Solution for lenses "ReNu" (ReNu): description, reviews

Solution for lenses "ReNu" (ReNu): description, reviews
Solution for lenses "ReNu" (ReNu): description, reviews

So, today we have to figure out what the ReNu lens solution is. This product is already too well known and popular among the population wearing contact lenses. But reviews about it remain mixed. And it is extremely difficult to understand whether it is really worth paying attention to this solution. Let's try to figure out what the pros and cons of this product are, and also find out if it really is as good as the manufacturer promises.

renu lens solution
renu lens solution


Let's start with the fact that we will get acquainted with the description of products. ReNu lens solution is, as you might have guessed, a special liquid designed to store soft contact lenses. It is impossible to do without it. After all, your optics will simply dry out.

ReNu solution for contact lenses is a reliable protection for your eyesight. He, according to the manufacturer, does not cause allergies and is suitable for all soft "options". That is, it is universal. Provides moisturizing, cleaning and high-quality storage of lenses for a long time. No discomfort orburning. Just what all buyers who wear contact lenses need. But is all this really true? What reviews does the ReNu solution for contact lenses receive in practice? This is yet to be sorted out.


First, let's talk about the form of product release. Manufacturers do not always care about the amount of solution in the vial, saying that they "hold on" to quality. As practice shows, the freedom to choose the volume of production is the key to success. Especially when it comes to lens solution.

"Renu" comes in many "formats". Here and small "pocket" options, and designed for a long period of time. In pharmacies and opticians, you can find bottles from 60 to 500 milliliters. More popular, of course, are large packages of the product, as well as "travel" options.

Renu solution for contact lenses
Renu solution for contact lenses

By the way, it is more profitable to buy, as many consumers note, a large solution for ReNu lenses. It is enough for a long time, and then the price tag is a huge benefit. The product has a long shelf life, which means that you don’t have to worry about the delay. So, a very tempting offer.


Especially given the availability of products. Perhaps, the ReNu solution for contact lenses is the most popular and widespread product that many "carriers" of this optics offer to purchase. Most "newbies" happily agree toadvice of doctors - they will not advise bad. But when the question arises of buying a product, some people panic: “What if the ReNu lens solution runs out and you can’t find a new one?”

It's just delusion and fear. "Renu" you can easily and simply buy at any pharmacy in your city or an optician's salon. True, there may be problems with finding the right volume. Often there are no very small bottles (60 milliliters each) and medium ones (150 each). But with large "containers" there will be no problems. It is enough to buy a solution with a volume of 360-500 milliliters once, and you can forget about the upcoming new purchase for the next few months.

renu lens solution price
renu lens solution price


Of course, all this is good - availability, beautiful promises from the manufacturer and recommendations from doctors. But how effective is the remedy really? The ReNu lens solution receives consumer reviews in this sense very good. After all, the tool really does its job well.

As practice has shown, "ReNu" is a universal solution that suits all types of soft contact lenses. So, if you used, say, "ClearBlue", and then switched to "Biomedics", you will not need to select a new care product.

Plus, it really does not cause allergies. Even the most sensitive eyes are well tolerated by the solution on the mucous membrane. And the lenses, by the way, will retain their quality for a long time. All thisthanks to the "ReNu" solution, which cares and moisturizes the optics. In addition, if for forced reasons you overwear the lenses (for example, not 3 months, but 4), then today's remedy will maintain their maximum quality all this time.


But that's where all good things end. And, as most consumers note, problems begin. For example, few people know that when using ReNu, you will have to carry out a special disinfection of lenses once a week. Yes, the solution does clean them, but an additional procedure is still required. And for its implementation, special tablets are needed, which are dissolved in a means of storing contact lenses. Not the most pleasant procedure.

renu solution for lenses price 360 ml
renu solution for lenses price 360 ml

Of course, this technique increases the cost of funds. If you bought a large bottle, then there is nothing to worry about, but when it is small, there is cause for concern. Consumption efficiency is one of the characteristics that any lens solution should have. Without it, even with recommendations, buyers will begin to refuse products. And a solution for ReNu lenses often falls under the distribution. Price, by the way, also plays an important role here. What do consumers think of it?

Price tag

This is exactly where the illusion will be destroyed, according to which "Renu" is the best care product for soft lenses. After all, the price of the goods is quite high. It can be said, overestimated to the limit. And over time, consumers refuse these products. Smallcost example:

  1. "ReNu" (solution for lenses), the price of a 360 ml bottle is 700 rubles.
  2. "Renu", 60 ml - 450 rubles.
  3. ReNu, 150 ml - 350 rubles.

Not the best data, is it? From competitors with exactly the same effect and the absence of allergic reactions, you can often buy a 360 ml solution for 350 rubles, and its "road" version will cost no more than 100 rubles. It remains to take into account the high consumption of ReNu, as well as the need for additional lens cleaning procedures - and all illusions of the product's superiority will be dispelled. However, doctors strongly recommend it. Maybe due to the fact that the ReNu lens solution, the price of which fluctuates in different regions of Russia, still remains at a high level. Or maybe because it's imported. And in the country, everything foreign is considered to be the best.

renu lens solution reviews
renu lens solution reviews

In general, everyone decides for himself what solutions and lenses to buy. Have extra funds? Then, without remorse, buy ReNu. Is saving important? Will have to find another product. But at least once ReNu is worth a try. Maybe your eyes will "normally react" to this particular solution. And then there will be no way out - only today's products and use.
