Treatment of bowel cancer with folk remedies: ways and methods, recipes, effectiveness, reviews

Treatment of bowel cancer with folk remedies: ways and methods, recipes, effectiveness, reviews
Treatment of bowel cancer with folk remedies: ways and methods, recipes, effectiveness, reviews

If the appropriate symptoms are identified, treatment of bowel cancer should be started as soon as possible. The most effective approach is a combination of folk recipes and traditional therapy. The choice of procedures and medications is at the discretion of the doctor, but everyone can help themselves with healer products. So that folk remedies do not interfere with the main course, it is necessary to coordinate their use with the attending physician. There are many different recipes and options that, with due responsibility, can improve the condition and increase survival rates.

folk remedies for bowel cancer
folk remedies for bowel cancer

Relevance of the issue

It is not for nothing that there are a huge number of folk methods for treating bowel cancer - this disease is rightfully considered one of the most common among oncological ones. At the same time, cancerous processes in such an area of localization are considered to be the most dangerous, associated with negativeforecasts. Healing drugs are mainly aimed at improving the immunological status and eliminating the most unpleasant symptoms. Foods and preparations that help cleanse the circulatory system will not be superfluous.

Don't hope that the treatment of cancer of the large intestine, small intestine only with herbs and other simple products will allow you to fully recover. Such courses show a good result in combination with the main therapy, but they are too weak on their own. Of course, you can see a lot of feedback about their effectiveness, but not all of them should be trusted. It was noticed that the best results were achieved when the patient combined folk remedies and official treatment, consulting with the doctor and coordinating all the points of the program with him.

Effective and tested

It is believed that for the treatment of intestinal cancer with metastases, you can use preparations prepared on wormwood and henbane. Hemlock, Belozor have proven themselves well. Aconite, cocklebur are known for their effectiveness against oncological diseases. The easiest way to prepare a medicine is with dried henbane leaves. For a quarter teaspoon, boil half a glass of liquid, mix the ingredients and simmer at the lowest temperature on the stove until the mass thickens. The drug is used in food in a couple of drops a third of an hour before a meal. The medicine must be diluted in a tablespoon of pure liquid without additives. Frequency of use - three times daily.

Another treatment for bowel cancer involves making a wormwood tincture. They take for herdried tops of the plant, harvested during the flowering period. For 20 g of dry raw materials, you need to take a glass of 70% alcohol. The mixture is infused for a couple of weeks in a dark room at room temperature. The contents of the container must be stirred daily. The finished medicine is used before a meal for food. Single dosage - from a dozen drops to twice as much.

bowel cancer treatment with folk remedies reviews
bowel cancer treatment with folk remedies reviews

Many options

You can cook wormwood in a different way - with wine. Such treatment of bowel cancer (thin, thick) involves mixing 30 g of dry grass and 0.3 l of 70% alcohol in a vessel. The mixture is infused for 24 hours in a dark room, then 0.1 l of grape white wine is poured. The medicine is allowed to stand for ten days. The finished product is taken before a meal three times daily. A single dose is a tablespoon. As healers assure, even with prolonged storage, the medicine does not deteriorate. The drug effectively prevents the formation of metastases.

Among the most effective folk remedies used in the treatment of bowel cancer is cocklebur tincture used in food instead of tea. A glass of water is boiled on a small spoonful of dried vegetable raw materials and allowed to brew in a thermos for at least 30 minutes. You can insist in a container wrapped in a thick shawl. Tea is eaten warm immediately after a meal. At least three glasses should be consumed per day, more can be up to five.

Combinations for maximum effect

Sometimes cocklebur is cooked with wild hoof. The hoof is boiled, drunkfinished product before the meal. Dosage - a tablespoon. Frequency - four times a day. A glass of water is boiled for a third of a teaspoon of the crushed rhizomes of the plant, everything is mixed and allowed to brew for half an hour in a water bath, having previously closed the lid tightly. After removing from the fire, the medicine is insisted for another half an hour. It is not necessary to strain before use. The drug is stored for no more than two days.

At the same time use cocklebur according to the recipe described above. The duration of the use of cocklebur medicine is up to four months, they drink the hoof for a month, then they take the same break, and repeat the cycles two more times. After completing the intestinal cancer treatment program with a folk remedy, you need to take a six-month pause.

bowel cancer treatment
bowel cancer treatment

Aconite and Belozor against oncology

Among the most effective folk remedies applicable for the treatment of bowel cancer is Dzhungarian aconite. An alcoholic tincture is prepared on the plant. Pre-crushed rhizomes are used - you can take both dried and fresh. On a small spoon, you need to use 0.5 liters of 45% alcohol. The mixture is infused for two weeks away from sunlight, regularly stirring the contents of the container. Next, the medicine is filtered through a double layer of gauze to completely separate the thick, and used as food. On the first day of treatment, one drop is shown, diluted in 50 ml of pure water without additives. The drug is taken three times 30 minutes before a meal. From day to day, the dose is increased by a drop until it reaches ten. The maximum volumes use tendays, then they are reduced drop by drop. After finishing the reception, you need to take a break. Duration varies from one month to six months. During the pause, you can use other folk recipes.

You can practice the treatment of intestinal cancer with a folk remedy in the swamp Belozor. Such a drug is most effective in oncological diseases of the colon, caecum. For cooking use the ground part of the plant. The dried herb is ground to a powder. To prepare the drug for a tablespoon of the product, you need to boil a glass of water and leave for a couple of hours in the bath, then strain thoroughly. In food, the medicine is used with dessert spoons four times daily for half an hour before a meal. It is allowed to use such medicine for administering an enema.

Ingestion: oral and rectal

Used for the treatment of bowel cancer folk remedy for colchicum. The herb is well suited for making enema infusions. Boil 0.5 liters of water per tablespoon, pour the product and let it brew, waiting until the liquid cools to 20 degrees. After that, she is immediately used for administering an enema.

Dandelion and nettle, flax seeds, calendula inflorescences and saffron will come to the aid of the patient. For example, at night, a couple of tablespoons of seeds are brewed with boiling water and left to infuse, and in the morning they are used as food. In the morning, you can drink dandelion and nettle juices on an empty stomach. Dosage - a small spoon. Half an hour later, they use an infusion of flax seeds, and an hour later they have breakfast.

Quite often, healers recommend practicing cancer treatmentintestine folk remedy for calendula. An alcohol tincture is prepared on the inflorescences. If you do not want to do it yourself, the drug can be bought at a pharmacy. It is believed that the product inhibits metastasis and the activity of inflammatory foci. The tool is used in food for 15 drops immediately after a meal. It is recommended to take the drugs three times a day.

bowel cancer treatment with celandine
bowel cancer treatment with celandine

Tested by generations

The treatment of bowel cancer with celandine is considered exceptionally reliable. A tincture is prepared on the plant, effective against the tumor process. It is allowed to use both grass and rhizomes, the latter being considered more effective. It is necessary to harvest the roots for the preparation of the medicine in May - this month is the peak of maturity. The prepared product is carefully crushed, juice is squeezed out and allowed to brew for several days in a cool room where there is no access to sunlight.

The settled liquid is filtered to completely eliminate sediment, after which it is mixed with vodka in equal proportions. You can use alcohol - it should be half the juice of the plant. The drug is allowed to brew for another three weeks in a darkened room, after which it can be used for therapy.

The optimal program for the use of the composition is up to four times daily, a small spoonful, washed down with pure water without additives. First, they use the medicine for a couple of weeks, then increase the dose to a tablespoon. The program is continued until the condition becomes noticeably better.

The usual and everyday in the fight against the terribledisease

A fairly popular option is the treatment of bowel cancer with soda. This theory is currently the subject of much controversy. Some are convinced of its reliability, others assure that one can only harm oneself like that. The author of the idea was the Italian Simoncini. Not only him, but also some Russian, Chinese, German doctors assure that oncological processes begin with fungal invasion, which means that conditions must be created in the body in which fungi cannot progress. They convince that the use of soda is the best addition to complex treatment, providing excellent opportunities for complete recovery.

Obtaining alkali with food helps to lower the level of acidity of organic liquids, due to which the conditionally pathogenic microflora dies. This is especially effective after chemotherapy. Before use, soda must be extinguished, for which the product is poured with a small amount of boiling water. The taste becomes a little better, the product is easier to digest. At first, use a fifth of a small spoon, gradually increase the dose to a teaspoon. Even larger volumes are strictly prohibited. In food, the product is consumed with a glass of milk or water without additives. The fluid should be warm to maximize absorption. It is best to consume the product 30-60 minutes before a meal three times daily.

small intestine cancer treatment
small intestine cancer treatment

Course addition: eating right

According to Simoncini's research, cancer cells contain a specific enzyme not present in other body structures. It's fatal for him.salvestrol, which starts a chain of chemical interactions. The ingestion of this compound in the body allows you to destroy atypical cells without harming he althy ones. To ensure the influx of salvestrol into the body, you should fill your menu with berries. The component is rich in grapes, strawberries and currants. Cranberries and raspberries will benefit the sick. Blueberries and blackberries are considered indispensable. Various fruits are no less useful, first of all, peaches and apples familiar to everyone.

To defeat cancer faster and more effectively, you need to include cabbage and other green vegetables in your diet. Artichokes, broccoli are considered useful. Salvestrol is rich in naturally yellow foods, such as peppers. It is recommended to regularly eat eggplant, indulge in avocados and cook dishes with asparagus.

The listed types of products allow you to more effectively cope with fungal diseases. Salvestrol, soda, milk are compounds that quickly destroy dangerous microflora and prevent acidosis. The functioning of atypical cells is inhibited, which makes the course more effective. To achieve maximum results, an Italian scientist recommends injecting a soda solution into a vein, muscle tissue.

Soda for cleansing the body

Product is considered effective in combination with hemlock tinctures and serum solution. Substances are used for setting small enemas. Fasting days are shown twice monthly. Serum solution is prepared with soda: a large spoonful of the product is taken per liter of liquid.

The first day of the therapy program begins with the settingsoda-serum enema on an empty stomach. An hour before a meal, you need to drink a glass of lemon juice and eat a couple of garlic cloves. Instead of the usual dishes, you should eat tomatoes and drink kefir. Tomatoes are allowed in the amount of 0.2 kg per day, a drink - up to two liters per day. You can drink water in unlimited quantities.

The second day of treatment begins with a cleansing enema, after which you need to drink infused lemon juice with garlic. Dose - 50 ml. During the meal, fresh fruit and vegetable juices are used, made from apples with the addition of cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes. To prepare juice, you can use cucumber, carrots, beets. Beetroot juice is preliminarily defended in the refrigerator for an hour, only after that it is used for food.

The third day of the course begins with the use of 50 ml of lemon-garlic infusion on an empty stomach. After an hour, you can have breakfast with fruits or vegetables. It is recommended to drink at least three liters of clean water per day. You can eat either fruits or vegetables. You cannot mix these types of food in the same meal.

bowel cancer treatments
bowel cancer treatments

Chaga against cancer

Choosing what to try against cancer, you should take a closer look at the recipes for using chaga. This mushroom can be found on sale in pharmacies, or you can harvest it yourself. The product is rich in trace elements, acids, fiber, lignin, which gives it a strong antitumor effect. Drinks on chaga are intended primarily to cleanse the body of toxic substances. To do this, the mushroom is thoroughly crushed and mixed with rhizomes.mountaineer, taking both components in equal proportions - three large spoons each. The mixture is poured with vodka (0.5 l) and allowed to brew for a couple of weeks in a darkened room. The finished medicine is used in food 40 drops up to six times a day.

If a child has cancer, tinctures can be prepared on chaga. The crushed mushroom and rhizomes of the highlander are poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to stand in a thermos for eight hours, then they give the patient half a glass before breakfast. Throughout the day, the drink is used in small portions (sip).

bowel cancer with metastases treatment
bowel cancer with metastases treatment

Believe it or not?

Reviews about the treatment of bowel cancer are varied: some cured people say that only official medicine approaches are effective, while the use of folk remedies has become a source of inconvenience. Others argue with confidence that it was traditional medicine that gave the chances of recovery in a situation where any drugs were powerless.

Pure reviews of the treatment of intestinal cancer with folk remedies, you need to be clearly aware: they are not written by doctors, but by people who have tried various methods of fighting the disease. It is not always possible for a non-specialist to determine what actually gave a pronounced result, what triggered the placebo mechanism. To maximize the benefits for yourself, you need to not only follow all the recommendations of reviews on the treatment of intestinal cancer with folk remedies, but also consult a doctor. The doctor leading the case will tell you which recipes of folk wisdom will be a source of benefit, and which will only harm or be useless.
