Intense fear is a normal emotion for both a child and an adult. There is such a reaction from a loud sound, unusual human behavior. The consequences of fear can be completely unpredictable. They depend on the individual parameters of a particular individual.

Features of the problem
In order to choose ways to get rid of a problem, it is important to understand what it is. Strong fright (shock neurosis) is a sudden, instantaneous fear that is caused by a serious stimulus. Such a reaction is a combination of an orienting reflex and fear. After a shock, a person develops psychosomatic disorders.
The state of intense fear is most often experienced by young children. A similar problem is typical for babies who lag behind their peers in development.
Causes of a psychopathological condition
The following factors can cause panic and fear:
- off balance;
- scary movie;
- loud speech.
The danger lies in the fact that if left untreated, a strong fear turns into various phobias.

Manifestation in children
Any person is lost when frightened, as he falls into an atypical state. Among the typical manifestations of cowardice in babies are:
- crying and shivering at night;
- lack of sleep;
- irritability and nervousness;
- depression and depression;
- stuttering;
- rapid heart rate;
- high blood pressure.
If a child has these symptoms, a child psychiatrist should be consulted. Ignoring the problem can lead to serious consequences. Children who are numb with fear cannot cope with the problem on their own, they need the help of adults. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by severe headaches, which must be addressed immediately.
Severe fear, left unattended by parents, can lead to problems in communicating with peers and adults. Because of the fear of being again in a stressful situation, the child will seek complete isolation.

Typical symptoms
Severe fright in an adult is similar to the symptoms that appear in children. Among the main features:
- sleep disorder;
- severe cough;
- increased heart rate;
- stuttering;
- paralytic stupor.
Why from frightheart beats strongly, the person starts screaming? The reason is a strong emotional shock. The nervous system reacts to an external stimulus. That is why people who are numb with fear, after a while, start screaming loudly.

Before choosing a treatment option, it is necessary to find out the main causes of fear, its possible consequences. Since the disease is considered psychological, the results can be quite serious. The reaction to fear depends on the individuality of the human psyche. Impressive people, as well as those with heart disease, can have serious he alth consequences as a result of fear.
In childhood, the following consequences are possible: isolation, loss or delay of speech. In adults, this condition can even lead to death. If there is a strong fright, what to do?
It is impossible to prevent such a disease, but it can be treated. Some believe that a heart attack is possible due to fear. For a he althy person, such consequences are not typical. His blood pressure rises and his heart rate rises. In people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, with a sharp release of adrenaline, myocardial infarction is provoked, and a subsequent rupture of the middle wall of the heart is possible.
Lethal outcome is possible only when an attack of fear coincides with a heart attack. The results of statistical studies indicate that only 5% die as a result of a rupture of the heart. What are the mainsymptoms of this problem? A person falls, loses consciousness, veins thicken (swell) on the neck, a gray-blue color of the upper body appears.

Sudden fright (severe stress) is the cause of emotional shock, leads to disruption of the functioning of the speech apparatus. Stuttering, loss of speech are symptoms that are typical for preschoolers and children of primary school age. Among the reasons, psychologists note the unfair attitude of adults towards the child. Due to speech disorders, the child refuses to contact with peers.
How to treat fear? Experts recommend that parents, when the first symptoms of a problem are detected, immediately contact specialists. A neurologist and a speech therapist will select a comprehensive individual program for getting rid of speech defects. Eliminating stuttering is a lengthy process.
Correction of the problem is carried out thanks to respiratory therapy, the development of the articulation and voice department. Psychological assistance helps to increase the self-esteem of the child, so it is also included in the complex of restorative measures. To achieve a positive result, it is important that the patient is in a state of emotional balance.
Pregnancy Fright
Some people believe that there is an intrauterine fear. The fears of a pregnant woman automatically pass to the baby. Is it really? He alth professionals advise expectant mothers to protect themselves from negative emotional shocks.
Fear provokesan increase in blood pressure, which can stimulate placental abruption, adversely affect the baby.
The danger of intrauterine fright has been confirmed by numerous studies. After birth, the child becomes withdrawn, suffers from autism. Doctors advise pregnant women to take natural sedatives: motherwort, valerian.

Medicines for fear
The psychiatrist prescribes a course using pharmacological agents. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, the support and understanding of relatives and friends is needed.
Among the drugs used to treat fear are:
- ethers;
- chlorminazine or diphenhydramine;
- valerian;
- magnesium sulfate;
- neuroparalytics;
- tranquilizers
Folk remedies
Homeopathy helps fight mild forms of fear. It is important to select the drug taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, as well as the severity of the shock.
Fear from a blow can be treated with arnica. Belladonna is recommended for convulsions. St. John's wort perfectly eliminates the effects of a shock state. Virginia jasmine is used for emotional fears in babies.
Opium is prescribed in cases of enuresis, fright, accompanied by dizziness. Black grass (elderberry) is useful for nervous people. White arsenic oxide is used for nightmares and fear of death.

Fear is a complex process that begins inbrain. An increased amount of the hormone (adrenaline) is released into the blood. This feeling has been considered an effective weapon since ancient times. A frightened enemy will become less of a threat and much easier to deal with during combat.
Information can cause serious harm to he alth. That is why it is so important, especially when working with children, to select worthy sources of information in order to save the younger generation from excessive experiences.
In an adult he althy body, there are no special consequences from a feeling of fright. The problem is that each person has a certain “margin of safety”, after which the body wears out, numerous diseases develop.
Fear leads to short-term changes in the body. Due to changes in cardiac activity, overstrain of the nervous system, a huge amount of hormones is released. Among the most terrible consequences of a strong fright, the development of tachycardia, smoothly turning into extrasystole, is distinguished.
During stress, hormones also have a negative effect on the vascular wall, resulting in hypertension. Emotional overstrain leaves a deep imprint on the human psyche. At best, fright leads to minor disturbances and mild neuroses. Severe stress affects the metabolism, they can bring a person to complete exhaustion.
In a child, a strong fright can leave an imprint on the psyche for a long time without causing serious damage to physical he alth. The child's body "connects" additional resources, compensatingthe damage caused to him. The consequences of a strong fright in elderly people are completely different. Having a stable psyche, they do not have good he alth. That is why for this category, the main consequences will be related to the deterioration of the physical condition.
Even in a he althy adult, with a strong fright, a nervous tic, stuttering, stiffness of movements, and obsessive fears can appear. Psychologists believe that fear is the greatest danger for young children. The child's psyche is not fully formed, so powerful stress leaves an imprint on his whole subsequent life. That is why it is so important to protect babies and pregnant women from negative emotions, to take care of the psyche of the elderly. Each person reacts to emergencies differently. But, regardless of the resistance to stress, various negative consequences manifest themselves in each person.