With age, the human body begins to age. Various diseases appear. The work of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, stomach and musculoskeletal system worsens. In most cases, especially after 45 years, people's eyesight deteriorates and various diseases associated with the eyes appear. The most common is glaucoma. This disease can appear not only in older people, sometimes it occurs at a younger age. Treatment of glaucoma in the elderly should be carried out only under medical supervision. The causes of this disease can be very diverse. These can be various heart diseases, diabetes and atherosclerosis.
In most cases, glaucoma develops in those over 60. Over time, the risk of intraocular pressure increases. If someone in your family has had glaucoma, then you may also have this problem. The disease is quite preventable. To do this, you must undergo a full diagnosis.
Varieties of glaucoma
- The mostopen type glaucoma is considered common. It causes an increase in eye pressure.
- With the closed type, there is no access for the outflow of liquid. The angle of the anterior chamber of the organ of vision is obscured by the iris.
- There is also a normotensive type. With it, intraocular pressure does not increase, but the optic nerve is damaged.
- Sometimes pigmentary glaucoma occurs. With such a disease, pigment deposition on the iris of the eyes can be observed, which leads to clogging of the filtration angle. The pressure rises, and the outflow of fluid is not performed. All this causes inflammation.
- There is a congenital form of the disease. It appears after birth or during the first 5 years.
- Some people get neovascular glaucoma. With it, the vessels in the iris grow intensively, which stops the outflow of fluid.
- In some cases, deposits in the form of flakes can be observed, which leads to clogging of the anterior chamber of the eye.
What are the signs of glaucoma in old age?

In fact, there can be many signs of this problem in older people:
- Visual deterioration may be noticed.
- There is also usually a nagging and cutting pain in the eye area.
- There may be abundant moisture in the eyes.
- Sometimes nausea and headache are symptoms of glaucoma.
- Weakness will be felt, and everything around will seem as if in a fog.
Glaucoma in the elderly appears suddenlyor in slow motion. With the rapid development of the disease, a person may feel pain in the eyes and pain that radiates to the temples.
Sometimes it is difficult to prevent this disease due to the lack of symptoms at an early stage. Treatment can be done in a variety of ways. There are medications for this. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention, and some are satisfied with the treatment of folk remedies.
It is important to know that in the process of eliminating this disease, you must remove all spicy and s alty foods from your diet. You also need to constantly visit a doctor to monitor treatment. It is necessary to give up alcohol. With glaucoma, it is better to refrain from bathing.
What are the features of getting rid of the problem

Glaucoma mostly occurs in the elderly. How to heal quickly? It all depends on the type of disease. Glaucoma is primary open. There is also an acute form of the disease - closed.
Primary glaucoma can occur due to trauma, or it can be provoked by some drugs. The development of this disease can be stopped if you use eye drops, special preparations or resort to laser exposure. The last treatment option is not cheap. Moreover, a full recovery may not occur.
Acute glaucoma is treated to reduce intraocular pressure. Treatment of glaucoma in the elderly is carried out throughout life. The doctor prescribes drugs that will need to be taken by eachday.
Diabetes mellitus can affect the appearance of the disease. Due to the high level of sugar in the blood, there is a violation of metabolic processes in the human body. There is an outflow of fluid from the organs of vision, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure. It is because of this that glaucoma can occur.
With diabetes, it is difficult to eliminate the described problem due to the restriction of certain drugs. This disease can appear in people with persistent high blood pressure. Because of this, the full blood supply to the eyes suffers. All this also leads to loss of vision.
What do you need to know so as not to aggravate the course of the disease?

- With glaucoma it is forbidden to lift weights.
- Also, you can not sit at the computer for a long time.
- Television should only be watched in the light.
- Alcoholic beverages and cigarettes should be completely avoided.
- Don't sleep on your stomach face down.
- It is also not recommended to stay in the sun for a long time.
Patients with glaucoma must adhere to a certain regimen. It is important to ensure proper sleep. Patients should take daily walks in the fresh air. They are also encouraged to follow a dairy and plant-based diet. You can not drink a lot of liquid. It is very useful to eat watermelons and other diuretic foods. With glaucoma, it is not recommended to wear pressure clothing. And on the street on sunny days you need to go out in sunglasses.

Surgical intervention may be required only at an advanced stage of the disease. This is the only way to treat glaucoma, other methods will no longer help restore vision. In the closed form, therapy is carried out using the iridotomy method.
The open form is treated with micropenetrating trabeculectomy. Specialists make additional channels where the eye fluid will penetrate. In some cases, a sclerotomy may be used. At the same time, specialists thin the boundaries of the sections of the eye membranes. If mild glaucoma occurs in the elderly, treatment without surgery is quite successful.
How is drug therapy administered?

There are several ways to fight glaucoma:
- Therapy aimed at relieving intraocular pressure.
- Various treatments to improve blood circulation.
- Establishing metabolism in the tissues of the eyes.
It is also necessary to constantly visit specialists so that they control the treatment process. When using drops, it is important to know the following:
- The drug begins to act after a certain period of time.
- Drops help reduce eye pressure.
- There are exceptions when under the influence of a remedy the pressure rises.
- Drops must not be used for more than 1 year in a row.
If advanced form of glaucoma is detected in the elderly, surgery is inevitable. It is better not to self-medicate, butcontact specialists. Careless attitude to one's he alth can lead to terrible consequences, namely to complete blindness.
Disease prevention

Prevention of any disease is very important.
What to do to prevent glaucoma in the elderly (treatment discussed above)? You need to start with the transition to a he althy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals should be taken. Sour-milk and dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits are very useful.
You need to remove bread from your diet. You can not eat s alty and spicy food. It is worth giving up coffee. It is necessary to constantly carry out gymnastics for the eyes. Lifting weights is strictly prohibited.
If the disease does develop, the treatment of glaucoma in the elderly should be carried out with caution, because you need to take into account the pathological changes associated with age.
Folk remedies for getting rid of the problem

- Treatment of glaucoma in the elderly folk remedies is considered the most common. Many prefer to eliminate it with bee products. In general, various pathologies can be treated in this way. It is recommended to put lotions from honey. To prepare a healing agent, you need to dilute it with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1. Then you need to take small pieces of gauze and soak in this mass. After that, they should be applied to the eyes. Pollen also helps a lot. It can be easily found inpharmacy. You can also use honey as drops. To do this, a pure product must be heated in a water bath. Liquid means can be instilled in the eyes. You can also drink a glass of drink on an empty stomach, which includes honey and apple cider vinegar in equal proportions.
- Pomegranate juice also has medicinal properties. You can prepare a remedy from it and a large spoonful of honey. These ingredients must be mixed and put on a slow fire. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes and cool. Apply to eyes.
- An excellent way to warm up the organs of vision is boiled protein.
- Dill seeds are of great benefit. You will need a small spoonful of seeds. They need to pour a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to drink the prepared remedy daily in a large spoon three times before meals.
- If glaucoma appeared in the elderly, how else to treat? Herbs can help with this. Eyes are recommended to be washed with chamomile or nettle.
- You can make a decoction of aloe. To do this, you need a couple of plant leaves and a glass of water. Combine all ingredients and boil. Ready broth must be cooled and filtered. You can wash your eyes with this product.
Glaucoma treatment: reviews
Many suffer from an advanced type of this disease, and eye drops no longer help them. Patients share their impressions about the elimination of this problem. Some had a choice: laser surgery or surgery. First, doctors advise resorting to laser therapy. This treatment option is not for everyone. For those who are disappointed, after six months, usuallya repeat session is required. Treatment of glaucoma in the elderly is expensive, pensioners are simply not able to constantly give that kind of money for surgery, so they resort to surgery.
Drops prescribed by a doctor help someone. Many in order to avoid aggravation of the disease try to adhere to proper nutrition and a he althy lifestyle. Some say that folk remedies also help very well, but in any case, it is important to consult a doctor regularly.