Today, there are a considerable number of eye diseases. There are various conjunctivitis, blepharitis, etc. But one of the most serious ailments is scotoma. Because of it, it is difficult for a person to perceive the world around him in all its splendor. All sorts of defects appear in the patient's field of vision. This is one of the manifestations of scotoma.
What is a scotoma? Its main definition is as follows: this is a specific area in which vision is impaired or completely absent. A slightly different variation of the term: the patient has no visual field at all or is present in a partial variant.

In general, the question of what is scotoma can be answered that it is a disease characterized by impaired image perception. The patient, looking at the image, sees it partially. The emerging spot prevents him from seeing the full picture. Visibility around him is intact.
When a person becomes ill with this disease, his vision is called "scotoma vision". The causes of the disease are many. Most often this occurs due to pathologies of the optic nerve. A person's partial perception of light disappears. This is a sign of impaired functions of the components of the eye responsible for such perception. They are called rods and cones. Also, their absence can lead to scotoma. Spots of various shapes may appear, colors may be distorted. A person sees with turbidity or does not see at all.

The generalized list of reasons is as follows:
- Cataract. This is a disease in which the lens atrophies and becomes cloudy.
- Injuries to the eyes, skull and brain.
- Too high intraocular pressure - glaucoma.
- Inflammation of the retina. Often this is a manifestation of retinitis.
- Neuralgic defects.
- Dystrophy of the visual apparatus.
- Changing the shape of the retina.
Principles of Classification
The first principle is character. According to this criterion, scotoma is relative and absolute. In the first variant, a partial lesion of the optic nerves is noted. In the spot zone, a person sees blurry images. In the second option, the affected area is a white spot. Through it, the patient sees nothing at all.
The second principle is localization. The disease can be central and atrial. In the first view, the patient does not see the middle of the image. At the second - he sees a trembling contour. And behind the contour itself, perception is he althy.

The third principle is the intensity of manifestation. There are positive and negative variations. If positive, the symptoms of the disease are more pronounced. For doctorseasier to diagnose. In the second case, it is much more difficult to diagnose the disease, because it does not manifest itself in any way. It can only be recognized randomly.
The fourth is the shape of the spot. Its geometry is different. Shapes can be round, oval, arc and annular.
The fifth is Bjerrum's syndrome. Appears the least. The patient sees parts of the picture. But they disappear arcuately and assimilate with the spot. It is also the primary symptom of glaucoma. Drop-out areas occur when pressure increases inside the eye. When lowered, they completely disappear.
Disease types
Types of scotoma are interrelated with the principles of its classification. There are such types of this disease:
- Physiological. All he althy people have a so-called "blind spot". It can only be discovered through certain exercises. A part of the visual field disappears from the temporal part. In relation to the fixation point, the dropout is about 15 degrees. Its approximate parameters are: 6 degrees of arc. This area is identical to the disk projection of the optic nerve. There are no photoreceptors.
- Pathological. Occurs due to certain diseases. This category includes:
A) A blind spot that has changed shape due to pathologies.
B) Positive forms of scotoma.
B) Her negative forms.
D) Her shimmery variety.
You can recognize ocular scotoma by its symptoms:
- Spots appear in the peripheral or central side of the eye.
- Flies appear in the field of view, orblack dots.
- The image becomes cloudy.
- Pain in the eyes.
- Spot is visible when looking at the image. And it's paler than the whole picture.
Atrial fibrillation
What is this type of scotoma? This is a form of the disease that appears due to neurological defects. Its other name is eye migraine. Its manifestations are characterized by seizures. Distortion of a specific area of the image and visual aura is noted.

Neurological problems can appear for the following reasons:
- Systematic sleep deprivation
- Overwork.
- Oxygen deficiency in the body.
- Mood swings, stress.
- Quick change of climatic conditions and time zone.
- Mental deviations.
- Constant nervousness.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Side effects of some drugs.
- Chaos food.
- Alcohol, nicotine and drugs.
- Long exposure to flickering lights. For example, on the dance floor with light music.
Specifics of this form of the disease
Flickering scotoma is determined by its specifics. Their list is:
- Images are distorted in both eyes at once.
- The spot syndrome develops gradually. At first, the patient sees a very small spot. Then its parameters increase.
- The shades of the spot are colored or white.
- Seizures for 15-30 minutes. The patient sees the spot in these minutes. After an attack, his body weakens, appearmigraine. In rare cases, a person is sick.
- The patient often sees flickering zigzags even when he closes his eyes.
Central shape
What is a scotoma of this form? This is a pathology that manifests itself in the form of a black spot that hangs right in front of the eye. This form of illness is due to:
- Retinal lesions in the most important area.
- Problems with the optic nerve.
As a result, the patient's visual acuity is seriously reduced.

Central scotoma often occurs with these diseases and injuries:
- Toxic injuries of the optic nerves.
- Macupodystrophy.
- Maculopathy in diabetes.
- The outpouring of blood into the area of the macula.
- Chorioretenitis with a central focus of inflammation.
- Perforatory action of the retina of the macular area.
There is also a metamorphome. What it is? Scotoma of the eye of the central type. It appears as a limited area. In it, straight lines look like broken or broken. Similar symptoms are associated with damaged retina and disturbed position of photoreceptors. They end up in the back of the eye.
To effectively treat scotoma, you need to accurately identify its source. And then eliminate it. For this, there are the following diagnostic solutions:
- Perimetry. Its basis is a test object. The patient observes a spherical figure on the surface. The doctor analyzes how the patient's field of vision changes. These data reveallocalization of the defect.
- Campimetry. The work follows the same principle. Only the object is located on an absolutely flat surface. The intensity of the disease is indicated by color vision test data.
- Methods that identify certain ailments - potential culprits of scotoma.

This is:
A) Ophthalmoscopy.
B) Calculation of pressure inside the eyes.
C) Examination of the eyeball using ultrasound.
D) Studying the brain with CT.
The goal of therapeutic actions is precisely the elimination of the cause of the disease. In most cases, the defects disappear and vision is restored. In the most severe situations, surgical intervention is performed. Doctors prescribe medications to address a specific problem. For example, if you need to relieve spasms of blood vessels, antispasmodics are prescribed. All required measures are prescribed by a doctor. No self-medication is allowed.
Treatment of scotoma takes into account the causes of its appearance and forms. The following drugs are often prescribed:
- Sedative type, such as "Novopassit", "Valerian", etc. They help in the fight against atrial scotoma. Doctors also prescribe drugs to improve blood circulation, such as Piracetam.
- Neutralizing pain spasms, such as Dibazol, Librax, No-Shpa, etc.

Surgical work is done in severe cases. For example, laser correction is often carried out.
Also, the patient must follow a special diet. It is strictly forbidden to him:
- Alcoholic drinks.
- Smoking.
- Using drugs.
- Meals high in fat.
- Fried dishes.
- Spicy, s alty and smoked food.
To prevent scotoma, you need to maintain a he althy lifestyle, exercise and sleep well.