Gastrocardiac or Remheld syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Gastrocardiac or Remheld syndrome: symptoms and treatment
Gastrocardiac or Remheld syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Gastrocardiac syndrome, or Remheld's disease, is a syndrome in which there is a complex of disorders of the heart caused by eating. Especially often it occurs when overeating. This disease was first described by L. Rehmeld in 1912. Initially, this disease was considered as a neurosis of the heart.

American doctors do not recognize this syndrome as a disease, believing that it simply does not exist. The disease is recognized in some European countries, including Russia.

Remheld's Syndrome (Gastrocardiac Syndrome): Causes

remheld syndrome
remheld syndrome

Manifestations of the syndrome are very misleading. The heart is closely connected by nerve endings with many organs, so there are cases when heart disease is reflected by pain in other organs, and vice versa. The same happens here. During the digestion of food in patients suffering from gastric ulcers or cancer of the esophagus, there is irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, which are connected with the heart by nerve endings. This neighborhood is expressedin symptoms that are confused with a heart attack.

Remheld's syndrome is more common in people suffering from vegetative-vascular diseases, hernia of the esophagus, gastric and gastrointestinal ulcers, malignant neoplasms of the esophagus and overweight. As a rule, the main cause of the syndrome is excessive excitation of the vagus nerve.

Remheld's syndrome: symptoms and manifestations

remheld syndrome
remheld syndrome

They appear periodically and are associated with meals. The main symptoms include:

  • Persistent weakness and high fatigue.
  • Dizziness.
  • Skin blanching.
  • Feeling anxious.
  • Burp.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Pain in the chest and heart.
  • Cold sweat.
  • Bradycardia.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Disease diagnosis

When contacting a doctor, an anamnesis is collected. An examination of the heart, stomach and esophagus is prescribed. If, according to the results of the study, no cardiac changes are noted on the ECG, and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and radiography reveal diseases of the stomach, esophagus and diaphragm, the diagnosis is made: Remheld's syndrome, or gastrocardial syndrome. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.

Remheld syndrome symptoms
Remheld syndrome symptoms

At the same time, EGD is highly undesirable, as it can cause a deterioration in the patient's well-being.

Special attention should be paid to the patient's heart. If the patient complains aboutthe appearance of palpitations not only after eating, this may indicate incipient angina pectoris.

Treatment of gastrocardiac syndrome

Remheld's syndrome gastrocardiac syndrome treatment
Remheld's syndrome gastrocardiac syndrome treatment

When the diagnosis of "Remheld's syndrome" is made, treatment begins with the elimination of the underlying disease, which caused the disease of the esophagus and stomach. The effectiveness of treatment is directly related to the patient's compliance with all doctor's prescriptions, namely:

  • Meals should be in small portions, at least 4 times a day, while all fatty and fried foods should be excluded from the diet.
  • The last meal should consist of light foods so as not to overload the stomach during sleep.
  • Spicy and s alty foods should not be eaten.
  • Don't eat too hot food.
  • Increase the amount of fiber in the diet, it facilitates digestion and eliminates constipation when eating foods high in protein.
  • Remove from the diet legumes and any other foods that cause increased formation of gases.
  • Monitor your bowels, avoid upsets and constipation.
  • To restore normal cardiac activity, use light sedatives, which include herbal preparations.
  • In case of painful symptoms, take antispasmodics.
  • In case of excess weight, measures are taken to eliminate this problem.

In the event that drug treatment is ineffective, they resort to surgical intervention, in which the hernia gate is sutured, the stomach is fixed.

If a patient is diagnosed with Remheld's syndrome (gastrocardiac syndrome), treatment will be most effective only if all doctor's recommendations are fully observed.

How to avoid the return of the disease

After eliminating all the disturbing symptoms and manifestations of the disease, you should not abandon the prescribed diet in order to avoid a relapse. People who are prone to this disease are advised to monitor not only their diet, but also the he alth of their nervous system. That is why a variety of herbal-based sedatives are prescribed. At the same time, the right lifestyle, proper nutrition, the absence of bad habits and constant exercise will help to avoid the return of the disease in the future.

What can be confused with gastrocardiac syndrome

Remheld's syndrome treatment
Remheld's syndrome treatment

Pain in the heart area is caused not only by Remheld's syndrome, so if the patient has already encountered this problem, and the symptoms return, you should not self-medicate. To confirm the diagnosis, it is extremely important to undergo a complete examination by a doctor in order to exclude possible heart disease. It is possible that pain in the region of the heart can be caused not only by Remheld's disease. The syndrome of diseases of the stomach and esophagus is far from the only one that causes discomfort in the chest area after eating. Similar symptoms to a heart attackmyocardium - a disease in which necrosis of cardiac tissues occurs due to partial or complete lack of blood supply.

Precisely because neglecting one's he alth can miss a very dangerous disease for a person's life, it is so important to consult a specialist, conduct all the necessary studies and prescribe the necessary treatment.
