Erosion of the cornea of the eye: symptoms, causes and treatment

Erosion of the cornea of the eye: symptoms, causes and treatment
Erosion of the cornea of the eye: symptoms, causes and treatment

Every person at least once in his life had to deal with such a problem as the ingress of foreign objects into the eyes. When it comes to dust, sand or mote, most often the situation ends favorably. It is enough just to rinse your eyes, and the unpleasant sensation disappears. However, it also happens that when a foreign body enters, eye tissues are damaged, as a result of which erosion of the cornea of the eye develops. This disease can be accompanied by swelling and even retinal detachment. What else can cause corneal erosion? What is the best treatment for this situation?

A bit of anatomy

The cornea of the eye consists of 5 layers. The protective function is performed by the outer layer (epithelium). It is followed by a thin membrane. Most of the cornea consists of stroma, thanks to the keratocytes present in it, the transparency of the outer layer is ensured. Between the outer and final layer (endothelium) is the Descemet's membrane or a dense membrane. The endothelium is responsible for regulating the inflow and outflow of nutrients and fluids between the cornea and the anterior chamber of the eye.

corneal erosion
corneal erosion

What is this disease?

Corneal erosion is damage to the outer layer of the cornea or, more simply, a scratch on its surface. Do not confuse the concepts of "erosion" and "ulcer". In the first case, only the integrity of the epithelium is damaged, and with timely and proper treatment, discomfort disappears quickly and without a trace. With an ulcer, the deep layers are also destroyed, and a scar remains on the affected area.

Disease classification

Corneal erosion is divided into several types.

  • Size: small - point microerosion, large - macroerosion.
  • By coverage of the cornea: limited and diffuse.
  • By location: top and bottom.
  • By the nature of occurrence: traumatic corneal erosion and recurrent.
  • According to the course of the disease: single and persistently recurrent.
  • Traumatic corneal erosion
    Traumatic corneal erosion


The appearance of a scratch or cut on the stratum corneum, as mentioned above, can be caused by dust, dirt, wood chips, sand or metal particles. You can damage the cornea during sports or apartment renovation. Scratching the stratum corneum with a fingernail, a piece of paper, or organic material is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. First, a long non-healing wound may form. If you do not provide the firsthelp, deterioration will occur, entailing unpleasant complications.

Another common cause of corneal erosion is chemical exposure to the eyes. Often, people who do not adhere to the recommendations of an ophthalmologist about wearing contact lenses experience the disease.


Whatever the cause of corneal erosion, it is impossible not to pay attention to the main symptoms. In addition to pain in the eye, the disease is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • redness and swelling;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • decrease in visual acuity;
  • clouding of the cornea.
  • Erosion of the cornea
    Erosion of the cornea

If one of the above symptoms is detected, you should seek the advice of a qualified doctor who treats and corrects vision.


Corneal erosion is recognized during an ophthalmic examination using a slit lamp. To detect minor damaged areas, the stratum corneum is stained with a fluorescein solution. In addition, the doctor examines the inside of the eyelids to exclude the presence of any foreign body and pays attention to how the eyelashes grow.

Corneal erosion treatment
Corneal erosion treatment

First Aid

If you experience any sensations in the eye that cause discomfort and pain, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. If this is not possible, the condition can be alleviatedon one's own. To do this, rinse your eyes and drip moisturizing drops.

First aid for corneal erosion include:

  • Saline. Used to wash the eyes. When carrying out manipulations, do not forget about the general rules of hygiene.
  • Cold compresses. Relieve pain and relieve irritation of the outer layer of the cornea.
  • Ophthalmic preparations with keratoprotective, lubricating, softening action ("Oftagel", "Optive" or "Oftolik"). Disinfect and moisturize the surface of the eyes.

Corneal erosion treatment

Drugs that help restore damaged epithelium should be prescribed or agreed with a specialist. After the examination, the ophthalmologist will select the drugs that are most effective specifically for your case.

From eye drops can be prescribed:

  • "Systane". The solution is instilled into the conjunctival sac of the affected eye, 1-2 drops three times a day. During the manipulation, be careful not to touch the pipette tip, otherwise this may lead to contamination of the solution. There are no special contraindications for use. Drops can be used with contact lenses.
  • Erosion of the cornea of the eye treatment
    Erosion of the cornea of the eye treatment
  • Oxial. The solution is instilled 1-2 drops twice a day. Simultaneous use with other ophthalmic drops is not allowed. The drug expires 2 months after opening the vial.

From ointments and gels can be used:

  • "Vidisik". One drop of the gel is injected into the conjunctival sac of the affected eye 2-3 times a day. During pregnancy, the drug is used with extreme caution. For the period of treatment, you will have to stop wearing contact lenses.
  • Oftagel. The drug is applied conjunctivally one drop 2-4 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. During pregnancy, treatment with "Oftagel" is allowed only after the permission of the doctor. During the manipulation, it is necessary to remove contact lenses, you can put them back on no sooner than after 30 minutes.

Of the antibacterial ointments, ophthalmologists most often prescribe "Floxal". This drug prevents bacterial infection during corneal erosion or after traumatic injuries of the eyeball. The ointment is applied to the lower eyelid two to three times a day. Duration of treatment - no more than two weeks.

For recurrent corneal erosion, an additional artificial environment will be required. For better regeneration of the epithelium, special therapeutic lenses can be prescribed. If there is no improvement, excimer laser vision correction will be required.

Recurrent corneal erosion
Recurrent corneal erosion

Erosion of the cornea of the eye: treatment with folk remedies

For prevention and to improve eye he alth, many decide to use "grandmother's methods". So, for example, a decoction of eyebright herb is used as a lotion. To prepare it, you need one tablespoon of vegetable raw materials and a glass of boiled water. Grass is pouredboiling water, cool and filter.

Chamomile decoction, cooked in a water bath, is used as an eye bath. One tablespoon of crushed flowers should be poured with a glass of boiling water and filtered, after which it can be used.

Black tea is used as a lotion. For the procedure, you can use the remaining tea bag. It must be squeezed out and applied for 15-20 minutes to closed eyelids.

Another of the folk methods of treating the disease is the lubrication of the outer eyelids with sea buckthorn, linseed or hemp oil. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

Erosion treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced ophthalmologist. Self-medication can lead to keratitis, corneal clouding, uveitis, or blindness. And always remember: “You are responsible for your own he alth.”