotic therapy during exacerbation of chronic diseases (sinusitis, tonsillitis).