Hygienic treatment of the hands of medical staff: methods, algorithm and preparations

Hygienic treatment of the hands of medical staff: methods, algorithm and preparations
Hygienic treatment of the hands of medical staff: methods, algorithm and preparations

Hygienic treatment of the hands of medical staff is a mandatory procedure before performing any action with the patient. For processing, various means and preparations are used that do not require a long time-consuming and are approved by the Committee of Pharmacology of the Russian Federation.

Why disinfection is needed

Hand hygiene is a disinfecting procedure that prevents nosocomial infection, protecting not only the staff, but also the patients. The purpose of the treatment is to neutralize microbes that are on human skin after contact with an infected object or are part of the natural flora of the skin.

Hand hygiene
Hand hygiene

There are two types of procedures: hand hygiene and surgical treatment. The first is mandatory before contacting the patient, especially if he is to undergo surgery. Hygienic treatment of the hands of personnel must be carried out after contact with saliva, as well as blood. Disinfection must be carried out before sterile gloves are put on. You can wash your hands with special soap with an antiseptic effect or wipe your skin with an alcohol-based product.

When to sanitize

Hygienic treatment of the hands of medical staff is mandatory in the following situations:

  1. After the therapy of patients who are diagnosed with an inflammatory process with the release of pus.
  2. After contact with devices and any other object located near the patient.
  3. After every contact with contaminated surfaces.
  4. After contact with a person's mucous membranes, his excretions and gauze bandages.
  5. After contact with the patient's skin.
  6. Before performing patient care procedures.
  7. Before each patient contact.
Hand hygiene algorithm
Hand hygiene algorithm

Proper hygiene treatment involves washing with soap and running water to remove dirt and reduce the number of microorganisms. In addition, hand hygiene is a procedure for treating the skin with antiseptic agents that help reduce the number of bacteria to a minimum safe level.

What is used for processing

Soap in liquid form, which is dosed using a dispensary, is ideal for washing the hands of medical staff. It is not recommended to use hot water due to an increased risk of dermatitis. Must usetowel to turn off a faucet that is not equipped with an elbow drive. To dry clean hands, use disposable paper towels (or individual cloth towels).

Hygienic treatment of hands, the algorithm of which includes several simple steps, can be carried out using a skin antiseptic. In this case, pre-washing with soap is not necessary. The product is rubbed into the skin of the hands in the amount indicated on the packaging of the antiseptic. Particular attention is paid to the fingers, the skin between them and the areas around the nails. A prerequisite for achieving the desired effect is keeping the hands moist for a certain time (usually it is indicated on the product). After hand hygiene is done, it is not necessary to dry them with a towel.

Hygiene equipment

In order for the hygiene procedure to be carried out in accordance with all the rules and requirements, the following is necessary:

  • Running water.
  • Liquid soap with neutral pH.
  • Washbasin with faucet operated without the touch of the palms (elbow method).
  • Alcohol-based antiseptic.
  • Disposable towels both sterile and non-sterile.
  • Detergent with antimicrobial action.
  • Disposable rubber gloves (sterile or non-sterile).
  • Hand care product.
  • Household rubber gloves.
  • Used binaccessories.
Hygienic treatment of the hands of medical staff
Hygienic treatment of the hands of medical staff


In the room where the antimicrobial treatment of hands is planned, the washbasin should be located in an accessible place. It is equipped with a tap through which hot and cold water flows, a special mixer. The design of the faucet should be made in such a way that splashing of water is minimal. The hygienic level of hand treatment provides for the maximum reduction in the number of microorganisms on the skin, so it is advisable to install several dispensers with products next to the washbasin. One contains liquid soap, the other contains an antimicrobial, and another must be filled with hand sanitizer.

Hands are not recommended to be dried with electric hand dryers, as they will still remain wet, and the device causes air turbulence, where contaminated particles can be. All containers with funds must be disposable. Hospitals should always have a few hand sanitizers on hand, some for workers with sensitive skin.

Algorithm for carrying out

Hand sanitizing is mandatory for all he althcare workers. The algorithm for cleaning with soap is as follows:

  1. Squeezing out the required amount of liquid soap from the dispenser.
  2. Rubbing in palm-to-palm mode.
  3. Rubbing one palm of the hand against the back of the other.
  4. Wipingthe inner surfaces of the fingers vertically.
  5. Rubbing the back of the fingers of the hand folded into a fist, the palm of the second (do the same with the other hand).
  6. Rubbing all fingers in circles.
  7. Rubbing each palm with fingertips.
Hand treatment at a hygienic level algorithm
Hand treatment at a hygienic level algorithm

Surgical disinfection

Surgical hand disinfection is required to completely remove flora from hands: resistant as well as transistorized. This is done so that the infection cannot be transmitted through the hands. Like hand hygiene, surgical disinfection is performed by washing and wiping. The use of alcohol-based solutions is widespread due to the fast and directional action, optimal skin acceptance of the product, long duration of action, the effect of complete removal of microorganisms.

The process of surgical disinfection includes almost the same steps that involve the processing of hands at a hygienic level. Surgical antisepsis algorithm:

  1. Wash hands with soap and water for at least two minutes.
  2. Dry hands using a disposable tissue or towel.
  3. Apply antiseptic to hands, forearms, and wrists without wiping hands afterwards.
  4. Wait for the product to dry completely, put on sterile gloves.
Hand treatment hygienic and surgical
Hand treatment hygienic and surgical

The exposure time of a particular antiseptic drug, its dosing and other importantparameters can be read on the product label or in its instructions. The first hand treatment of each work shift should include the step of cleaning the areas around each nail with a special soft brush - sterile and disposable (or one that has been sterilized by autoclaving).

Antiseptic treatment

Antiseptic solution is one of the main means of combating microorganisms, which includes hand hygiene. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Washing hands in room temperature water with liquid soap, drying with a disposable towel.
  2. Applying the disinfectant in a rubbing motion that disinfects the hands.
  3. With interlaced fingers, massage the backs of the hands.
  4. With fingers crossed, spread wide, rub palms.
  5. Rub the product into the thumbs with clenched palms alternately.
  6. Rubbing forearms minimum 2 minutes, maximum 3 minutes, nail and subungual treatment.
Hygienic level of hand treatment
Hygienic level of hand treatment

Each step needs to be repeated 4-5 times. Throughout the procedure, you need to ensure that your hands do not dry out. If necessary, apply another portion of the disinfectant.

Recommended hygiene products

Hand hygiene is a mandatory disinfection process for all medical personnel in contact with patients or various contaminated hospital facilities. Processed with chlorhexidine digluconate(alcohol solution) in ethyl alcohol (70%). In addition, the following drugs are used:

  • Octenisept.
  • Ethyl alcohol with additives that effectively soften the skin.
  • Octeniderm.
  • Hemisept.
  • Higenix.
  • "Isopropanol" - 60%.
  • Octeniman.
  • "Decocept+".
  • Veltocept.

Before carrying out hygienic treatment, it is imperative to remove all wrist accessories and jewelry. We must not forget about cleaning the hands with a sterile brush, paying special attention to the nail area. The procedure is carried out once at the beginning of the working day.

Hygienic processing of personnel hands
Hygienic processing of personnel hands

Requirements for hygiene products

If the antiseptic and soap containers are not disposable, then refilling should only be done after they have been thoroughly disinfected, rinsed with running water and completely dried. It is recommended to use dispensers that work on photocells or those from which the product is squeezed out in an elbow way.

All antiseptics used for skin treatment should be readily available at all stages of the treatment process. If the unit is aimed at intensive care of patients, then containers with antiseptics should be placed in places most convenient for medical personnel, for example, at the patient's bedside or near the entrance to the hospital ward. It is recommended to provide each worker with an individual container of small volume withantiseptic.
