The main functions of leukocytes: a brief description

The main functions of leukocytes: a brief description
The main functions of leukocytes: a brief description

Leukocytes are one of the most important cells in the entire body. The fact is that they have many different functions. At the same time, there are a large number of types of leukocytes. Each of them plays its own unique role. To date, it is reliably known that all leukocytes are divided into the following varieties: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes and T-lymphocytes. At the same time, the functions of leukocytes in the blood differ depending on their type.

Functions of leukocytes
Functions of leukocytes

The role of neutrophils

Such cells are extremely important for humans. The fact is that they provide reliable protection to the body from all kinds of bacteria and other foreign bodies. They do this in two ways. The first of these is carried out through phagocytosis. This process involves the absorption of foreign bacteria or their parts. The second is the release of special bactericidal and bacteriostatic substances.

Eosinophil tasks

These cells are very important for the proper course of allergic and inflammatory processes. The implementation of the functions of this type of leukocytes allows the body to cope with various diseases faster.

Eosinophils, despite all theirimportance for the body, sometimes they do a disservice to a person. We are talking about the fact that with an excess of them, the likelihood of developing allergic diseases increases.

Basophil functions

Such cells have a rather low ability to destroy foreign bodies. The functions of leukocytes of this type are to limit its ability to spread if the body is affected by an infection. This goal is achieved by releasing large amounts of histamine, which causes tissue swelling. They make it difficult for viruses and bacteria to spread.

What is the function of leukocytes
What is the function of leukocytes

Monocyte Tasks

Many are interested in what function this type of leukocytes perform. The fact is that they have several tasks at once, the implementation of which determines the level of human protection from everything alien, especially bacteria and viruses. First, they have developed phagocytosis abilities. Secondly, monocytes produce special substances that are actively involved in the formation of antibodies, which is also very important for immunity.

Functions of leukocytes in the blood
Functions of leukocytes in the blood

Role of T-lymphocytes

The functions of this type of leukocytes are also to protect the body from everything foreign and harmful. First of all, we are talking, of course, about bacteria and viruses. T-lymphocytes suppress them by phagocytosis, as well as the release of special substances that can destroy them or at least stop / slow down their growth.

It is worth noting that onthe functions of this type of leukocytes do not end there. The fact is that they are also involved in the destruction of mutated cells of the organism itself. That is, T-lymphocytes are involved in the suppression of oncological processes.

The role of such a function of leukocytes (T-lymphocytes) as the activation of the production of B-lymphocytes, which are responsible for maintaining humoral immunity, is also great. Without these cells, there can be no question of any reliable protection of the body.
