Homeopathy for menopause: a list of drugs

Homeopathy for menopause: a list of drugs
Homeopathy for menopause: a list of drugs

In the article, consider a list of homeopathic remedies for menopause.

Menopause is not a disease, but quite often a woman needs medication during this period. The main complaint of the patients is intense and frequent hot flashes, which interfere with life and lead to exhaustion of the nervous system. Also, patients suffer from pressure surges, sleep disorders, anxiety and heart pain.

homeopathy for menopause
homeopathy for menopause

At the same time, the maximum intensity of symptoms occurs in the second half of premenopause, when the level of sex hormones drops sharply and the body begins to respond inadequately to their deficiency. It is at this time that it is important to eliminate the lack of hormones. How can this be done?

In order to reduce the intensity of these symptoms, many women begin to take hormonal drugs. However, in some cases, such therapy is not suitable for everyone, unfortunately. Homeopathic remedies for menopause are an alternative method of treatment. They aim to activateimmune system of women and have virtually no negative side effects.

Modern views on homeopathic medicines

In traditional medicine, homeopathic remedies are not fully considered medicines. Such treatment is based on two main principles of homeopathy: firstly, like can be treated with like, and secondly, very small dosages of the active substance are needed for treatment. Thus, infinitely small doses of natural substances are introduced into the body, which in large volumes can provoke the development of a pathological process. A homeopathic medicinal product, entering the body, provokes the development of immunocorrection mechanisms that allow you to establish disturbed natural processes and thereby contribute to recovery.

In official medicine, it is believed that the positive result that homeopathic therapy gives is solely a placebo effect - the power of a person's faith in recovery. Nevertheless, in practice, in many cases, homeopathic methods of therapy for many decades give a positive result. They are used in the treatment of diseases of organs of such systems: respiratory, digestive, immune, endocrine and hematopoietic.

In recent times, the treatment of menopausal manifestations is the most relevant, and more and more women prefer to use natural remedies rather than hormones, because despite the fact that hormonal drugs contain a minimum amount of active ingredients, they cannot be taken on their own. Such drugs shouldappoint an experienced specialist. As for homeopathy, with menopause, a woman herself can choose the right remedy for herself without harm to he alth. However, one should not expect from such drugs that they can quickly cure complex diseases of the musculoskeletal or cardiovascular systems, which are rapidly developing against the background of menopause. But with proper selection of medications, which implies taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman's body, you can completely stop menopausal symptoms or make them less vivid, normalize the cycle and significantly improve overall well-being by strengthening the immune system.

homeopathy with menopause list of drugs
homeopathy with menopause list of drugs

What is the main benefit of homeopathy?

The advantages of homeopathic treatment during menopause include:

  • absolutely natural composition of preparations;
  • no adverse reactions;
  • soft effect on the body due to the fact that the active elements are in very small dosages;
  • small list of contraindications;
  • high efficiency in the treatment of menopausal manifestations, regulation of the menstrual cycle, normalization of well-being;
  • not addictive to drugs, which allows you to take them for a long time if necessary;
  • low cost.

The use of homeopathic remedies for menopause provides that the medicinal effect is carried out smoothly, as a result of which the course of therapy lasts an average of 3 months, andsome medicines need to be taken up to 6 months. However, the first results can be seen after two weeks of taking homeopathic remedies.

homeopathy with menopause list of drugs reviews
homeopathy with menopause list of drugs reviews


Homeopathic therapy has some disadvantages:

  • lack of effectiveness in severe pathologies;
  • should not be used in conjunction with herbal therapy;
  • not all traditional medicine experts recognize the positive effect of using homeopathic medicines for menopause;
  • long-term medication.

Forms of release and composition of these medicines

Homeopathic remedies for menopause are produced in various dosage forms: tablets, granules or drops. They are both monopreparations and specialized complexes, in which the effect of one component can enhance the effect of the others.

Their composition of such drugs includes only natural substances:

  • immunostimulants and natural estrogens found in certain plant varieties;
  • bee products;
  • snake venom (Lachesis) and other animal components.

The full list of homeopathic drugs for menopause, presented on the Russian pharmacological market, includes more than 1500 drugs.

Homeopathic preparation "Climaxan"

This is a very popular homeopathic medicine produced by the domestic company Materia Medica. It is produced in two dosage forms,which have an identical composition and therapeutic effect: lozenges and spherical granules. This medicinal product has the following indications for use: elimination of premenopausal and postmenopausal symptoms. This homeopathic medicine is used to stabilize the menstrual cycle at the initial menopausal stage.

The composition of this medicine includes the main element - phytoestrogen, which is an extract of cimicifuga. This substance normalizes hormonal balance and eliminates unpleasant menopausal manifestations - hot flashes, excessive sweating, sleep disturbances and other problems in the nervous system, headaches and dizziness.

menopause treatment homeopathy
menopause treatment homeopathy

Bee venom, which is also present in this product, helps to eliminate depressive conditions caused by hormonal changes. He fights well in the swelling of the limbs and reduces the intensity of the pain syndrome.

Lachesis, snake venom, which is present in the drug "Climaxan", has a positive effect on the composition of the blood. As a result, the work of the heart and blood vessels, the autonomic system improves, hot flashes disappear, as well as the increased sweating that accompanies such disorders.

The medicine should be taken twice a day, 1 tablet or 5 granules before meals. This medication, regardless of the form of release, must be absorbed in the mouth until completely dissolved. With severe manifestations of symptoms, the doctor may increase the daily dose of the drug: 5granules or 1 tablet up to 4 times during the day. The minimum therapeutic course with granules should be 1-2 months, and with tablets - six months. After the end of treatment, a two-week interval is made, during which it is recommended to donate blood for a laboratory test and undergo an examination by a gynecologist. If necessary, the specialist prescribes a second course of menopause treatment with homeopathy.

Climact-Hel medication

This is a combined homeopathic remedy of the German pharmaceutical company Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH. It is produced in the form of tablets for resorption in the mouth. Consists of 7 active ingredients, 3 of which are of plant origin:

  • Canadian sanguinaria - helps to eliminate hot flashes and headaches;
  • ignatia bitter - helps eliminate mood swings and emotional lability;
  • cedron - relieves neurological disorders.

The ingredients of animal origin in this medicinal product are:

  • cuttlefish ink pouch extract - eliminates hot flashes and excessive sweating, depression and irritability;
  • Lachesis is a surukuku poison, the effect of which is aimed at relieving headaches and hot flashes.

The mineral constituents of this medicine:

  • sulfur - to eliminate hot flashes and excessive sweating;
  • metal tin - from neuralgia.

This homeopathic medication is taken during menopause three times a day, one at a timetablet before meals. The course of therapy is 3-6 weeks.


This is a popular combined homeopathic medicine from the Austrian pharmaceutical company Richard Bittner AG, which is produced in the form of drops and tablets. The composition of this tool includes a complex of phytoestrogens from cimicifuga and sanguinaria. In addition, there are lachesis and the secretion of cuttlefish glands, which are powerful immunostimulating components. Taking a medication allows you to stop the unpleasant symptoms that its active elements are struggling with.

homeopathy for menopause reviews
homeopathy for menopause reviews

A homeopathic medication is used for menopause from hot flashes, to normalize hormonal balance and the menstrual cycle, strengthen immunity, normalize the functions of the organs of the reproductive system, as well as the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Women especially appreciate this medicine because it prevents the formation of fatty deposits against the background of low levels of sex hormones.

Initially, the remedy is taken 3 tablets or 30 drops per day. After that, the dosage should be reduced to 20 drops and 1-2 tablets. The course of therapy is 6 months.

Homeopathy can be very effective in menopause. The drug list doesn't end there.

Sepia Comp Matron

This homeopathic preparation is produced by the Russian company "Talion A" in drops. They include:

  • extracts of cimicifuga;
  • elements from cuttlefish glands;
  • snake venom.
homeopathy vs.menopause
homeopathy vs.menopause

This homeopathic remedy against menopause can be used during hormonal therapy, combined with the intake of various vitamins and microelements. Take the drug 10 drops three times a day for 2 months. Subsequently, it is necessary to take a monthly break and repeat the course of treatment. Such a therapeutic technique helps to eliminate pressure drops, headaches, hot flashes, strengthen immunity, stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, prevent depression and cope with emotional phenomena.

This is confirmed by reviews of homeopathy for menopause. The list of drugs prescribed during this period is extensive.


This medicine is a complex homeopathic remedy from the Russian company V-Min+. It is considered one of the best medications used to eliminate menopausal symptoms. It does not contain lachesis and other components of animal origin, but only plant substances - an extract of cimicifuga, nettle leaves, wild yam and soy isoflavonoids, provitamins. With the help of this medicine, effective therapy for menopausal disorders is carried out. The drug normalizes hormonal levels, eliminates psycho-emotional stress, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, and prevents calcium from being washed out of bone tissue.

Thus, the drug helps prevent the development of osteoporosis and pathologies of the cardiovascular system, improves immunity and is used for heavy menstruation in premenopause. Issuedthis remedy is in the form of capsules, you should take 1 capsule three times a day.

homeopathy during menopause
homeopathy during menopause

Reviews on homeopathy preparations for menopause

Each woman sooner or later faces such a phenomenon as menopause, so there are a lot of reviews on medical sites about drugs that help eliminate the negative symptoms of this physiological condition. Speaking specifically about homeopathic medicines, women here have two opinions. Some say that these drugs are a good and, most importantly, safe analogy for hormone therapy. They believe that these remedies can effectively eliminate hot flashes and other manifestations of menopause, even despite their natural composition. The most popular medications, according to reviews of homeopathy for menopause, are Estrovel and Klimakt-Hel.

Another category of women does not consider homeopathic medicines as the main treatment and uses them as an additional tool in complex therapy. In this case, they say, they help enhance the effect of essential drugs and normalize the general condition.

It is better to familiarize yourself with the reviews of women about homeopathy with menopause in advance.
