Syphilitic gumma: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Syphilitic gumma: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment
Syphilitic gumma: diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Today, there are a huge number of different sexually transmitted diseases, but syphilis is considered to be the most dangerous and unpleasant. If at an early stage in the development of the pathology, the affected person did not detect a problem and did not seek medical help, then after some time syphilis passes into the last, most severe tertiary stage - syphilitic gums begin to form, which can be located on various parts of the body.

Stages of development of syphilis

Important! Tertiary syphilis does not begin to develop until 5-10 years after a person has contracted it.

Syphilitic gumma initially looks like a small nodule located under the skin of an infected person. At the very beginning, such a formation does not cause the patient absolutely no discomfort, no pain, no itching.

If the syphiliticgumma is not treated, then soon it begins to actively increase in size, and a viscous and very unpleasant liquid resembling pus is released from its center. Because of the discharge of this pus, this name was given to tertiary syphilis.

Syphilitic gummas indicate that an infected person has not been treated and has severely neglected his he alth, which will continue to worsen in the future. It is worth noting that the wrong lifestyle of an infected person contributes to the faster appearance of such neoplasms. He often uses large amounts of alcohol or drugs. Also, factors such as old age, medicines not chosen by the doctor, unhygienic living conditions and lack of timely treatment of the disease can also play a huge role.

Effects of syphilis on the skin
Effects of syphilis on the skin

Symptoms of pathology

The main reason for the lack of timely treatment is that the first diagnosis, as a rule, is carried out already at the tertiary stage, because before that the first two stages of development did not cause any unpleasant symptoms or manifestations in the patient. Due to the fact that the infected person ignores the incomprehensible formations on his body, the disease goes too far.

Over time, syphilitic gummas begin to actively develop, the skin is destroyed and unpleasant symptoms appear, only after that the person realizes that something is wrong and seeks help from a specialist.

Very often you may encounter the fact that doctors detect pathology by accident. For example, when a person givestests before starting a new job, or when the patient goes to a specialist for another issue, and the doctor focuses on unnatural symptoms.

Some people can live for months with such neoplasms and not pay attention to them, and anxiety arises after accidentally seeing photos of syphilitic gums, which depict exactly those formations that are characteristic of tertiary syphilis.

Therefore, you should carefully monitor your he alth and body in order to detect the problem in time and avoid serious complications in the future.

Location of neoplasms

In most cases, gummas form in the following places:

  • On the mucous membrane of the oral or nasal cavity, larynx, pharynx. Syphilitic nasal gumma can even make breathing difficult.
  • In the area of the shins, forearms and on the skin of the face.
  • In the area of the elbow and knee joints, but in this case they will look like periarticular nodules and are called fibrous syphilitic gums.
  • Formations can develop even in the cranium of an infected person. Syphilitic gumma of the brain is a particularly dangerous phenomenon.

The defeat of the internal organs and the brain of the patient is quite rare, but such a development of events should not be ruled out.

Diseases of the oral cavity
Diseases of the oral cavity

What is the danger of formations?

When the structure of the syphilitic gumma changes along with the size of this element, it seems tosoldered to the skin. Because of this, extremely unpleasant symptoms occur, which are manifested by a strong feeling of dryness in the affected area of the skin, the surface of the epidermis begins to pull, and at the edges of the tissue formation, they begin to gradually die, which leads to the development of partial necrosis.

It is interesting that syphilitic gummas can occur not only on human skin, but also on absolutely any of its organs. After them, noticeable scars remain, which can only be eliminated with the help of surgical intervention. The danger of these scars, both on the skin and on the internal organs, is too high. If you look at numerous photos of syphilitic gums, you can understand how much such formations can affect the appearance of a person and disfigure him, especially if they form on an open area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Location on internal organs

A large number of neoplasms on a particular internal organ can have an extremely negative impact on its functionality or even cause its complete destruction. If you do not get rid of the cause and symptoms of syphilitic gumma, then this may well end in death or cause disability, numerous complications.

It is worth noting that one should not worry too much in advance. As a rule, one or two syphilitic gums can form on the body of an infected person. If it is correct and, most importantly, to start treating them on time, then they do not pose any danger to life. At the same time, there are such types of syphilis, with the developmentthe tertiary stage of which the amount of gum on the human body can be very large.

Man at the doctor
Man at the doctor

In the mouth

Note! Especially dangerous are those syphilitic formations that appear in the human oral cavity. In this case, they can occur in any part of the mouth. It is worth noting that sometimes syphilitic gummas in the mouth can be the only noticeable sign that a person is suffering from advanced syphilis.

In the mouth, such neoplasms develop rather slowly, but over time they can turn into large ulcers. Then the rod begins to separate, and a large cavity appears on the damaged area of the oral cavity, which can resemble a crater in appearance. If you do not start to properly treat the pathology in time, then soon the formation will begin to destroy cartilage, and then bone tissues to such an extent that the oral cavity and nose will turn into a single whole.

If this neoplasm appeared on the tongue, then the main clinical manifestation of syphilitic gumma will be a significant increase in the size of this organ. In this case, the patient has extremely unpleasant symptoms. It is worth noting that a syphilis lesion of the tongue is called diffuse glossitis and is considered the most dangerous type of tertiary syphilis.

On the lips, face and brain

In some people, education occurs on the lips, which, as in the case of damage to the skin of the face or nose, will have an extremely negative effect on the appearance of a sick person. Lipbegins to swell quickly, and after a while the gum does not go unnoticed.

If the pathology goes a little further, for example, into the throat, then this can provoke problems with breathing and eating. Syphilitic gummas very rarely affect the human brain, but this possibility should not be ruled out.

How is tertiary syphilis diagnosed?

It is possible to establish the presence of syphilitic gums at the earliest possible stage of development only in clinical conditions. To do this, it is customary to use the following diagnostic methods:

  • Anticardiolipin test.
  • REIF and RIBT reactions.
  • Ultrasound of the internal organs, which allegedly appeared education.
  • Ultrasound examination of the heart.
  • Examination of the liver for the presence of syphilitic gumma of the liver.
  • Careful examination of the oral cavity.
  • Various studies (for example, pathology of syphilitic gumma).
  • Other tests at doctor's discretion.
Damage to the cranium
Damage to the cranium

It is worth noting that neoplasms that resemble syphilitic gummas in their appearance will not always be a sign that a person is developing an advanced stage of syphilis. Sometimes there is such a pathology as scrofuloderma. The appearance of the formation is the same as that of gum, but at the same time the nodules are quite soft when pressed.

It is very important to conduct a timely diagnosis if a person develops a sufficiently large amount of gum. In this case, it will be possible to talk about the presence of gummy syphilis. ATthe case of this disease for syphilitic gumma is characterized by the location throughout the body in large quantities.

Note! If you look at the photos that show syphilitic gummas and scrofulodermas, then it will be difficult to notice the differences. It is interesting that the gummy form of syphilis occurs several times more often than the tubercular one. In order to make a correct diagnosis and not confuse syphilitic gummas with other pathologies, it is imperative to go through all diagnostic procedures.

A feature of gummy syphilis is that all formations are located next to each other and eventually begin to merge, which leads to the formation of a large ulcer. Because of this, there are difficulties in restoring damaged areas, especially if the gummas have already healed enough.

Woman talking to a doctor
Woman talking to a doctor

How to get rid of tumors?

If syphilitic gummas did not manage to hit the internal organs of an infected person or are only in one place, then this does not pose any threat to human life. It will be possible to cure formations in exactly the same way as syphilis itself.

In a hospital for the treatment of syphilitic gums, special preparations are used, which contain penicillin. This treatment can be explained by the fact that the formation of a syphilitic nature is caused by the bacterium pale treponema. She reacts very badly to penicillin and therefore immediately begins to die, from which the structure of syphilitic gums changes, andthey are destroyed.

Slightly different therapy may be used in some cases. Medicines are used, which in their type resemble bismuth or arsenic. It is worth noting that it is unrealistic to buy such drugs in a pharmacy even with a prescription just because they are not supplied there.

In order to undergo a course of treatment, you need to contact a specialist. After the examinations are completed and the final diagnosis is made, the doctor will provide the sick person with all the necessary drugs, which are supplied exclusively by order of specialized hospitals.

When a diagnosis is made, it is important to warn your sexual partner that he also needs to be tested. If the analysis is positive, then a course of treatment is indispensable.

If the pathology is not allowed to develop, this will minimize all the negative consequences that a disease such as syphilis can provoke. It is worth noting that doctors are doing everything possible so that after the end of treatment, the consequences of syphilitic gums on the human body remain as less noticeable as possible.

Clinical examination
Clinical examination

Complications of the disease

The main complications, as a rule, in most cases are related to the cardiovascular system. Syphilitic gummas can provoke the following:

  • Aortic aneurysm.
  • Heart failure.
  • Spasm of the coronary vessels may occur, which will later cause the development of myocardial infarction.


In order not to be exposed to such an unpleasant and dangerous disease, and in the future not to undergo a long course of treatment, it is enough to take all the necessary tests every six months, which, in case of infection, will help determine the presence of the disease at an early stage. It is also imperative to use contraceptives during every sexual intercourse, even if you are sure of the he alth of your sexual partner.

If there was an accidental sexual contact, then it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment within two hours after it, which involves the use of special antiseptics (for example, Hexicon) and antibiotics. If you follow these simple recommendations, then the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease such as syphilis is greatly reduced, and the tips themselves are not very difficult to implement. Your body deserves to be taken care of.

Prevention of syphilis
Prevention of syphilis

Summing up

Today, according to the statistics of the Ministry of He alth, in Russia for every 100 thousand people there are about 30 people suffering from syphilis. Of course, these are not the final figures, because many infected people do not go to the hospital for years.

Syphilis is an infectious disease that is transmitted sexually. Treponema pallidum causes the development of the disease. This is a bacterium that can move. When a person comes into contact with a bacterium, it penetrates very deep into the skin and leads to the destruction of the walls of blood vessels. After a while they start to appear.microthrombi, and the tissues around the affected area undergo necrosis. When pale treponema penetrates into a vessel, then with blood it can enter any organ.

According to the science of histology, syphilitic gumma is formed due to the accumulation of a large number of plasma and epithelioid cells in a small area.

So, syphilis is a disease of an infectious generalized type that is resistant to many antibiotics and needs only a professional approach. Therefore, it is worth visiting the doctor regularly and being examined in order to identify the pathology in time.
