Clouding of the lens. Correct this condition is possible only with surgical intervention. The disease is called a cataract. Prices for the operation depend on the type of intraocular lens, ranging from 1.5 to 70 thousand rubles.
The patient is usually offered several types of lenses. How to choose it and which one is better? Lenses of domestic manufacturers are installed free of charge, guaranteeing the good functioning of the visual organ. Is it really? Import analogues have to be taken for a lot of money.
Problems of choosing intraocular lenses
Let's take a closer look at information about cataract disease: surgery, reviews. Which lens is better? According to hospital patients, a cheap lens is more difficult to install. Surgeons make a larger incision to insert it. Service life is much less than imported analogues. Let's see if this is the case.

Distinguish the quality of imported lenses supplied from the US, Europe, and Asian products. It also includes goods from India. There is a risk of astigmatism afteroperation, but when using a low-quality lens, it is much higher.
The difference lies in the installation method and the appearance of the lens itself. Imported products are soft and bend easily. It requires a very small hole to install.
Comparison of requirements for glasses and lenses
The action of an intraocular lens is comparable to the work of glasses. But there are some differences:
- Glasses are worn in front of the eyes. Lenses are installed inside the visual organ.
- The former correct vision, the latter correct it completely.
- Glasses are easy to replace and rarely have consequences if used incorrectly.
- Installation of lenses is a complex surgical micro-operation requiring high qualifications, experience and sophisticated equipment. An appropriate examination is carried out before cataract treatment.

An artificial lens for cataracts is chosen on the basis that its materials will be chemically neutral to the internal environment of the eye. It is important that over the years its partial destruction or deformation does not occur.
Types of intraocular lenses
Each lens is selected individually. Cases when different lenses are put on both eyes are noted. Ophthalmological clinic offers customers 2 types of lenses:
- Monofocal. Imitation of the natural lens. But there is one feature - farsightedness is restored, but glasses are put on for reading.
- Multifocal. Allows you to clearly distinguish objects not only in the distance, but alsoclose. The full work of the eye is ensured.

Some diseases require a specially made lens. The name of such lenses is toric. They are used for astigmatism, when operations and the selection of glasses will not bring success.
Intraocular lens materials
Domestic lenses have been used since 1967 in eye microsurgery. They are made from a specially developed material - bioinert plastic. There are no consequences after installation, it is not rejected by body tissues. The size of the incision is not more than 3 mm. A more flexible structure allows the lens to be rolled up during surgery.

Intraocular lenses may have an ultraviolet selective filter, thereby protecting the eyes from the harmful portion of sunlight. Blue rays are dangerous for the retina of the eye, the natural lens has the ability to delay them. To preserve these properties, an appropriate filter was added to the artificial model. The lens was painted yellow.
Types of materials:
- acrylic;
- hydrogel;
- silicone;
- collamer.
Cost of surgery
Price policy in the clinic is built personally for each client. How much a lens replacement costs depends on the following circumstances:
- complexity of operation;
- service level: comfort, extras;
- type of lens and consumables;
- servicesanesthesiologist;
- periodic check-ups after surgery.
The state ophthalmological clinic does not have all the capabilities of a private organization. Experiencing huge competition, they use all ways to improve the level of service. This is periodic training of specialists, the purchase of the latest versions of medical equipment, strict adherence to instructions.

The client will be much more comfortable without huge queues and nervousness. Friendly staff will help to solve all the difficulties that have arisen before preparing for the operation. Will hold consultations on the topics: "Cataract disease", "Operation", "Reviews", "Which lens is better?" Will inform the patient how to avoid the consequences after the operation.
The latest developments of Western colleagues allow for an incision of no more than 1.5 mm. The superplastic lens will have a relatively low cost and will soon appear in domestic clinics. The healing time with such a lens is minimal after surgery. Cataract is no longer a serious problem with the current level of development of medicine.
The consequences of installing an artificial lens
Having studied all the problems of cataract disease (operation, reviews, which lens is better), the doctors came to the conclusion: a poor-quality artificial lens is the main negative consequence after installation. In the first years of use, it will not be possible to notice the difference. With good geometry and refractive characteristics, poor quality material can startdeform due to:
- low margin of safety, with high elasticity;
- clouding the focus area.
The lens does not stand still, it experiences a constant load, changing its convexity. This happens when looking into the distance or very close reading the text. Any material has a margin of safety. Imported manufacturers produce lenses designed to last a lifetime.
Lens replacement procedure
Before the operation, it is necessary to undergo an examination and take tests:
- standard set: blood, urine;
- electrocardiogram;
- chest x-ray;
- gather information about diseases from a therapist;
- visit a dentist and an otolaryngologist.
Tests are valid for no more than a month. During the operation, local anesthesia is performed. The operated person hears and feels everything without pain. He must be relaxed and follow the commands of the surgeon. You may need to look up or sideways with your eye.
To insert the instrument, punctures are made, the lens is removed through the opened shell. The old bag is being cleaned. The artificial lens is refueled through a puncture and straightened inside. This completes the procedure, washing the eye with a solution.

A patient has been observed in the hospital for 2 days. It will take several visits to review the condition after the operation. Full recovery will take place in a month.
Visual acuity recovery time
The recovery period takes no more than a month and a half.3 hours after the operation, excellent vision is observed, the replacement of the lens usually takes no more than a few minutes. Difficulties encountered due to the individual characteristics of the patient can extend the procedure up to 2 hours.
After the operation, the patient uses the drops throughout the recovery period. These measures serve to prevent possible inflammation. It is not recommended to perform strength exercises, you need to eliminate stress, you can not touch your eyes with your hands once again. Exclude visits to the sauna, swimming and avoid dusty places. Cosmetics around the eyes are also banned.

Conducted customer survey based on completed questionnaires. They included frequently asked questions on such items: cataract disease, surgery, reviews, which lens is better. The opinion of visitors who came for a consultation is ambiguous: some single out more expensive European-made lenses and would not save on the responsible body. The latter tend to think that there is no difference between Indian, Russian and European lenses.
According to the majority of visitors, Indian lenses are doubtful in their quality, confidence in a more expensive product prevails. There were supporters of the Russian goods, the conclusions were drawn by the number of complications. Familiar patients passed without problems with such lenses for more than 10 years.