Cytological examination is a method of studying the structure of tissue cells of various organs, which is performed using a microscope. It is used to diagnose many diseases in almost all areas of medicine. This type of study was first tested in the detection of cervical cancer, the cells of which were on the walls of the vagina.
Use of this method in gynecology.

This procedure is the "leader" in the diagnosis of diseases of the reproductive system of the female body. For example, the study of cells of the cervix helps to identify the presence of precancerous and cancerous conditions at an early stage of their development.
Cytological study is an analysis that was named after a physician from Greece - Georgios Papanikolaou. He divided the results of this procedure into five classes:
- First - means that all tests are normal.
- Second - the presence of any inflammation in the tissue cells.
- Third - the presence of single cells with anomalies.
- Fourth - the presence of several cells with signsmalignancy.
- Fifth - the presence of many cells of a malignant nature.
In some laboratories in Russia, this classification is still used, but abroad it is not practiced at all.
What a cytology test does.

- Assesses hormonal activity and tissue condition.
- Helps to detect the type (benign or malignant) of the tumor.
- Reveals the nature of the resulting metastases and their spread to nearby organs.
Cytological examination is subdivided according to the type of material studied:
- Punctate is a material obtained by diagnostic tissue puncture with the finest needle.
- Exfoliative is material that includes: urine, sputum, breast discharge, peptic ulcer scrapings, joint fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, open wound, fistula, etc.
- Prints from seized tissues that were removed during the operation or at the time of the cytological examination.
The main advantages of cytological examination include the following pluses:
- Safety of obtaining cell tissues for research.
- Painless.
- Ease of execution.
- Repeat if necessary.
- Timely diagnosis of a malignant tumor.
- The results of this analysis help to monitor the dynamics of treatment. diseases.
- Cheapnessprocedures.
In recent years, cytological examination has been used in all gynecological examinations. This process is the main stage in the examination of the uterus and its cervix, since it is he who helps to see the pathological changes that have just begun at the cellular level, when the cervical epithelium has not yet undergone any changes.

The analysis is taken with a brush specially designed for this procedure. After that, a small amount of cells are collected on a glass slide and sent to the laboratory.
When can a cytological examination of the cervix be performed
This type of procedure should not be done during menstruation or at the time of the appearance of other vaginal discharge. Also, cytological examination is not recommended for inflammation of the genital organs. The best time to pass such an analysis is one or two days after the end of menstruation, or the day before them. In addition, on the eve of the study, it is worth giving up sexual intercourse without a condom and douching.