According to ICD 10, thyroid cancer code C73. It is he who encrypts a malignant disease that affects one of the most important glands of the human body. Consider what are the features of the disease, how you can recognize it, what are the approaches to treatment. Let's also pay attention to why this problem is so relevant in modern medicine.
General information
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ, the localization area of which is the frontal part of the neck. This gland is one of the blocks of the human endocrine system. The gland is responsible for generating a number of vital hormones. One of them (triiodothyronine) provides the body with the opportunity to develop and grow. Thyroxine, produced by this gland, is necessary for the normal rate of metabolic processes inherent in our body. Finally, the gland generates calcitonin, which monitors how calcium is used up in the body.
Recorded as C73 (ICD code 10), thyroid cancer is a malignant process localized in the organic tissues that form the organ. Atin a cancerous tumor, cell growth is not controlled by standard mechanisms, and cell division is not regulated by anything.

Relevance of the issue
Entry C73 (thyroid cancer code according to ICD 10) is on average every tenth person suffering from a tumor process in this organ. The main percentage (about 9 cases out of ten) falls on benign neoplasms. More often, the disease develops in females - up to three-quarters of cancer victims belong to him. In the female half of humanity, this disease is the fifth most common. As scientists who studied medical statistics found, among women over 20 years old, but under 35, this type of cancer is most common.
As can be seen from the statistics based on the use of the C73 cipher (ICD 10 code for thyroid cancer), this problem is really relevant for modern society. Of course, any person who is suspected of having a disease or has been accurately diagnosed is concerned about the issue of curability. According to experts, in the general case, cancer is treatable. As information reports show, among other diseases in the field of oncology, this one has one of the best outcomes if treatment is started on time and correctly. The best prognosis is in people who were diagnosed with the disease at the initial level, and who managed to start treatment while the disease was in the first or second stage. If progress has reached the formation of metastases, the situationbecomes much more difficult.
About categorization
Above was the ICD diagnosis code (C73). ICD 10 is an internationally accepted classification of diseases that develop in humans. This classification system is regularly reviewed, and the ten in the name reflects the current version number, that is, the tenth edition is current today. The classifier is accepted in medicine in many countries and is used to designate and encrypt a diagnosis. The system was created by WHO and is recommended for use everywhere.
С73 is the ICD diagnosis code, which encrypts a malignant formation that has appeared in the thyroid gland. Experts note that the disease is more often observed, as mentioned above, in females.

Where did the trouble come from
Thyroid cancer is a disease whose cause is currently unknown to scientists. In rare cases, it is possible to formulate what exactly provoked oncology, but this is rather an exception than a rule. It is known that certain types of disease are initiated by genetic transformations at the cellular level.
Factors that increase the danger to humans have been identified. The first and main one is gender. Women are more susceptible to developing the disease, the risk for representatives of this sex is three times greater than that characteristic of men.
It has been established that a cancerous growth can appear unpredictably at any age, but more often it is either young women and middle-aged ladies, or men over 50 years old. If thoughif one close relative suffered from such a malignant disease, the likelihood of its development is much higher. The most significant association in the study of statistics was found with diseases that developed in parents, children, sisters and brothers.
About Factors: Continuing Consideration
As observations have shown, various forms of thyroid cancer threaten people who eat inadequately, do not receive the amount of iodine necessary for a person with food. The risks are associated with a complete rejection of such nutrition, and with a partial exclusion of products, accompanied by the danger of a micronutrient deficiency.
Another relationship has been identified with radiation exposure. If a person was previously treated for a malignant process, and was forced to undergo radiation as part of the course, the likelihood of thyroid pathology increases.

Can I warn you
Because the exact causes of the disease in most cases can not be established, the prevention of thyroid cancer is difficult. Doctors do not know the ways and methods that could completely eliminate the risk of developing a malignant disease. General advice has been developed to reduce the risks for a particular person. Observations have shown that they are less if a person regularly goes in for sports and leads an active, he althy lifestyle. It is equally important to eat properly, in a balanced way, controlling the intake of essential elements and vitamins into the body.
Prevention of thyroid cancer involves a complete rejection of any bad habits. To minimize the risks to yourself, you should monitor the iodine content in the body. To maintain it, you can review the diet, consult a doctor in order to determine the appropriateness of taking special nutritional supplements.
About Forms
There are several types of thyroid cancer. The classification is based on the type of cellular structures from which the pathological area is formed. Another important parameter is differentiation. When determining the features of the case, the degree of prevalence must be checked.
There are three types of differentiation: high, medium and low. The lower the parameter, the faster the propagation speed will be. Poorly differentiated pathological processes have a worse prognosis because they are difficult to treat.

Types: more details
Most often diagnosed papillary form of the disease. On average, it accounts for 80% of oncological ailments of the gland in question. Approximately in 8-9 people out of every ten cases, the process extends to only one part of the organ. Up to 65% is not accompanied by spread beyond it. Detection of metastases in the lymphatic system occurs in the diagnosis of approximately one in three cases. The papillary form slowly progresses. The prognosis is relatively good as the disease is treatable.
Every tenth organ cancer patient is diagnosed with follicular thyroid cancer. The prognosis in this case is also relatively good. Spread Probabilityprocess on other organs is estimated at no more than 10%. More often this type of pathology is found in women in whose bodies there is a lack of iodine.
Continuing the theme
Sometimes, when thyroid cancer is suspected, doctors talk about the possibility of a pathological process of the medullary type. This is observed on average in 4% of patients with oncology of the organ. Up to 70% is accompanied by metastasis to the regional nodes of the lymphatic system. Every third person is found to have spread to the skeletal system, to the tissue of the lungs, and to the liver.
The prevalence of the anaplastic form is estimated at 2%. This format is considered the most aggressive. It tends to spread rapidly to the lymphatic system and to the cervical tissues. For many, the lungs are already affected at the stage of diagnosis. Most often, this disease can only be detected at the fourth stage of development.

Step by step
Like any other oncological disease, the one under consideration has several stages. Consider the generally accepted clinical system. According to it, a case is referred to the first stage, the dimensions of which do not exceed a centimeter, only the tissues of the gland itself are covered. The second stage is accompanied by growth up to 4 cm, so the gland is deformed. Spread to nearby lymph nodes (only on one side of the neck) is possible. This stage is accompanied by the first symptoms - the neck swells, the voice becomes hoarse.
Thyroid cancer stage 3 is characterized by the spread of the process outside the initial organ with lesionslymphatic system on both sides of the neck. Pathology initiates pain. The fourth stage is accompanied by secondary lesions, spreading to the musculoskeletal, respiratory and other systems.
How to be suspicious
Symptoms of early thyroid cancer usually don't show up. At the first stage, the disease can be noticed only as part of a specialized preventive examination. The first more or less noticeable manifestations are seen when the pathology has reached the second or third level. Symptoms are close to a variety of benign formations, so the diagnosis is complicated. To accurately determine what initiated the manifestations, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination in a specialized clinic. It is recommended to visit a specialist if a swelling has formed near the gland, a seal is felt. It is recommended to contact a professional if the cervical lymph nodes become larger than normal, the voice is often hoarse, and it is difficult to swallow. A potential symptom of the process is shortness of breath. Soreness in the neck can signal cancer.

How to clarify
If a malignant disease is suspected, the patient will be sent for a comprehensive laboratory and instrumental examination. Diagnostic measures will be chosen by the endocrinologist. First, they collect a medical history, study the condition of the lymph nodes, thyroid gland by palpation. Next, a person is sent to a laboratory for blood sampling in order to determine its qualities through a hormonal panel. TSH for thyroid cancer or highernomes, or significantly lower. The production of other hormones is corrected. Violation of the concentration of active substances in the circulatory system is not an unambiguous indication of oncology, but may indicate it.
An equally important examination is a blood test to determine the content of oncological markers. These are specific substances that are characteristic of a certain malignant process.
Continuing research
The patient must be sent for an ultrasound. A study using ultrasound allows you to assess the condition of both the organ and the lymph nodes nearby. As a result, the doctor will know what the dimensions of the gland are, whether there is a pathological formation in it, how large it is. Pathologically altered cells are taken from the identified area for biopsy. The procedure requires local anesthesia. A fine needle is used for the biopsy. Ultrasound allows you to control the accuracy of the selection of the site for obtaining cells. Organic samples are sent to a laboratory for evaluation. Based on the results of the study, the doctor will know what are the nuances of the structure, how malignant the process is, and will also determine the differentiation.
After the initial examination, the patient is sent for a chest X-ray. An alternative is computed tomography. The procedure helps to determine the presence of a secondary tumor process in the respiratory system. To exclude brain metastases, an MRI is prescribed. To assess the presence of metastases in the body, PET-CT is indicated. This technology helps to identify pathological foci up to a millimeter in diameter.

How to fight
Having completed the diagnosis and determined all the features of the process, doctors select the appropriate therapy program. They may recommend surgery, medication, and a course of radiation treatment. A typical approach is an operation during which pathological cellular structures are removed. There are two main methods of operation, the choice in favor of a specific one is due to the spread of the disease. If it is necessary to remove only part of the gland, a lobectomy is prescribed. If it is necessary to remove the tissues of the gland completely or its large area, a thyroidectomy is prescribed. If malignant processes have covered not only the gland, but also nearby lymph nodes, they must also be removed.
About operations
Operation can be done in an open way. Tissues are cut horizontally on the neck. The length of the incision can be up to eight centimeters. For the patient, the main advantage of this approach is the affordable cost of the event. There were some disadvantages, as a large footprint remains after the operation.
A more modern option is assisting with a video camera. To do this, a three-centimeter incision is sufficient, through which a tube with video equipment and a scalpel operating on ultrasonic radiation are introduced into the body. As a result, the scar will not be so noticeable, but the event is quite complex and expensive, not every clinic has the equipment to implement it.
An even more expensive and reliable method of operation is robotic. An incision is made in the armpit through which the drug is injected into the body.a special robot that performs all surgical procedures. After such an operation, everything heals without any traces visible to the eye.