Mineral water for constipation: effect on the intestines and daily intake

Mineral water for constipation: effect on the intestines and daily intake
Mineral water for constipation: effect on the intestines and daily intake

Many people get constipated. This is a serious pathology that needs to be treated. In addition to medicines, mineral water will help with constipation. Due to its properties, it dilutes the feces and removes them from the body. Before such treatment, it is important to consult a doctor. Read about the nuances of therapy in the article.


What are the properties of mineral water for constipation? This healing fluid is capable of:

  • soften feces and remove them;
  • eliminate pathogens in the gut;
  • activate the contractile function of the intestine;
  • eliminate spasms.
donat magnesium mineral water for constipation
donat magnesium mineral water for constipation

Water is prescribed for constipation, the presence of increased gas formation. With the help of this tool, decoctions and infusions are prepared, which are quickly absorbed by the body and have a healing effect.


Does Donat, Essentuki mineral water help with constipation? It is better to buy it in a pharmacy. Treatmentshould be done after consulting a doctor. There are different types of constipation, and each has its own ideal water. Therefore, the type of pathology is determined first.

constipation treatment with mineral water
constipation treatment with mineral water

Spastic shape

Spastic constipation usually causes pain in the abdomen. For therapy, water with a minimum indicator of gases is used. Mineralization can be selected as low or medium. This drink must be:

  • sulfates;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • chlorine;
  • sodium.

All of these components have anti-inflammatory properties. Mineral water for constipation should be drunk half an hour before meals. Children should consume it slowly, in small sips. The temperature of the drink must also be taken into account. It should be equal to 45 degrees.

mineral water for constipation in adults
mineral water for constipation in adults

Therapy should be done gradually. First, drink ½ cup three times a day, and then slightly increase the volume. The mineral water "Donat Magnesium", "Essentuki 4 and 17", "Smirnovskaya" is effective for constipation. Gas must be released before use. Hot water without gas relaxes the muscles of the intestines, relieves pain and removes feces.

Atonic pathologies

In this case, the motor function of the intestine is reduced. Therefore, in the treatment it is required to use water with medium or high mineralization. This liquid consists of:

  • chlorine;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • sulfates.

Which mineral water for this type of constipationfits? To do this, use:

  • water like narzans;
  • "Pyatigorsk";
  • "Borjomi";
  • Essentuki;
  • sulfate-magnesium;
  • sodium chloride.

All drinks are consumed 3 times a day one hour before meals. The water temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. The liquid is drunk quickly, in large sips. Only then will it be possible to achieve an increase in peristalsis and intestinal tone.

Water bottles should be kept in a dark place out of the sun's rays. The temperature should not be more than 15 degrees. The container must be in a horizontal position. Only under these conditions, healing properties are preserved.


What mineral water do doctors recommend to drink for constipation? Experts advise to use "Borjomi". This water contains alkalis. Mineralization is up to 10 g / l. The treatment uses a liquid of different temperatures. It is the ideal mineral water for adult constipation.

It is also recommended for children. It should be consumed 3 times a day before meals. For the dosage of the required amount, the weight of the child is taken into account. The calculation is performed in the amount of 3 mg per 1 kg of weight.


This drink has an alkaline-s alt reaction. The maximum mineralization is 12 g/l. Some waters of this type contain bromine and iodine. They are also used to treat constipation in children.

You must follow the rules of use. Water is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach after the release of gases. Requires 50-300 ml of liquid for a child. Selling water inpharmacies and supermarkets.


What is the best mineral water for constipation? The following types of drinks are effective:

  1. Pyatigorsk mineral waters. This drink has a complex anionic composition. Mineralization can be 5-6 g/l.
  2. Sulfate-magnesium. They stay in the intestine for a long time. This softens the stool and removes it from the body.
  3. Sodium chloride. The amount of s alts in them is 10 g / l. Drinks help improve bowel function and relieve atonic constipation.
mineral water for constipation
mineral water for constipation

These are all useful mineral waters for constipation in adults. It is enough to follow the treatment recommendations provided by the doctor for the therapy to be effective.

Recommendations for selection

Before you use mineral water for constipation, you should read the tips to help you choose a drink. The s alts present in it are taken as the base:

  1. Bicarbonate. These drinks are not suitable for gastritis. They contain bicarbonates (600 mg/l). They make you feel better. Small children also drink. These waters include BZHNI and Arkhyz.
  2. Sulfate. They should not be consumed by children, as they interfere with the absorption of calcium. And this element is necessary for a growing organism. These include Essentuki 20.
  3. Chloride water. These are Essentuki No. 4, Aksu - they should not be used by people with high blood pressure. But at its rate, this drink will be effective.
  4. Sodium. This is Narzan, Smirnovskaya. Drinks of this type are not suitable forpeople with high blood pressure. They should also not be consumed on a s alt-free diet. In sodium chloride waters, there are more components such as sodium and chlorine. Their number is 700 mg/l and 800 mg/l. This group includes Cardamom.
  5. With magnesium. Treating constipation with mineral water is also effective. Increased magnesium content in Narzan and Erinskaya.

Before buying a drink, you must read the label. It matches the specified parameters. Mineral water for constipation of the elderly and not only is an excellent remedy.


There are several contraindications to drinking the drink. You need to know about them, because otherwise you can harm your he alth. Water should not be consumed when:

  • inflammation in the body;
  • exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines;
  • presence of bleeding;
  • vomit.
what mineral water for constipation
what mineral water for constipation

People who are obese should not drink carbonated mineral water, because gas makes you feel hungry. It is forbidden to treat this drink with a strongly alkaline urine reaction.

If there are contraindications to mineral water, you can prepare a healing drink at home. The same is done if there are contraindications to it.

Dill water

This drink relieves intestinal spasms, cleanses it. Dill water is available in pharmacies, but you can prepare it yourself. This is easy to do.

Use should be fresh water. After a while, it loses its medicinal properties. Desirableprepare the drink 30 minutes before drinking it. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. dill seeds and pour them with boiling water (1 cup). Water is infused for 30 minutes. Consume it in the morning on an empty stomach.

With cinnamon and ginger

These components normalize bowel function, eliminate pathogenic microflora and eliminate constipation. It will take 1 glass of warm water, to which 0.5 tsp is added. ground cinnamon and ginger. To improve the taste, 1 tsp is added. honey. Drink a drink in the morning or evening before meals.

With lemon

Water with lemon also helps to treat constipation. It also invigorates and boosts the immune system. You will need a glass of heated water, into which juice is squeezed ¼ tsp. lemon. The drink is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

To make the water taste better, 1 tsp is added to it. honey. To protect tooth enamel, it is advisable to drink a lemon drink through a straw.


This is also a useful remedy that eliminates constipation, improves metabolism. This will require ½ kg of cucumbers, which are cut into circles. Then the vegetables are poured with cool water, after which the product should be infused for 8 hours.

After this time, a little mint and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. It is necessary to consume such a drink during the day.

With honey

It is easy to prepare. It will take 1 tsp. honey, which is stirred in warm water (1 cup). In this case, you should not choose boiling water, because it loses the healing effect of honey.

Take the drink in the morning before meals or in the evening before bed. Honeywater is used not only as a drink inside, but also to perform an enema.


To prepare raisin water, you need 1 tbsp. l. raisins, which is poured with hot water (1 cup). Infusion is performed for 30 minutes. Drink should be 1 time per day in large sips. It is preferable to drink water in the morning or in the evening, as it is better absorbed at this time.

S alty

Treatment in this way is a complex procedure. Sometimes it can harm the body. The reason is contraindications - renal failure or hypertension. Before cleansing the intestines with s alt water, proper nutrition is required for at least a week. It is required not to allow overeating.

Drink 2 glasses of s alt water on an empty stomach on the day of cleansing. 9 g of s alt is added per 1 liter. Half an hour after the first dose, you need to drink 2 more glasses. Then you need to massage the stomach.

Cold or warm?

Some people have a question: what kind of water to use to cure constipation? In this case, it takes into account which drink will be consumed. During heating, some liquids are able to lose their properties, and s alts precipitate. In this case, the drink will be harmful.

When Pregnant

Pregnant women are prohibited from exercising to improve bowel function. It is forbidden to use s alty and warm water to treat constipation. What can be used?

Donat mineral water for constipation
Donat mineral water for constipation

To fix the problem, you need to add foods rich in fiber to the diet. Shouldconsume more dairy products. There are also medicines (for example, "Duphalac") that allow you to cope with constipation and not harm the baby.

Other purpose

Benefit depends on chemical composition:

  1. If there is iron in mineral water, then people with anemia need it.
  2. Water with iodine is effective for thyroid diseases.
  3. Sodium water is used to restore blood pressure.
  4. With urolithiasis, it is useful to drink bicarbonate water.
  5. To stimulate metabolism and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, take chloride, chloride sulfate and chloride hydrocarbonate drinks.
  6. With stomach ulcers, it is preferable to drink bicarbonate sulfate water. With a minimum of s alts and carbon dioxide.
  7. In chronic inflammatory diseases of the large and small intestines, bicarbonate sulfate waters with a high concentration of calcium s alts are recommended.
  8. In case of inflammation of the large and small intestines, chloride and chloride sulfate waters are used.
  9. Hydrocarbonate water stimulates the liver and gallbladder. Therefore, they are drunk in diseases of the biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, obesity.
what mineral water to drink for constipation
what mineral water to drink for constipation

It is necessary to consume the right mineral water to be he althy. You need to choose a fresh drink. The bottle usually indicates the date of bottling and expiration date, including after opening. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations in order to maintain medicinal properties.properties of water.


Constipation is a serious problem that needs to be addressed urgently, otherwise it will only get worse. Mineral water will help restore bowel function and remove feces. But before treatment, consultation with a specialist is required.
