What to do when you feel like smoking: motivation to quit, distractions, tips and tricks

What to do when you feel like smoking: motivation to quit, distractions, tips and tricks
What to do when you feel like smoking: motivation to quit, distractions, tips and tricks

In the article we will consider what to do when you want to smoke.

Even schoolchildren know how harmful smoking is, but few people stop this knowledge from the subsequent use of cigarettes. The reason for this is habituation. Nicotine causes addiction in a smoker, deprives him of willpower, completely subjugates him. The desire to smoke increases so strongly that sometimes it seems to the smoker irresistible. Dealing with such a problem on your own is always difficult. Such a task is simply impossible for some people. But there are some tricks that make it easier to break. Let's figure out what to do when you want to smoke.

what to do when you want to smoke
what to do when you want to smoke

How not to break loose in the process

After three days after giving up cigarettes, a person begins to experience drug withdrawal. He wants so much to get another dose of nicotine that other needs lose their significance. Ata person develops irritability, anger, insomnia. In addition, the general well-being deteriorates significantly. This is how the nicotine withdrawal syndrome manifests itself. These symptoms disappear with time.

People often complain: “I quit smoking, but I really want to, what should I do?”

The first and foremost rule is not to give in to temptation. If there is a desire to smoke, it is necessary to drive this thought in every possible way and not come up with compromises. At the initial stage, the right mindset is of no small importance. It depends on how a person is set up, whether he can overcome dependence on tobacco or not. It is important to carefully control your thoughts. Convincing yourself that one cigarette will not spoil the situation is not worth it - such ideas should be immediately discarded.

Bad thoughts

No less bad are the following thoughts:

  1. “Now is not the right time to quit smoking. I will do it next time.”
  2. "All my friends smoke and if I quit I won't be able to keep in touch with them."
  3. "I have a very strong addiction, it is unlikely that I will be able to overcome it."

Specialists in the field of psychology at such moments recommend giving up self-pity and remembering the true reasons that contributed to the decision to quit smoking.

quit smoking but really want to do something
quit smoking but really want to do something

Switching attention

So let's find out what to do when you feel like smoking.

It is not uncommon to ease cigarette withdrawal with a simple switch of attention. If you have a strong desire to smoke, do notThink about it. It is necessary to abstract and be distracted by other things. You can focus your attention on some little things, for example, on a fly crawling on the ceiling. It is worth studying the insect in detail, considering the color, counting the number of legs. The longer you think about the fly, the sooner the craving for a cigarette will subside. The main rule is that you should not focus on something specific, because the “white monkey” effect may occur. Psychologists call this a technique in which a person is asked to think about anything other than a white monkey. As you might guess, his mind begins to focus solely on that monkey.

What to do if a pregnant woman wants to smoke? We'll talk about that too.

Change activities

Effectively switch attention also allows you to change activities. Psychologists recommend that if you want to smoke, start jumping. As a result of physical activity, blood circulation improves, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the physical and emotional state. In addition, it will allow you to get rid of unnecessary kilograms and adjust your figure.

When I quit smoking, but really want to, what should I do? Running can also be a substitute. The more intense the load, the less thoughts will arise about cigarettes. Sports loads can be distracting, so you need to start playing sports as soon as there is a desire to take a cigarette. If there are no conditions for running, squats or push-ups can quite effectively replace it.

The sweat released during sports contributes to the rapidcleansing the body of harmful substances, including nicotine. After the body is cleansed, the process of quitting smoking will be easier.

Instead of sports, you can do cleaning or doing some household chores. Washing clothes, dusting will help fight off the desire to smoke and provide an opportunity to survive cigarette withdrawal easier.

what to do if a pregnant woman wants to smoke
what to do if a pregnant woman wants to smoke


Many experts who have thoroughly studied the problem of tobacco addiction advise taking a fifteen-minute break if the desire to smoke arises. Observations of experts led to the conclusion that such a desire lasts no more than 10 minutes. When a person manages to endure this time, the desire will weaken, and next time it will be much easier to kill this craving. Over time, the desire for cigarettes will dry up altogether.

To make time flow faster, you can use one trick - to start a diary. The thicker the notebook, the better. If there is a need for cigarettes, it is worth writing it down, and write it down, and not print it. If the hand is occupied with a pen or pencil, there is an effect of holding a cigarette. The diary should record all reactions and thoughts that arise when quitting nicotine, as well as what helps to overcome cravings and get through difficult moments.

Employed hands will make breaking easier

Many people continue to smoke just because they are used to it. In addition, many simply enjoy the ritual of smoking. This habit makes you pick upcigarettes, light a match, bring it to a cigarette, inhale. The body has a need to perform such a manipulation.

Drugologists advise not to abandon the very process to which the body is so accustomed. You just need to replace the cigarette with something less dangerous. So that you do not want to smoke, candy on a stick can be an alternative. The main rule in this case is to perform the same actions as in the process of smoking cigarettes. That is, you need to take the candy out of the package, make an imitation of smoking and put the candy in your mouth. The ritual should be performed about 3-4 times. This tactic may seem ridiculous, but the desire to smoke disappears pretty quickly. An identical result can be obtained by eating unshelled seeds and nuts in the shell.

want to smoke during pregnancy what to do
want to smoke during pregnancy what to do

Correct behavior in a company where people smoke

It is quite difficult to quit smoking if a person is in the company of people who smoke and are not in a hurry to give up their habit. The main advice for such cases is to get chewing gum out of the pack at this moment. It is imperative that the chewing gum is very tasty and likes quitting smoking. Chewing keeps your mouth occupied, and savoring your own sensations helps to suppress nicotine cravings.


However, this method has one drawback - a person's hands remain unoccupied, that is, the smoking ritual is not fully reproduced. In this situation, a rosary can help. If you touch the beads, then you can distract your fingers and move away fromthe environment that surrounds. You can use other small items that you can turn in your hands.

Self-esteem plays an important role. Surveys conducted by psychologists show that many people become addicted to tobacco, thinking that the cigarette makes them look more successful, sexy, we althy. If a person increases his own self-esteem, then it will be much easier for him to resist tobacco addiction and not start smoking again. This is especially true for adolescent smokers.

What is missing in the body if there is a desire to smoke

The constant and inexplicable desire to smoke may indicate a deficiency in the body of silicon and tyrosine. You can make up for the lack of silicon by eating garlic, beets, bran, black bread, dried nuts, seeds.

If you want to smoke, what is missing, you need to find out.

Eliminate tyrosine deficiency by eating eggs, pumpkin seeds, cheeses, seafood, poultry meat.

what to do to stop smoking
what to do to stop smoking

Safe ways to relax

When using nicotine, vasoconstriction occurs, which causes temporary hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation. At the moment, a person has a feeling of relaxation. In the absence of nicotine, the CNS is excited. Therefore, soothing teas can reduce nicotine cravings.

To make a soothing drink, you can use:

  1. Ginger root.
  2. Air.
  3. Hawthorn.
  4. Ledum.
  5. Melissa.
  6. Mint.
  7. St. John's wort.

Preparing tea based on St. John's wort is easy. To do this, you will need the following components:

  1. Two teaspoons of green tea.
  2. One teaspoon dried St. John's wort.
  3. One tablespoon of lemon balm.
  4. One teaspoon lime blossom.

Herbs should be poured with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. After that, green tea should be added to the mixture and kept for another 5 minutes. After that, honey is added to the drink. Drink this infusion should be three times a day for 1/3 cup.

Often when giving up cigarettes, oregano is used. This herb helps to strengthen the body and restore the nervous system.

Excessive nervousness during the period of quitting smoking allows you to eliminate the sedative collection. It is prepared on the basis of honey, chamomile, St. John's wort, oregano, peppermint. One tablespoon of the mixture of these ingredients should be used. Herbs insist, pouring a glass of boiling water for a quarter of an hour. After that, the infusion is filtered, honey is added to it to taste. This herbal tea calms the nerves, prevents breakdowns.

If there are no cigarettes, I want to smoke, what should I do? You can use a soothing infusion based on motherwort. To prepare it, you should mix equal parts of hawthorn flowers, cudweed, motherwort, chamomile. Plants can be both dry and fresh. Raw materials must be poured with hot water and insisted for a quarter of an hour. It is recommended to use the infusion three times a day for ½ cup. This drink helpselimination of stress, will allow you to fight cravings for cigarettes.

To overcome the desire to smoke, the collection of the following herbs will also help:

  1. One tablespoon of valerian roots.
  2. Two tablespoons sweet clover.
  3. Two tablespoons of hawthorn.
  4. Three tablespoons of oregano.
  5. what to do if you want to smoke during pregnancy
    what to do if you want to smoke during pregnancy

The indicated herbs should be poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour. Then the drink is filtered with gauze or any other fabric and taken three times a day, before meals.

Valerian is the most popular sedative. A drink based on lemon balm, motherwort and valerian roots, mixed in equal proportions, allows you to relieve stress. Plant raw materials are poured with boiling water, insisted for a third of an hour and the resulting infusion is taken three times a day, one spoon each.

When you want to smoke during pregnancy, what to do is interesting to many. The advantage of herbal drinks is their safety, which means that women who want to quit smoking can use them while they are expecting a child. However, this should only be done if there is no allergy to herbs.

What else can I do to stop smoking?

Breathing exercises instead of nicotine

Get relaxation, which is similar to the effect of the use of nicotine, will allow breathing according to a special technique. If you want to smoke, you should go out into the air, stand strictly upright, keeping your back straight. Then you need to take a deep breath and hold your breath for5 second. After exhaling, the breath should also be held for a couple of seconds. Such an exercise causes slight dizziness due to slight hypoxia.

It is also worth noting that special medicines show good efficiency. The smoker is advised to contact a narcologist to select the most suitable remedy.

What to do if you want to start smoking, it is better to find out in advance.

what to do if you want to start smoking
what to do if you want to start smoking

Anti-smoking sprays and nicotine gums

Quitting smoking will be easier if you use these aids. They are of two varieties. The first includes small doses of nicotine. Their use allows you to quickly eliminate a strong desire to smoke. The composition of the second nicotine is absent, but there are a variety of herbs that form an aversion to cigarettes. Such funds are relatively inexpensive - 200-1000 rubles.

Craving for cigarettes will also help reduce chewing gum. You can buy it at a pharmacy. Chewing gum, as well as sprays, are nicotine and non-nicotine. The former are used, as a rule, by people who do not quit smoking, but at the moment do not have the opportunity to smoke. Herbal gum, on the other hand, is an excellent remedy for those who are in the process of quitting cigarettes.

What to do if you want to smoke during pregnancy is a relevant question today. The use of such funds is not recommended during this period, as they contain auxiliary components that may be harmful to the woman and herbaby.

Nicotine free cigarettes

An alternative to nicotine can be herbal cigarettes. Smoking herbal cigarettes does not bring benefits, but it does less harm than regular cigarettes.

For the first time such products were invented in India. They included cinnamon, basil and cloves. Later, herbal cigarettes appeared on the territory of Russia. They are produced under the trade name "Meadowsweet". These cigarettes contain eucalyptus, St. John's wort, sweet clover, thyme, mountaineer, sage, horsetail.

Thus, there are quite a lot of aids that allow you to quit smoking quickly and without stress. But the main thing is always a great desire to get rid of a destructive habit and willpower.

We covered what to do when you feel like smoking.
