Sores on the legs may be the result of a congenital or acquired disease. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon, which is quite difficult to deal with. For example, according to official statistics, at least 2 million people suffer from trophic ulcers. The cause can be either a weakened immune system or a complication caused by diabetes.
On the general symptoms of a trophic ulcer
Sores on the legs, which are a trophic ulcer, are quite difficult to recognize at an early stage. For example, if a person spends all day on his feet, then he takes the fatigue of the lower extremities and pulling pain as the norm. Noticed redness, a small area of white skin or swelling - for an insect bite or an allergy. At the same time, the main part of the population begins to think: how to smear the sores on the legs in order to eliminate the aesthetic defect? Zelenka, alcohol, ointment and much more are used, which only aggravates the disease.

As soon as the process starteddevelopment of a trophic ulcer, you urgently need to go to an appointment with a phlebologist. These are the following symptoms:
- heaviness and buzzing in the legs;
- weakness growing in the evening;
- unpleasant itching, causing a slight inflammation of the skin;
- swelling that occurs after prolonged sitting, drinking copious amounts of liquid or long walks;
- calf cramps that occur at the moment when complete relaxation occurs (deep night or morning).
Sores on the legs with diabetes
Patients with diabetes eventually begin to notice sores on their legs - the skin is rough and noticeably peels off. The hair becomes dull, the palms and soles are covered with cracks and calluses, and the skin becomes yellowish. Nails can also become deformed and thickened.
Many types of sores on the legs, as well as dermatological disorders, indicate the presence of diabetes even before the doctor makes a diagnosis.

Skin damage can be avoided through strict adherence to the rules of hygienic care. The use of conventional cosmetics should be kept to a minimum, as, for example, exposure to toilet soap can lead to a decrease in the acidity of the skin and its ability to resist microbes. For washing hands and feet, as well as for washing, it is necessary to use a pH-neutral soap. You can use cosmetic milk or water lotion to cleanse your face.
Types of ulcers
From leg ulcersmany people are suffering. This disease looks like a deep defect in the skin or basement membrane and inevitably causes inflammation. The cause of an ulcer is a malnutrition of the cells, which in turn impairs the ability to recover.
Ulcers happen:
- arterial;
- venous;
- pyogenic;
- diabetic;
- neurotrophic.
An open sore on the leg does not heal for a long period of time (2 months or more).
Main causes of leg ulcers
Arterial insufficiency, diabetes and other factors can cause ulcers.
As for the diseases of venous insufficiency, the appearance of ulcers can be caused by varicose veins, thrombosis, incompetence of perforating veins. These diseases lead to stagnation of blood in the veins, malnutrition of tissues and their destruction.

Arterial insufficiency can lead to ulceration due to thromboangiitis obliterans and Mönckeberg's arteriosclerosis. In addition, the cause of the development of trophic ulcers may be hidden:
1. In various infections:
- fungal (coccidioidomycosis, sporotrichosis, etc.);
- bacterial (ecthyma, boils, etc.);
- protozoan (leishmaniasis).
2. In metabolic disorders:
- Gaucher disease;
- skin calcification;
- gout;
- diabetes;
- bullous pemphigoid, etc.
Leukemia, sarcoma, melanoma, metastases and anyanother malignancy can cause an ulcer.
Sores on the feet can also be the result of common calluses, burns, insect bites, frostbite, radiation dermatitis and other factors.
How to recognize an ulcer on the leg?
The process of an ulcer is difficult to miss, as the symptoms are quite obvious. It all starts with a burning sensation, itching and redness, as well as a slight roughness to the touch.
Are there spots on your legs? There is no need to wait for skin peeling and the appearance of long-term non-healing wounds, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, because if the disease is left unattended and started, it can “hook” the muscles and even the periosteum.

Prevention of trophic ulcers
A person suffering from varicose veins or another condition that increases the likelihood of leg ulcers should adhere to the following guidelines:
- wearing compression stockings and elastic bandage;
- minimizing prolonged exercise and physical inactivity;
- avoid overheating and hypothermia.
Venous leg ulcers
The following symptoms indicate that the leg was struck by a venous ulcer:
- puffiness;
- dryness, itching, thickening, and sometimes a brownish color (if there is severe swelling, the skin looks stretched and shiny);
- with the development of varicose eczema, scalyness and small cracks are observed;
- inflammation of the ulcer may be accompanied byfoul odor and discharge of a pale yellowish-greenish liquid.
A venous ulcer is usually located on the inside of the leg just above the ankle.

Factors causing venous ulcer
A venous ulcer can be aggravated or provoked by the following:
- healed ulcer that damaged the venous system;
- fracture or some other injury;
- deep vein thrombus;
- surgery;
- working conditions in which a person sits or stands for long periods of time;
- deep vein inflammation;
- pregnancy;
- overweight.
How to cure leg ulcers?
How to treat sores on the legs? It all depends on the factors that caused the ulcer or prevented its healing. Once each of these is brought under control, such as blood sugar levels, skin lesions will go away on their own.
Treatment usually involves cleaning the wound, applying anti-inflammatory drugs, and using dressings. If you have he althy arteries, you can also use pressure bandages.
A positive effect can be achieved through vascular surgery. The implantation of a new leg artery, or balloon angioplasty, is a procedure that expands a narrowed artery and eliminates its blockage.
Sometimes, in order to hide an ulcer, they resort to plastic surgery - they transplant skin from some inconspicuous area to the surface of the wound.
The basic rules for the treatment of trophic ulcers include:
- Special diet: carbohydrates should be reduced, vegetables and fruits should be significantly increased, and spices and spicy foods should be completely eliminated.
- Bed rest. Of course, it’s not worth lying in bed all the time, but rest should be daily.
- Special regular exercises aimed at eliminating blood stasis and improving metabolism: flexion and extension of the legs in the prone position, rotation of the feet, crossing the legs extended upwards, etc.
- Wearing special orthopedic shoes that reduce the risk of injury.
Important! If the home treatment method recommended by the doctor does not lead to the desired result for a long time, then it is unlikely that you can do without surgical intervention.
Several recipes for the treatment of trophic ulcers:
- The Tatar has proven himself pretty well. Dry leaves of camel thorn must be ground to a state of dust, and then sifted, put in a jar and placed in a dark place. After treating the wound with some kind of pharmaceutical agent (for example, "Rivanol"), you need to blow the powder on it and fix it with a bandage. The result - the ulcer dries up, and the resulting crust disappears over time.
- Means based on cottage cheese whey. From homemade milk, you must first make curdled milk, then pour the resulting product into gauze and hang it up. It is recommended to use serum to lubricate the sore, and cottage cheese to apply to the affected area.
- Streptomycin. A few crushed tablets can not only relieve pain, but also heal the wound quickly.
What is swelling of the lower extremities?
Edema in the legs is a pathological process that causes the accumulation of various volumes of fluid in the intercellular space. Outwardly, this phenomenon looks like swelling.

The person begins to feel heaviness in the legs or even pain. As a result of pressure, a fossa is usually observed. The occurrence of puffiness is usually accompanied by the following points:
- increased permeability of vessel walls;
- violation of the lymphatic and venous outflow of fluid, which leads to increased pressure in these vessels;
- The chemical composition of blood plasma and tissue fluid is abnormal.
Causes of edema
Edema in the legs may appear due to hemodynamic disturbances in the zone of osmotic regulation. The location of these zones is the atrium, therefore, the result of their reaction to such a failure is a significant decrease in blood flow in the extremities. The reaction of the sympathetic nervous system is then observed, leading to an increase in the level of catecholamines in the blood, which reduces the excretion of fluid from the body and leads to peripheral vasoconstriction.
One cannot ignore the role of the endocrine system in the process of regulating the amount of fluid in the body. If the hypothalamus begins to produce antidiuretic hormone, then this inevitably leads to an increase in the total volume of blood circulating through the vessels. Such a change couldlead to an increase in pressure, including hydrostatic pressure, which greatly complicates the evacuation of excess fluid from the tissues. In addition, the presence of a large volume of blood stretches the vascular walls, which leads to an increase in permeability and the entry of protein molecules from the blood must into the tissues. The result is venous stasis, which causes spasm of the vessels of the lymphatic system, which makes it even more difficult for fluid to drain from the tissues.
Causes of skin rashes
The spot on the leg itches - what to do? First you need to find out the reason for its appearance: to determine what kind of disease caused it. The primary action is to contact a qualified specialist who will find out exactly why the skin has changed color and select the necessary treatment.
Hormonal failure, a disease of an internal organ or an allergy are the main causes of a skin rash. Every person periodically encounters the appearance of red spots, but if they are present on the body from birth, then you should immediately seek help from a vascular surgeon and phlebologist.

You can get rid of spots on the body by revising your own diet. The exclusion of spicy, smoked and fried foods can significantly refresh the skin color and improve its condition. A dry sore on the leg will go away much faster if you do not comb it.
A bright pink rash can be triggered by a lack of vitamins. In this situation, it is recommended: drink plenty of water, proper nutrition (morefresh fruits and vegetables) and bed rest.
Anything can be the cause of discomfort, from an allergic reaction to the use of depilatory cream or cosmetic product to uncomfortable shoes.
Some useful tips
Sores on the legs do not go away? The damaged part of the body will heal much faster if it is carefully treated immediately after the injury has been received. Particularly severe cases require qualified assistance from medical professionals who will suture if necessary and help the victim with valuable advice and useful recommendations.
If there is no qualified specialist nearby, then it is recommended to use any antiseptics that are at hand to treat the damaged area of the body: brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, etc. After treatment, the wound should be covered with a temporary sterile bandage. Bandage damaged areas at least 2 times a day and remember that you need to use different products to treat wet and dry wounds.