"SuperOptik": reviews, indications, instructions for use, composition, contraindications

"SuperOptik": reviews, indications, instructions for use, composition, contraindications
"SuperOptik": reviews, indications, instructions for use, composition, contraindications

In the article, we will consider the instructions for use, price and reviews for the SuperOptic drug.

This medication is an innovative product with a combined composition. It includes lutein along with zeaxanthin, vitamins and elements with antioxidant properties. Thanks to the action of the ingredients it contains, this formula has an effective protective function designed for the functioning of the visual system and the he alth of the eyes.

superoptic reviews
superoptic reviews

Reviews about SuperOptic are mostly positive.

Composition and format of release

The product is sold in the form of capsules that are brown in color. Each capsule contains the following active ingredients: Omega-3, along with vitamin A, C, E, B1, niacin, zinc, lutein, copper, zeaxanthin and selenium.

Additional components in the "SuperOptic" are fatty acids along with corn oil, cellulosemicrocrystalline, soy lecithin, silicon dioxide, tocopherols, as well as gelatin, glycerin, dye, titanium dioxide and water. Capsules are packed in blisters of twelve pieces. Next, we will learn about the indications for the use of this medical product.

computer work
computer work

Indications for use

This remedy is prescribed to people in a number of the following cases:

  • As part of the prevention of age-related visual impairment.
  • To protect the organs of vision from various adverse external factors (we are talking about the radiation of computer monitors and TV screens, intense light, dry air, chlorinated water, dust, smog, wind, and so on).
  • Prevention of visual fatigue.
  • Improve dark adaptation.

Method of application and dosage

SuperOptic is recommended to take one capsule daily with a small amount of liquid during meals. This product should not be chewed or sucked. Be sure to follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Now let's find out what are the contraindications to the use of the drug in question.

Does SuperOptic have any contraindications? Let's figure it out.

superoptic contraindications
superoptic contraindications


The instructions indicate the following pathologies and factors as contraindications:

  • Presence of individual hypersensitivity in the patient.
  • Children under the age of twelve.
  • The period of pregnancy andlactation.
  • Occurrence of side effects.
  • Allergic manifestation in people with individual sensitivity to the ingredients of the remedy.

According to reviews, "SuperOptik" is not highly allergenic.

Drug interactions and special instructions

The use of the complex under consideration simultaneously with other multivitamin drugs can cause the development of hypervitaminosis in patients.

superoptic composition
superoptic composition

The drug "SuperOptik" is not considered a drug. In this regard, it cannot replace the drugs recommended by an ophthalmologist in the treatment of eye diseases. Before using it, the patient needs to consult a specialist. Store these capsules at room temperature. They should not be given to children. The general shelf life is three years.

Drug cost

The cost of this product in pharmacies starts from two hundred and eighty rubles per package, which contains thirty capsules. It depends on the region and pharmacy chain.

Computer is harmful to the eyes

People's eyes can be subjected to significant stress during the day, especially when working at a computer. The drug "SuperOptik" is a combined remedy. Its auxiliary and active components can have a prolonged effect, helping to ensure the protection of various structures. For example, thanks to this tool, the macula, lens and retina are protected, which is very important when working withcomputer.

superoptic price reviews
superoptic price reviews

Thanks to this effect, the progression of any visual impairment slows down in the patient. In particular, disorders associated with the dystrophic process of age-related origin are inhibited. Thus, for those people who often work at a computer, this tool is simply necessary. Next, let's talk about age-related changes in vision in more detail.

How to help with the deterioration of vision after 40 years?

The older a person becomes, the more obvious are the changes in vision, which reduce its sharpness and can lead to certain ophthalmic pathologies. Over the years, more attention should be paid to eye he alth, because you need to save it for the rest of your life. Of course, prevention does not completely stop the degradation and restore vision. But one should try to postpone these processes for as long as possible.

How can you help your eyes at this age? In the first place, ophthalmologists, of course, put a he althy lifestyle. To preserve your eyesight, you need to eat right, and, in addition, take care of your eyes and, of course, stop smoking. It is equally important during this period to regularly visit an ophthalmologist so that he can identify any diseases at an early stage.

deterioration of vision after 40 years
deterioration of vision after 40 years

But it is especially important, according to experts, to take various vitamins for the eyes. After the age of forty, this is more than relevant. To solve this problem, doctors often prescribe theirpatients the drug "SuperOptik". Among other things, this medicine is ideal for the prevention of age-related changes in vision after forty years.


About the drug "SuperOptik" in the reviews, people report that a month after its use, as a rule, no improvement is noticed. But consumers are satisfied that against the background of the use of this tool there is no progression in the deterioration of vision, which for many is a completely satisfactory result.

Those patients who took this remedy for two months noticed that their eyes became much less tired when watching TV and in general, at the end of the day, patients no longer feel visual fatigue due to these capsules.

instructions for use superoptic
instructions for use superoptic

No less satisfied with this tool and people over the age of forty. Against the background of the use of the drug "SuperOptic", according to reviews, in fact, it is possible to maintain visual acuity at the proper level for a long time.

Thus, an ophthalmological drug called "SuperOptik" is a non-drug remedy from the category of fortified biological supplements. Such a drug is not used as the main treatment for eye diseases. But it can be included in complex treatment in the presence of pathological damage to the organs of vision, and, in addition, against the background of a lack of vitamins and trace elements in the eye tissue.

We reviewed the instructions for use, price and reviews for SuperOptic.
