No one is immune from the appearance of any disease. But in some cases, the disease begins to develop even in the womb, and the child has various developmental pathologies from birth. One such disease is cerebellar hypoplasia, a disease that affects the child's brain.
The cerebellum is the part of the brain located in the posterior region and is an important part of the central nervous system. This organ is responsible for the coordination of human movements, muscle tone and the ability to maintain balance. Hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis is accompanied by a decrease in one or two of its lobes.

Cerebellar hypoplasia in an adult is a consequence of abnormal intrauterine development, and the causes of this disease lie in the lifestyle of a pregnant woman. There are several main factors that can provoke the disease.
Drinking alcohol
The most dangerous substance in alcoholic beverages is ethanol. With prolonged exposure, it penetrates intothe central nervous system of the fetus and provokes the formation of various kinds of tumors. Also, ethyl alcohol is able to destroy the natural barrier that protects the central nervous system from infections that enter the body through the blood. In general, the abuse of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy puts the he alth of the fetus at great risk.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not nicotine that has a negative effect on the fetus, but other toxic substances that make up cigarettes. They can cause abnormal formation of the neural tube, and consequently, the spinal cord and brain of the fetus. When smoking during pregnancy, cerebellar hypoplasia is recorded quite often.

Using drugs
Drugs can affect the nervous system of both a pregnant woman and a child, so their use is strictly prohibited in any cases. Such substances cause irreversible harm to the body, which ultimately leads to death.
Taking strong drugs
Many medicines are prohibited during pregnancy. Their reception is appointed only in case of serious need. Against the background of aggressive drug therapy, cerebellar hypoplasia in the fetus may develop.

Exposure to radiation
Radioactive isotopes tend to accumulate in the amniotic fluid and placenta, which can lead to a mutation of the baby's DNA. Irradiation or prolonged exposure toplaces with high levels of radiation is fraught with dangerous complications for the expectant mother and child.
Infectious diseases
Cerebellar hypoplasia can develop if a pregnant woman suffers such a seemingly simple disease as rubella. In fact, this viral disease is extremely dangerous. When infected in the first trimester, many doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy, as the risk of abnormalities in the fetus is very high. At a later date, drug treatment is prescribed for women, but it is successful only in 50% of cases.
Also a huge danger is toxoplasmosis, which can be picked up by contact with sick cats, rodents and birds. Such a disease not only negatively affects the development of the fetus, but can even cause a miscarriage.
In addition to all the reasons described above, we should separately mention junk food, which, together with other factors, can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.
Hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis in a child is accompanied by a violation of many body functions. Experts identify the following symptoms of the disease:
- tremor (trembling) of the head, upper and lower limbs;
- harsh speech, that is, the child's conversations are more like screaming;
- baby's movements lose their smoothness and become erratic;
- children with cerebellar hypoplasia develop much more slowly, that is, they begin to sit, walk and talk later than their peers;
- muscles of the trunk and limbscontract inconsistently - because of this, it becomes much more difficult for the child to stand up or sit down;
- it is very difficult for such children to keep balance, both in standing and sitting positions;
- moving without any aids is almost impossible, but if a person can still learn to walk on his own, then his gait will be greatly distorted;
- also there is a disturbance in the work of the smooth muscles of the internal organs;
- people with cerebellar hypoplasia very often suffer from impaired respiratory function;
- in newborns, deafness or blindness is often observed against the background of this ailment.
The most obvious sign of cerebellar hypoplasia in a child is a wobbly, swaying gait and spatial disorientation. Also, in children, the size of the skull is much smaller than the norm, because their brain is smaller than in he althy children. As you grow older, the size, of course, increases, but the deformities of the head can still remain.
Cerebellar hypoplasia progresses during the first 10 years of a child's life, then his condition stabilizes and doctors prescribe maintenance therapy.
Usually, the disease is detected during pregnancy by undergoing ultrasound diagnostics. The child is followed up by a neurologist. He may prescribe treatment or rehabilitation procedures.
Unfortunately, cerebellar hypoplasia is considered an incurable disease, and children born with it rarely live past a year. All procedures thatare carried out with such a child, are aimed at restoring lost functions and curbing the development of the disease. Therapies include:
- exercises aimed at developing coordination;
- massage;
- to maintain speech, classes are held with a speech therapist;
- it is also recommended to communicate with such children as often as possible and instill in them various hobbies, such as drawing or origami, which develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Prevention of the disease lies in the he althy lifestyle of the expectant mother. During pregnancy, you should consult a doctor before using any drugs and completely exclude alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc. from your life.

Any disease is much easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, if a woman takes proper care of herself while carrying a child, the risk of developing pathologies is significantly reduced.