Among the diseases of an autoimmune nature, thrombocytopenia deserves special attention. For this disease, a characteristic feature is a decrease in the number of platelets - indispensable elements of blood coagulation. Not even knowing what it is - autoimmune thrombocytopenia, many patients ignore the first symptoms of the disease, and as it often turns out, in vain. In the advanced stage, there is a risk of developing complications that can lead to death, and the chances of a full recovery are minimal.
What is thrombocytopenia: a brief description
The disease is characterized by the inability of the body's immune system to recognize its own platelets, which leads to their rejection. The consequence of the pathological process is the production of antibodies in the spleen, which help to eliminate “foreign” bodies at an accelerated pace. Most often, the disease manifests itself in winter and spring. With a low level of platelets in the blood, they sometimes speak of a non-immune form of the disease. In this case, thrombocytopenia occurs in case of physicaleffects on platelets.
Related to the group of diseases of the circulatory system, thrombocytopenia is classified in various aspects. Most often, the disease is divided according to the duration of the course into two varieties - acute and chronic. The second type of disease is the most dangerous for a person, since it may take several months, and sometimes years, to restore a normal number of platelets. Another classification of thrombocytopenia is also possible, based on the secondary or primary nature of the disease - the disease can manifest itself on its own or occur against the background of other abnormalities in the body.
Tendency to pathology, risk groups
It is difficult to assign a separate category of patients to the risk group for thrombocytopenia. But the constant changes in the level of red cells in the body in women allow us to call the representatives of the weaker sex the most susceptible to pathology.

The reason for this can be a variety of factors that directly or indirectly leave their imprint on the hematopoietic function (menstruation, childbearing, complications after childbirth, menopause, etc.). It is rare in children.
What causes this disease?
With absolute certainty, it is impossible to name the cause of such an ailment. But, despite this, experts tend to agree on autoimmune thrombocytopenia purpura - genetic heredity plays a significant role in the onset of the disease. Other causes of autoimmune thrombocytopeniarefer to:
- allergic reactions of the body (in particular, sedatives, antibacterial and alkaloid drugs can cause an acute form of the disease);
- immune deficiency, weak immunity;
- blood transfusion, mismatch of donated blood;
- acute renal failure;
- chronic hepatitis;
- scleroderma;
- lupus;
- leukemia;
- alcohol abuse.
High probability of developing pathology in people born with HIV infection. The causes of the manifestation of the disease can also be attributed to metastasis in the body in the presence of a malignant neoplasm. A deficiency of folic acid, vitamin B12, or an excess of radiation exposure, ultraviolet radiation leads to a decrease in blood cells.
The main signs of an autoimmune variety of the disease
The symptoms of autoimmune thrombocytopenia vary from patient to patient. Features of the course of the disease are determined, first of all, by the causes of the development of the pathology, the nature of the course of the disease.

And yet, it is not difficult to highlight the main signs, the appearance of which should go to the doctors as soon as possible:
- Appearance of bruises, hemorrhages on the skin. Unlike ordinary bruises, purple spots are most often noticed by patients on the lower extremities, torso, as well as the face and lips.
- Prolonged hemorrhage due to violation of tissue integrity (after tooth extraction, withsuperficial wound, cut).
- Swollen cervical lymph nodes, accompanied by persistent subfebrile fever.
- Perceptible malaise, weakness in the legs, dizziness.
Which symptoms should I look out for?
The sooner thrombocytopenia is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat. For example, patients rarely pay attention to such symptoms of the disease as bleeding gums, small rashes on the body. The reason to think and go for an examination is absolutely painless hematomas and large swelling of tissues that occur with the slightest bruises, as well as the excretion of feces and urine with blood clots.

In children suffering from autoimmune thrombocytopenia, nosebleeds can be called a frequent manifestation, unfortunately, not taken seriously by parents. Often, it is this fact that prevents the timely determination of the true cause of pathological manifestations.
Platelet Deficiency in Pregnancy: Main Causes
Pregnancy and autoimmune thrombocytopenia are considered contradictory medical terms by doctors. In women awaiting replenishment, the number of blood cells, even during normal course, changes with noticeable differences, so the task of the attending physician can be called detailed regular monitoring of the state of the blood. Normally, during pregnancy, the number of platelets in a woman decreases to activate the peripheral circulation, but such changes are not so significant,to cause serious disturbances in the life of the body. By the way, the causes of the disease in expectant mothers often become:
- wrong diet and lack of diet;
- various blood loss;
- iron deficiency anemia;
- compromised immunity.
How to have a he althy baby with thrombocytopenia?
All these factors lead to a slight production of red cells by the bone marrow. In addition, platelets are most often produced with an irregular shape. Throughout pregnancy, the fetus is at great risk of internal hemorrhage.

If there are signs leading to a complication and deterioration of the condition of the mother and child, doctors may decide on a premature birth. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia deserves the utmost attention from specialists at every stage of diagnosis. With timely treatment of the disease, which excludes significant blood loss during childbirth, the possibility of natural childbirth is not excluded.
Diagnostic study: how to distinguish from other diseases?
Before confirming autoimmune thrombocytopenia, it is first of all important to differentiate the true etiology of platelet insufficiency, since most often the symptoms of the disease are similar to other serious disorders in the body:
- anemia;
- near oncohematological diseases;
- metastasizing in the bone marrow;
- varieties of splenomegaly -pathology of the spleen;
- endocrine diseases.
In most cases, the diagnosis of autoimmune thrombocytopenia does not cause difficulties, since various clinical and laboratory research methods are used to detect the disease. Most often, doctors can confirm the diagnosis using:
- CBC;
- blood chemistry;
- cytological examination;
- bone marrow histology.
How to treat platelet deficiency?
In most cases, the treatment of autoimmune thrombocytopenia is hormonal. During the treatment of the disease, the patient is prescribed hormone-containing drugs, the most common of which is Prednisolone, a glucocorticosteroid, the unauthorized and uncontrolled use of which threatens to cause side effects. The drug is prescribed by the attending physician, he also calculates the dosage: on average, "Prednisolone" is prescribed based on the ratio of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight. In the advanced stages of the disease, a specialist may decide to increase the dosage at least twice.

Glucocorticoids have proven themselves in the fight against autoimmune thrombocytopenia, but most often drug therapy has a symptomatic effect in the secondary form of pathology. In this case, surgery is often the only solution to the problem. The medical term for the removal of the spleen is a splenectomy. Operation in progresslaparoscopic method. Before the actual intervention, the dosage of artificial hormones is increased three times, injected directly into the vein. After removal of the spleen, the course of "Prednisolone" does not end - the drug is taken up to two years.
Features of thrombocytopenia therapy
In case of complications arising during the surgical treatment of autoimmune thrombocytopenia, the patient is prescribed cytostatic chemotherapy with immunosuppressive function. The treatment of a severe form of the disease also includes measures to restore normal blood volume by transfusion of donor blood. To avoid a recurrence of the disease, the patient is registered, recommending periodic examinations for preventive purposes.

In the initial stages, the disease is treated quickly and effectively, relief often occurs after using the drug for several days. However, the withdrawal of drugs should be agreed with the attending physician - the patient, as a rule, has to use drugs until the final cure.
Folk treatment and diet
You can also cope with autoimmune thrombocytopenia with folk remedies. At an advanced stage of the disease, their effectiveness is low, but in combination with the prescribed drugs, alternative treatment often shows good results. Helps improve blood condition and increase platelet levels:
- honey;
- walnuts;
- raspberries;
- rosehip infusion;
- nettledecoction;
- beet and birch juice.
With thrombocytopenia, the patient should also review the usual diet. Despite the absence of specific dietary recommendations, in order to avoid the development of bleeding of internal organs, it is important to chew food thoroughly, not to eat too hot dishes, to refuse foods that irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
Is it possible to cure pathology: prognosis for recovery
The prognosis of autoimmune thrombocytopenia is largely determined by the form of pathology. For example, a disease that is in the acute phase is much easier to treat than a chronic type of disease. In some cases, the cure occurs without the use of medications. In chronic thrombocytopenia, it is much more difficult to predict the final recovery. At the same time, serious threats to the life of the patient will also not arise if he seeks specialized help in time and begins treatment without leading to internal hemorrhages.

The likelihood of a repeated decrease in platelet levels in a chronic autoimmune form is quite high, since various factors can provoke it - from a stressful situation to climate change or taking medications. Relapses are often accompanied by a severe course, and therefore such patients need lifelong monitoring by specialists. It is worth noting that the dubious prognosis for this disease of the circulatory system is justified by concomitant diseases. For example,the patient's chances of recovery from leukemia or bone marrow metastases are minimal.