The drug "Citramon": composition, indications

The drug "Citramon": composition, indications
The drug "Citramon": composition, indications

Medication "Citramon" - a drug with a wide spectrum of action, which is used for headaches, rheumatic and toothaches, including painful menstrual cycles.

Composition and purpose of the product

Phenacetin, acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine, citric acid are included in the medicine "Citramon". The composition of such a plan makes this remedy universal.

citramon composition
citramon composition

From what the drug "Citramon" helps, today almost every third person in our country knows. This medicine is effective:

1) in case of violation of the outflow of venous blood from the vessels of the brain;

2) in case of decreased tone;

3) as an anti-inflammatory agent;

4) as an antipyretic.

For each of the symptoms of various diseases, there is an appropriate dosage of the drug. The composition of this medication acts differently each time on the disease. So, for example, you need to take the medicine "Citramon" from the head 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Side effects and contraindications

However, despite the versatility of these pills, there are somecontraindications to their use:

1) asthma;

2) pregnancy;

3) hypersensitivity to this drug;

4) kidney failure;

5) breastfeeding period;

6) recent surgeries, etc.

If you use it for a long time, then the drug "Citramon", the composition of which is described above, can cause the following symptoms:

from what citramon
from what citramon

1) headache;

2) kidney damage;

3) dizziness;

4) deafness;

5) tinnitus etc.

Important to know

Due to the fact that the medicine "Citramon" has a serious composition, it allows you to get rid of many ailments. However, before taking this drug, you should know the following:

  • The effect of the drug on pressure. It should be noted that often a headache occurs due to high blood pressure, then it is absolutely impossible to take this remedy.
  • The occurrence of pain of a different nature. Since the composition of the drug "Citramon" contains aspirin, paracetamol and caffeine, this drug makes it easy to get rid of headache, menstrual, toothache and other pain.

High blood pressure

Many people take this medicine without thinking or knowing how it affects blood pressure.

If the blood pressure is slightly increased, this drug does not affect this indicatorstrong influence. The composition of the drug can reduce headaches without significantly affecting the patient's blood pressure. This is due to the presence of caffeine. After all, it is he who partially expands and narrows the blood vessels.

But you can not take the drug for hypertension. In this case, the remedy "Citramon" (its composition is contraindicated in this disease) will increase the spasm of the blood vessels of the brain, which can cause an ischemic stroke.

citramone from the head
citramone from the head

That is why doctors recommend measuring pressure before using this remedy, read in the instructions what "Citramon" is from, and consult a doctor if necessary.
