Dual image in the eyes is called diplopia. It can form in one eye or both. In the first case, a diagnosis is made - monocular diplopia. In the second - binocular. This pathology also has a vertical and horizontal manifestation. Can be treated with special drugs and gymnastics. In the most severe cases, surgery occurs.
List of reasons
When a person has dual vision of objects, this means that one eye does not fix focus on the object in sync with the other.
The causes of diplopia are:
- Weakness or paralysis of the muscles involved in eye movement.
- Ocular nerve affected by an aneurysm.
- Head injuries leading to points 1 and 2.
- Tumours and bruises that prevent the eyeballs from moving freely.
- Intoxication with drugs or alcohol.
- Psychic neuroses.
- The consequences of surgical treatment of the brain or eyes.
The state of being doubled in oneeye, may be permanent or temporary. In the second case, the symptoms disappear on their own. This usually occurs after the abuse of drugs or alcohol.
Binocular and monocular pathology
These are two kinds of diplopia. The first is characterized as follows: when viewing an object with both eyes, its bifurcation is formed. It disappears when one eye is closed.
The second type appears as follows: there is a forked picture in only one eye. And it does not disappear even when the second one is closed.
The scheme of binocular diplopia is as follows:

And her reasons are:
- Tumors in the orbital area.
- Neurological pathology.
- Vascular disorders.
- Failures of the oculomotor muscles.
- Injuries and bruises.
- A sharp rise or decrease in intracranial pressure.
It also occurs when a person is sick:
- pathologies of the nervous system, such as meningitis or multiple sclerosis;
- infectious diseases, examples are rubella, diphtheria, influenza;
- retinopathy based on diabetes;
- vasculitis.
- epilepsy, brain tumor.
When there is double vision in one eye, there may be anomalies of its cornea, retinal tissue or lens. Often, patients with the effect of dry eye complain about this condition.
The scheme of monocular duality is as follows:

Vertical and horizontal
Localization of pathologydetermines the direction of the ghost image. Two options are most common here: horizontal or vertical. There is another type - diagonal. But it is extremely rarely diagnosed.
In this matter, the appearance of the affected eye muscles is of decisive importance. So, if it doubles in one eye horizontally, it means that the rectus musculature is broken:
- Lower.
- Top.
- Lateral.
- Medial.
P.1 and 2 are internal. Items 3 and 4 are external.
If there is double vision in one eye vertically, the pathology has covered oblique muscles: lower or upper.
Both are internal.
The scheme of the presented muscle groups is as follows:

Treatment. General provisions
For it to bring the desired effect, it is required to find the real causes of diplopia.
If a connection with any disease is found, the patient is sent to the appropriate specialist. For example, endocrinologist and neurologist. And an established course of treatment almost always leads to the elimination of the problem.
If eye diseases are the cause of diplopia, then the patient is treated by an ophthalmologist. The most serious pathologies are eliminated only by surgery.
If strabismus is detected, correction is carried out using professional optics. If these methods do not bring the desired effect, the work of the surgeon is required, and the doctor changes the length of the eye muscle.
If you see double in one eye or both when looking at a long distance, then the accommodation of the lens is disturbed.
When pathology is to blameserves as impaired cerebral circulation; nootropics and drugs to lower pressure are used in the treatment. Based on the doctor's testimony, a prismatic correction is organized. This procedure may have a similar effect associated with a decline in vigilance. To solve the problem, special visual gymnastics is prescribed.
Point selection is based on personal characteristics and disease. This optic helps to combine a double image into a single one.
Basic diagnostic methods
During the examination, the specialist determines:
- The nature of diplopia is vertical or horizontal.
- Is there a rotation of objects.
- Vision quality, light perception and refraction.
- Unsteady gait.
- Deviation of the eyes, parameters of their cut, position and movement of the eyelids.
The doctor also sets the contrast and brightness of the image.
The main diagnostic methods are:
Cover testing. Allows you to identify hidden strabismus

Ophthalmoscopy. Special devices are used, the vessels located in the fundus, the optic nerve and the macula zones are studied. In this procedure, the patient is in the supine position

- Coordimetry. For the procedure, an ophthalmic coordimeter is used. In this way, the focus and nature of the disease, as well as the damaged muscle sector, are revealed. Haab procedure. Helps identify split points.
- Laboratory blood tests. They are used to establishproportions of glucose. They are prescribed by a doctor when he suspects a patient has diabetes.
- Examination of the brain using an MRI procedure. Helps to identify violations in its structure or problems with blood circulation.
- Taking a proserin sample. His doctor prescribes for suspected myasthenia gravis.
- Strabometry. Allows you to measure the angle of strabismus.

Courses of treatment
The main task in the fight against diplopia lies in the elimination of its causes. As a rule, the following therapeutic methods are used:
1. Occlusion. It is used when several nerves are affected at once, and volumetric perception (3D) is lost. During the procedure, one eye is “turned off”. To do this, use special lenses or a very thin tape that does not transmit light. It sticks to glasses. The duration of treatment is determined by the treating specialist and the form of pathology.
2. Prismatic fix. It manifests itself in wearing glasses equipped with prisms. They deflect light rays and shift the image. Fresnel prisms are also often used - special overlays for glasses glasses. They can be changed to similar devices with a different angle of refraction when the patient regains vision.

3. Botulinum injections. They are placed when monocular diplopia suddenly occurs to temporarily alleviate the condition. Botox is injected into the injured muscles. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. This method eliminates the formation of contractures.
4. operational way. Required in extremely severe cases. Allows you to restore the symmetry of the position of the eyes. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The result is a completely restored vision.
If you have double vision in one eye, and this condition is a symptom of any diseases, then therapeutic methods are aimed at combating them. So, for example, antibiotics and immunomodulators are prescribed for infectious diseases, neuroprotectors and analgesics for neuralgia, special creams and ointments for hematomas in the eye socket, for example, Troxevasin, Fastum Gel, etc.
To achieve the desired effect faster, the doctor prescribes special exercises to correct vision. They usually stimulate the muscles of the neck and eyes. With their help, the perception of binocular vision is trained. Their selection is based on an individual principle based on the type and format of the pathology. They bring the greatest effect in the fight against partial diplopia.
If diplopia is not treated, then over time, eye functions are suppressed and vision is impaired, cataracts may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to contact specialists in a timely manner to find out the causes of double vision and eliminate harmful consequences.
What is a cataract - a disease in which the lens is eclipsed. It is one of the most important structural components of the eye. In its normal state, it is transparent. Streams of light pass through it without obstacles and are displayed on the retina. From it, along the nerve, the picture follows to the brain.
The simplest explanation of what a cataract is isa disease in which the lens becomes opaque and vision is seriously impaired. With a complication, complete blindness may occur.

The main symptom of this ailment is the state when a person sees all objects as if through a misted glass. Other manifestations are:
- Deteriorated visibility in the evening.
- Violated color identification.
- Double vision.
- High sensitivity to bright light.
Cure a cataract only by surgery. The cloudy lens is removed. Instead, a special transparent lens is inserted.
Double vision and dizziness
If they occur at the same time, the reasons for this are:
- Sunstroke.
- Hunger.
- A sharp change in body position.
- Prolonged eye strain (working at a computer, watching TV, etc.)
- The effect of psychotropic drugs.
- A sharp exit from the darkness into bright light.
- Atmospheric pressure jumps.
Diplopia in children

If a child sees an image ambivalently, he also needs to undergo a full-fledged diagnosis of the whole organism without delay. And doctors must determine the cause of this condition.
Most often, bifurcation in children occurs due to:
- Circulatory disorders of the brain.
- Squint.
- Metamorphosis in the cornea.
- Nervous disorders.
- Dropping eyelids.
- Pathologies of the lens.
- Disturbances in the eye muscles.
Are monocular or binocular diplopia treated quickly and effectively in children? Much depends on the efficiency of the parents. If they pay attention to the child's complaints about pain in the eyes, dizziness and other symptoms in time, then they immediately contact the doctor with him. This is usually the pediatrician. And he is already referring the patient for tests, to an ophthalmologist and a neurologist.
The necessary diagnostic and treatment procedures are being carried out.
Double vision from alcohol

After taking alcohol moves through the vessels and constricts them. This also occurs in the oculomotor muscles and optic nerves. As a result, the blood rushes to the eyes worse, there is a lack of oxygen, and the person begins to see the image darkened.
Due to vasoconstriction, blood pressure rises in them. Small capillaries burst. As a result, the eyes turn red, itching and burning, as well as doubling the image.
Due to the toxic effect of alcohol, the eye muscles work inhibited and inconsistently. And the normalization of the state often occurs after the complete exit of alcohol from the body. If the pathology persists for a long period, the help of doctors is required.