Many people at least once in their lives experienced discomfort in the throat when swallowing. But if this problem has a long-term nature of anxiety, then you should understand the causes of this terrible discomfort. In itself, this manifestation may not threaten human he alth, but spasms in the throat in every possible way interfere with normal life. In this article, you will learn about the various causes of discomfort and how to get rid of it.
Most people, without understanding whether they have any serious problems in reality, immediately begin to sound the alarm. Therefore, in order to determine the presence or absence of this problem, the following are the main symptoms:
- after eating food or too stressful situation, there is a feeling that something is in the way of the throat, but it is impossible to tactilely feel a lump;
- breathing becomes difficult because of a lump or lumpin the throat blocks access to oxygen;
- throat very pronounced tickle;
- burning sensation in throat;
- pain around the perimeter of the neck;
- feeling of sediment in chest or throat.
If you find one of the signs in yourself, then you should think about the reasons for the origin of such discomfort.
Factor group
There is a large group of factors that can lead to discomfort in the throat when swallowing, they can be divided into three sections:
- Non-infectious causes (allergic reaction, gastroenterological and endocrine disease).
- Infectious causes (respiratory and oropharyngeal disorders).
- Other reasons that are not included in the above sections.

If you have a lump in your throat and you cannot find the cause for a long time, then you may have a non-infectious pathology. Below are the top 6 pathologies that can lead to throat discomfort.
1. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. This disease is characterized by damage to the spinal column at the level of the cervical region. As a result, a violation of the nervous excitation of the laryngopharyngeal zone may occur, which will lead to a sensation of a lump in the throat.
Such a problem is so subjective that it is very rare in the world. In addition, in order to experience such discomfort, osteochondrosis must be in an advanced stage.
The symptoms of this disease are very specific:
- feeling a lumpwhen swallowing;
- pain in the cervical spine;
- numbness of the tongue and fingers (in the later stages of the disease).
In this case, treatment with chondroprotectors and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed.
Similar symptoms have a hernia of the cervical spine, but with osteochondrosis, their manifestation is much more pronounced.
2. Goiter of the thyroid gland. It is manifested by nodular or diffuse growth of the thyroid gland. Nodular growth is a formation on the organ itself in the form of tumors that are similar in structure to the gland itself. Diffuse - homogeneous enlargement of the gland.
The reasons for such growths may be:
- malnutrition;
- excess production of pituitary hormones;
- an abundance of iodine in the diet.
Symptoms of thyroid goiter are:
- something gets in the throat when swallowing;
- pain in the thyroid gland;
- high body temperature;
- external change in the surface of the neck (bulge);
- drowsy;
- weakness;
- apathy;
- overweight.
Doctors in the presence of goiter of the thyroid gland initially eliminate the reason why this happened. Due to the fact that the organ has a change in size, there is some pressure on the larynx, as a result, the person feels a lump in the throat.
3. Gastritis. It is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Due to the inflammatory lesion, there is a reverse return of undigested food to the previous sections of the digestive tract,which causes a lump in the throat.
Such an uncomfortable condition accompanies a person constantly or the intensity of manifestation can change.
- junk food;
- excessive drinking;
- all kinds of abdominal injuries.
Symptomatology is very difficult to distinguish with this disease:
- throat discomfort when swallowing;
- abdominal feeling of heaviness;
- chair problem;
- pain in the anterior abdominal wall;
- disorder of the digestive system.
Treatment is accompanied by the use of medicines.
4. Hernia of the esophagus. A rare disease characterized by dilatation of the lower esophagus. With such a pathology, there is no pain, but the presence of a coma in the throat is felt.
5. Reflux esophagitis. This disease shares characteristics with gastritis and consists in a lack of force in the valve that closes the passage to the stomach. Because of what, the contents of the stomach are ejected into the original sections of the digestive tract.
Reflux is especially evident at night, because the human body is in a horizontal position. Attention! Requires immediate treatment, as as a result, asphyxia (suffocation) and aspiration (penetration of gastric contents into the respiratory tract) can occur, and in the end - death.
6. Hypersensitivity reaction. If cramps are felt in the throat, the causes of this may be allergic reactions. In other words, eating a product that has an allergic reaction.
In most cases, these products are:
- milk;
- bow;
- fruits and vegetables (red);
- citrus;
- nuts.
- pain below the Adam's apple;
- chest pain;
- itchy throat and discomfort when swallowing
Against this background, asthma or swelling of the larynx may develop. Therefore, do not hesitate, but you need to go to the hospital.

Infectious causes of discomfort in the throat are much more common. With such a problem, it is with these factors that diagnostics begin:
1. Pharyngitis. A similar disease is qualified by the presence of inflammation of the pharyngeal wall. This happens due to exposure to fungi (Candida) or other bacteria.
- sore throat;
- sore throat when swallowing with fever;
- cough with sputum;
- violation or irritation of the voice.
Treat with antifungal, antiviral, or antimicrobial agents.
2. Tonsillitis. Or, as it is also called, angina, is manifested by the inflammatory process of the organs of the upper respiratory tract and palatine tonsils. This occurs due to streptococci or other microorganisms. Very rarely viral.
Symptoms of this disease will be:
- sharp throat pain;
- itch;
- possible breathing difficulties;
- burning;
- feeling like somethinghinders throat;
- pus discharge;
- bad smell.
Specialists prescribe antiviral or antibacterial treatment. In rare cases, antimycotic agents may be prescribed.
3. Laryngitis. This kind of disease carries inflammation of the tissues of the larynx. Caused by the presence of viruses, infections, or fungi in the oropharynx.
Symptoms are similar to tonsillitis, the only difference is that the pus is less intense.

Other reasons
Other reasons include:
1. Discomfort in the throat when swallowing saliva on a nervous basis. This cause can only be detected after the above diseases have been excluded through diagnosis and a detailed examination. People who have throat discomfort but no disease describe symptoms like this:
- difficulty swallowing saliva;
- desire to constantly swallow;
- sore throat;
- "scratching the throat";
- breathing hard;
- cannot take solid food.
Symptoms are increasing in nature, and in order to alleviate their condition, a person first refuses solid food, and then completely switches to only water. This is explained more by the fact that he is afraid to swallow and experience discomfort than the pain itself.
It happens that such a problem develops as a result of panic, which was accompanied by suffocation and heart palpitations. At such a moment, people usually experience the fear of death,which further leads to a sensation of a lump in the throat.
Besides this, the reason can also be:
- somatized depression;
- neurosis;
- other mental illnesses (epilepsy, schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis).
In order to get rid of this problem, you need to contact a psychologist or psychiatrist, as well as eliminate all stressful situations.
2. Excessive and prolonged use of alcohol. With alcohol dependence, a lump in the throat is often observed. The cause may not be recognized for a long time. Due to alcohol, burning of the oropharynx occurs, which gives rise to a feeling of discomfort. You should stop drinking alcohol immediately.
3. Smoking. Many people who smoke often feel a lump in their throat. This occurs as a result of irritation of the vagus nerve located at the bottom of the throat by nicotine. Also, when a person has a viral disease, cigarette smoke only makes things worse. Another of the most common causes is smoking after meals. Therefore, do not neglect your he alth, you need to quit smoking!
4. Peritonsillar abscess (acute purulent inflammation). With this disease of the oral cavity, there is pain, and at the last stage there is a feeling of discomfort.

Tumors of a different nature, fortunately, develop very rarely. Their localization mainly extends to the throat, or the region of the vocal cords.
List of possible neoplasms that have symptoms as if somethinginterferes with throat when swallowing:
- polyps - a tumor with a connective tissue structure, may be malignant;
- fibromas - identical in structure to polyps, but cannot be malignant;
- lipomas - they are also called "wen";
- angiomas - neoplasms from blood vessels;
- cysts are not tumors and are benign;
- sarcomas are the worst malignant tumor;
- carcinomas are also malignant but less aggressive.

How to deal with this situation
If you have a spasm in your throat and the causes of the occurrence have not been found out, but there is no time to go to the hospital? It is recommended to resort to home activities that will help relieve symptoms:
- do not eat cold, hot or spicy food;
- in order not to strain the vocal cords once again, it is better to be silent if possible;
- at least temporarily stop smoking;
- drink more clean water;
- make a soothing tea and let it cool;
- ventilate the room;
- sleep well;
- add foods rich in iodine to food;
- do relaxation or take a relaxing bath.
If you are sure that a nervous breakdown or depression caused you discomfort in your throat when swallowing, treatment can be carried out with the help of consultations with a psychologist, as well as medications such as:
- herbal decoction with relaxing effect;
- motherwort;
- "Nerve-vit" - it includes the herb cyanosis blue, which will help to relax and calm the whole body;
- valerian;
- St. John's wort;
- "Apitonus-P" is a vitamin complex that will increase the body's resistance to stress.
Who to contact
Of course, first of all, it is to determine all the symptoms of this problem. After that, you should contact the clinic. There, with such a range of reasons, a detailed examination and diagnosis should be carried out. If you have a sore throat on the right when swallowing, then you need to definitely mention this at the appointment with the therapist. It is with this specialist that it is recommended to start. He will then refer you to other possible doctors:
- gastroenterologist;
- dentist;
- endocrinologist;
- neurologist;
- otolaryngologist;
- orthopedist;
- allergist;
- neurosurgeon;
- immunologist.
Remember that self-medication can lead to complications, so only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.
At the first appointment, a specialist doctor will ask a lot of questions about the general condition, record complaints and take an anamnesis. Answer questions clearly and to the point.
The following studies and examinations will be required in the future:
- examination of the oral cavity by an otolaryngologist;
- allergic tests;
- histological diagnosis;
- laryngoscopy;
- biopsy (if tumors are found);

Treatmentinfections and pathologies
Depending on what cause has been identified, specialists prescribe a course of treatment or a number of other measures. If there is discomfort in the throat when swallowing, and the cause of this was a violation of the thyroid gland, then prescribe medications that contain iodine.
Also, for problems with the neck, for example, it is recommended to do special exercises that will help develop the cervical muscles and vertebrae. In addition, they can prescribe laser, manual treatment or reflexology.
To solve problems with the digestive system, a specially designed diet food with the use of medicines can be recommended. But if the examination reveals a hernia of the esophagus, then surgery may be required.
If there is inflammation of the respiratory tract, then doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs or other antibiotics. Along with this, it is recommended to drink herbal decoction and gargle with soda. Occasionally, but it happens that they can prescribe warm compresses
Also, if a throat tumor is found, then in such cases, doctors do chemotherapy and radiation therapy, but the possibility of an operation is not ruled out.
All methods of treatment and medicines are selected only directly by the doctor. Self-medication can lead to complications that can negatively affect overall he alth, even death.

How to avoid? Prevention
To prevent discomfort in the throat whenswallowing, it is necessary to follow the rules of prevention. The following activities are recommended:
- if there are symptoms of thyroid goiter, start treatment immediately;
- treat any throat diseases in a timely manner;
- as a prophylaxis, rinse the nasopharynx with saline;
- do not overload the vocal cords;
- monitor the digestive tract;
- do not inhale poisonous substances;
- normalize the diet, which must be present fruits and vegetables;
- walk more outdoors;
- exercise and exercise;
- maintain fresh air in the house, ventilate rooms more often;
- sometimes you should drink herbal infusions, it will have a good effect not only on the body, but also on the psyche;
- if you have a “sedentary job”, then you should pay attention to the comfort of the chair, because due to the fact that you are uncomfortable, the upper muscles are overstressed, which can lead to a sensation of a lump in the throat when swallowing;
- you need to organize a he althy 8-hour sleep so that all the muscles of the body can relax and fully rest.
At first glance, such a problem in the form of discomfort in the throat may seem intimidating. But it is not all that bad. In most medical cases described, the discomfort goes away in just a week or two. Cases such as a tumor of the larynx are very rare. Therefore, all other causes are removed almost painlessly and easily.