What are the benefits of water-based lubricants?

What are the benefits of water-based lubricants?
What are the benefits of water-based lubricants?

The pleasure of intimacy will be mutual and lasting if you take care of related products. You can buy these in sex shops. Both partners must participate in the buying process in order to avoid unfortunate misunderstandings when tastes do not match. For example, when choosing water-based lubricants, you can easily get confused because of the richness of the assortment. How to purchase a unique product with a harmonious price-quality ratio? Pay attention to details!

water based lubricant reviews
water based lubricant reviews

In theory

If you believe books and films about love, then the passion that arises between the characters often bypasses mundane moments of reality. Therefore, fantasy heroes never face the problems of sweating, belching, dryness in intimate places. And, by the way, the last factor can significantly spoil the impression of intimacy.

Morewould! One has only to imagine sex without the proper level of lubrication and libido is rapidly falling to zero. This factor is especially unpleasant for a woman, but a reasonable man also recognizes that "dry" sex is much worse than masturbation. Therefore, in the bathroom of an intima lover, water-based lubricants must be present. This is an excellent remedy for eliminating the slightest discomfort in sex and abundant hydration of the mucosa.

water-based lubricant gel
water-based lubricant gel

What are you talking about?

In fact, a lubricant is a regular moisturizer with a special composition. It moisturizes the genitals, prolongs the act of love and eliminates discomfort in such an intimate process. The composition of the product determines the functionality of the lubricant, its ability to improve erection and diversify the process.

Water-based lubricants attract buyers due to their versatility. They are suitable for everyone and have no contraindications. Even people with hypersensitivity can resort to these intimate assistants. True, it is worth noting that allergies are not completely excluded, but are extremely rare. In such a case, sexologists recommend using condoms. And of course, do not forget that condoms provide additional protection against AIDS, HIV and other infections.

water-based silicone lubricants
water-based silicone lubricants

Difficult choice

At first glance it may seem that water-based lubricants are no different from each other, but this opinion has nothing to do with reality. Novice experimenter in the fieldintimacy should know that this type of lubricant is more natural, but it has time limits. That is, for the night of full-fledged love, such a remedy may not be enough. But there's more than enough for one act.

Gel lubricant is good because of its affordable price and pleasant consistency. In addition, in composition, it is surprisingly close to women's natural lubricant. Such a tool can be used for any kind of intimacy and not experience discomfort. In sex shops and pharmacies, you can find gels for every taste. Even with pheromones and a prolonging effect.

But cream lubricants always make the act longer and increase sensitivity. True, they are incompatible with condoms and sex toys.

Spray lubricants are only gaining popularity among buyers, but their effectiveness has already been proven. Firstly, they are easy to use - a couple of movements and the effect is achieved. Secondly, They combine a combo effect - that is, they excite and prolong contact. Spray should be applied a few minutes before intimacy. By the way, you don't need to use a condom.

Thus, in the store, you first need to decide on the purpose of the purchase, and already the consultant can offer anything - contraceptive, antibacterial, anal, vaginal water/silicone-based lubricants.

water based lubricant price
water based lubricant price

Water or silicone?

Of course, the choice between the base of lubricants is not vital, but still the result can be quite pleasant, which means taking a couple of minutes toworth considering. If you choose a water-based lube, you are looking at the quality of the act, not the duration.

The silicone analogue works noticeably longer and is not washed off with water. By the way, silicone does not give any smudges; has no taste and smell. But after the act, it is better to wash off the lubricant with soapy water. It is not recommended to combine such a lubricant with silicone toys. If you make a choice for a specific act, then for casual sex it is better to take a water-based lubricant. Reviews agree that such a lubricant goes well with a condom and gives a full sensation of intimacy. By the way, latex with this option is not destroyed, which means that protection is guaranteed. To compensate for the rapid consumption of lubricant, renew it every intercourse.

water based lubricants
water based lubricants

How to use?

Lube is gender-neutral so both men and women can use the same lube. The agent is applied to the genitals immediately before sex. After the act, the lubricant must be removed with warm water. If you're using a condom, put some lube inside and you'll feel amazing.


Flavored lubricants are more interesting and more exciting due to the pleasant aroma, but they also contain much more allergens. For a flavored lubricant (water-based), the price can range from two hundred to seven hundred rubles per 100 ml bottle. By the way, fragrant lubricant can be used during oral sex, when one of the partners applies it to the lips. It's better whenlubricant with a cooling effect.

More expensive lubricants (from 500 rubles per 100 ml) can help with pregnancy! Sometimes, the problem with conception lies in the viscosity of the cervical mucus and its impermeability to sperm. But such lubricants can help get inside the "closed area".

In conclusion, it must be said that the lubricant can be used not only for its intended purpose. They can replace lip balm, shaving cream and after-epilation. Lubricant will help to gently insert a tampon and even give a massage with a bonus for the skin! So the tool is truly universal for every adult!
