Children's multidisciplinary hospital, Taganrog: overview of departments, qualifications of specialists, reviews

Children's multidisciplinary hospital, Taganrog: overview of departments, qualifications of specialists, reviews
Children's multidisciplinary hospital, Taganrog: overview of departments, qualifications of specialists, reviews

Taganrog is a typical provincial town in the south of Russia. But unlike the same small settlements, it has a number of features.

City of Taganrog
City of Taganrog

Firstly, this is the birthplace of the famous writer A. P. Chekhov, secondly, it was founded by Peter I and laid on the shores of the Sea of Azov, or rather the Taganrog Bay, and thirdly, there is a large children's diversified hospital. It was founded in the early 1920s. Initially, the hospital departments were located in different areas of the settlement. In the early 80s, construction began on a large building on the shores of the city bay of the Sea of Azov, which 10 years later became a six-story children's hospital.

How does it work?

Children Hospital
Children Hospital

Children's multidisciplinary hospital in Taganrog consists of numerous departments located on 6 floors of a brick building. Certain boxes are assigned to each floor, while everything is organized according to a special principle. For example, a hospital for newborns is located separatelyfrom all other buildings, which allows you to protect babies from hospital infections. The surgical block is located in close proximity to operating rooms and intensive care rooms. The buildings of neurology and pediatrics are located on the same floor, while planned and emergency patients enter these departments somatically he althy, which maximally excludes infection of children with any infection. But the ARVI hospital on the floor is located separately in order to, if possible, block the exit of infections to other departments of permanent residence.

Surgery department
Surgery department

1st floor

Reception Office

This is where sick children come in an ambulance. The emergency room consists of three boxes. In the first and second, patients with somatic, neurological, gastroenterological problems are admitted. The third box accepts sick children with urological or surgical pathologies.

In the admission department, an initial examination of the patient by the doctor on duty, paperwork and a choice of further tactics for treating the child are carried out.

Infectious boxed department for children under one year old

This part of the hospital is a double box, isolated from each other. Each room is equipped with everything necessary for mom and baby up to 1 year old. Most often, babies with acute respiratory viral infections and complications after them (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.) are treated in boxes

Emergency trauma department for the smallest citizens. Ambulatory

Important and necessarycell of a children's medical institution. It provides emergency orthopedic, trauma care for children +0. The department operates 24 hours a day and accepts children not only from the ambulance, but also those brought by their parents on their own. Emergency assistance can be carried out without any documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Administrative offices, a pharmacy and a cloakroom are located on the lower floor of the institution.

One of the departments of the hospital can be called a box of magnetic resonance imaging, if you do not know that this is a separate private organization that is located on the territory of the institution. At the children's multidisciplinary hospital in Taganrog, MRI can be done in an organization called "Chernozemye". This clinic provides only paid services.

2nd floor

Department of SARS for children after a year

Sick children who need constant supervision of medical personnel and who have complications after SARS receive inpatient treatment here. Most often, the hospital accepts babies from 1 to 3 years old, who are subject to mandatory hospitalization with signs of complications of a viral infection, and older children.

Physiotherapy rooms

Department includes:

  • two massage rooms for up to three children per hour, subject to availability;
  • magnetic therapy room;
  • paraffin therapy room;
  • hydrotherapy baths;
  • electro-light therapy room;
  • gym room.

The physiotherapy unit of the hospital provides free services if you have a he alth insurance policy in a hospital setting. Children from the neurological, pediatric, surgical and trauma departments undergo rehabilitation here.

Radiology department

Includes a modern X-ray room with specialized equipment for conventional X-rays and computed tomography. In this block, free examinations are carried out in the direction of a doctor of a children's clinic or hospital and paid services for all segments of the population.

Box of functional diagnostics

Modern equipment and a staff of specialists conduct all the necessary examinations for the children's population here. This is an ultrasound of the internal organs, a cardiogram (ECG) of various types for children from an early age. Electroencephalography (EEG), rheoencephalogram (REG) of the brain and other diagnostic examinations. These are, first of all, diseases of a psychoneurological nature, cardiological pathologies, gastroenterological problems, gynecological diseases and surgical diseases. Diagnostic rooms offer both free and paid examinations.

3rd floor

Pediatric department

This is a separate multifunctional department that carries out medical activities in several directions.

  • gastroenterological;
  • allergological;
  • nephrological (treatment of pathologies of the kidneys and genitourinary system);
  • somatic (other noncommunicable diseases)character).

In this box of the institution, examination and treatment of children from 1 year old is carried out. Therapy is carried out both in conditions of a full stay and a day hospital. The day hospital is attended by children who do not need constant monitoring of their condition. They are in the department from 7.00 to 14.00 hours. Staying children in a hospital with parents is possible for babies under 7 years old or if the child does not have self-care skills.

Psycho-Neurological Department

In this structural component of the medical building, children aged from 1 month to adulthood are examined and treated. These are children with various diseases of the nervous system, lesions of the brain and spinal cord, including those with disabilities, cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Each chamber of the building is equipped with oxygen units. Branch contains additional units:

  • speech therapy room;
  • game room;
  • electrosleep cabinet.

4th floor

Intensive Care Unit and Anesthesia

Modern rooms for emergency resuscitation and intensive care. Each intensive care unit is equipped with emergency support tools, including postoperative patients and children under anesthesia for various medical procedures.

Surgical ENT Department

Produces treatment and examination of children with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including those in need of surgical correction. The ENT department of the children's multidisciplinary hospital in Taganrog is the base forholding a charity event "Operation Smile".

Express Lab

Operates 24 hours a day. Provides the fastest possible monitoring of the performance of a patient in need of emergency care.

5th floor

Surgical Department 1

Treatment of children with urgent problems of internal organs and systems. In this box, simple planned surgical interventions are carried out, as well as emergency medical care is provided if there is a ban on transporting a patient to a regional children's hospital.

Surgical Department 2

Performs diagnostics and surgical treatment of minors related to the musculoskeletal system, as well as burn patients.

6th floor

Operational box

Includes three halls:

  1. For scheduled patients.
  2. For emergency patients.
  3. For children with festering wounds.

Endoscopy box

Here they provide emergency medical care using the following types of examinations:

  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS);
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • magnetolaser therapy;
  • electroacupuncture.


Doctors of Taganrog
Doctors of Taganrog

The Taganrog Children's Multidisciplinary Hospital is a medical institution that accepts children from 0 to 18 years old, not only living in the city itself, but also small residents from other cities. Hospital doctors specialize in the narrow diseases of the patient, which allows a deeper and more detailed understandingproblem of the child and to carry out the correct medical actions. Doctors of various speci alties are gathered in one building of the hospital, which helps to solve problems of a mixed nature at medical consultations. Specialists of various ages and qualifications work here.


  • Kandaurova I. A. Head, highest qualification category;
  • Mirgorodsky A. V.;
  • Kozikova M. V.


  • Kabarukhina A. B., head, highest category;
  • Volkova M. I., first category;
  • Kholodova Yu. V., first category.


  • Lee E. E.;
  • Uglov A. R.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons:

  • Arutyunov A. V.;
  • Makarova S. S.;
  • Panov V. N., second category;
  • V. P. Kolesnik, first category.


  • Emelianenko T. V., first category;
  • Bakincha I. A., the highest category.


  • Mayorov V. M., head of the department anesthesiologist-resuscitator, the highest category;
  • Akolzina I. L., anesthesiologist-resuscitator, the highest category;
  • Krasnokutsky S. A., anesthesiologist-resuscitator, the highest category;
  • Druzhchenko N. P., laboratory assistant, the highest category.

How to find ?


Any resident of the city will say that the children's multidisciplinary hospital of Taganrog on Lomakin is located. Her exact coordinates are as follows:

  • address: 347935, Taganrog, st. Lomakin,57;
  • site:


Taganrog Children's Hospital at night
Taganrog Children's Hospital at night

Like any medical institution, the children's multidisciplinary hospital in the city of Taganrog has its own rating. In 2017-2018, parents of young patients gave a score of 5 on a 10-point scale.

  • Provision of medical services - 5 points, main complaints: unprofessional staff.
  • Provision of emergency assistance - 8 points, 24-hour departments are positively marked.
  • Comfort - 4 points, claims: lack of repair, unprofessional behavior of junior medical staff.

Reviews are different: both positive and negative.
