The hamstring is made up of several muscles responsible for leg flexion. With insufficient warming up of the ligaments and simultaneous contraction of the muscles of the back of the thigh, an injury in the form of sprain can occur.
In some individual cases, the pathological process may be accompanied by torn ligaments. Often, such injuries occur in athletes, however, no one is immune from such a sprain.
Hip structure
According to the anatomical structure, such muscles of the back of the thigh are distinguished as:
- extensor;
- leader;
- flexion.
Intense stress on any muscle group can cause severe pain, sprain, tear or even rupture of ligaments.
Causes and features of injury
Injury to the muscles of the back of the thigh occurs with a significant load without preparation and warming up. Among the main reasons why such a violation occurs, there are such as:
- abrupt change of position;
- deterioration of muscle tone;
- weight lifting;
- bumps and sharp collisions.
Morenovice athletes need to remember that it is important to prepare the muscular system for the upcoming loads so that they do not accidentally stretch the muscles, do not have a dislocation or tear, so that later they do not have to carry out a long and expensive treatment.

Most often, injuries occur during lunges, squats, and leg swings. If you experience pain during training or playing sports, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice and for an examination.
Types of injury
When the thigh muscles are injured, it can be one of these types of sprains, such as:
- posterior surface injury;
- adductor muscle;
- anterior muscle.
Stretching the muscles of the back of the thigh can have very serious consequences, since in this area there is a group of muscles responsible for flexion of the leg at the knee and extension at the hip joint. Injury to this area is accompanied by intense pain.

Most often, the adductor muscle is stretched, and a similar injury occurs when trying to sit on the twine without prior preparation, hitting the leg or jumping sharply. Pain occurs mainly in the groin.
Stretching the anterior muscle can occur when hitting point-blank. Often, people involved in hand-to-hand combat or other types of wrestling suffer from such injuries. With such an injury, a tendon ruptures.
There are several different degrees of severity of damage to the muscles of the back of the thigh, among which it is necessary to highlight such as:
- light;
- medium;
- heavy.
Depending on the complexity of the injury, symptoms and clinical manifestations have a certain degree of intensity. The mild degree is considered the simplest, since the symptoms are not too pronounced. Pain in the muscles of the back of the thigh is insignificant and has a pulling character, swelling appears very rarely. When walking, there is practically no discomfort. No specialized inpatient treatment required.
Injury of moderate severity is characterized by the occurrence of more obvious symptoms. When the muscles of the back of the thigh are torn, severe pain occurs, which greatly intensifies when moving the leg. In addition, swelling, bruising and bruising appear, as subcutaneous hemorrhage occurs.

Rupture of the muscle of the back of the thigh refers to the severe stage. Along with this, ligaments can suffer, and sometimes nerve fibers are damaged. Symptoms are pronounced, and acute pain does not stop for a long time even at rest. Puffiness and hematomas occupy a vast area. In this case, patients require pain relief and urgent hospitalization for a correct diagnosis and adequate treatment. Therapy methods are selected individually, and the course can last for several months.
Main symptoms
If during a workout there is an acute pain in the thigh area, then you should consult a doctor in order to prevent complications. However, if it is not possible to diagnose a sprain in a professional clinic, then you can independently recognize the presence of a problem. It is worth noting that the symptoms of rupture of the muscles of the back of the thigh are quite characteristic and are expressed in:
- pain;
- redness of the skin;
- swelling;
- stiffness;
- presence of a hematoma.
At the most difficult stage of injury, muscle strain and a sudden click sensation occur. Painful sensations can be significantly increased during palpation.
A person may well move, but his gait is clearly disturbed. Any movement is accompanied by severe pain. With a complete rupture, the pain becomes very severe, and the person tries to limit movement.
In addition, there may be a fever and severe weakness. Violation of the integrity of the muscles and ligaments of the back of the thigh may be accompanied by the fact that it is impossible to bend the leg at the knee.
First Aid
If there is a suspicion of muscle strain or tear, treatment should be started immediately. Be sure to apply ice to the damaged area. Treatment should begin within the first day after injury. It is worth applying a cold compress every hour for 20 minutes.
In addition, it is recommended to use cooling gels or ointments withanti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to apply the gel on the damaged surface with a thin layer and wait until it is completely absorbed. To prevent the spread of swelling, you need to keep your foot elevated.

It is recommended to seek help from a doctor, as only a specialist can exclude the presence of a gap. However, if this is not possible and there are all signs of stretching, then the next day after the injury, ointments with a warming effect should be applied. In addition, the sprain must be treated with a bandage. Such therapies guarantee complete recovery of patients.
When a muscle is torn, an operation should be performed to help restore the integrity of the injured muscles by stitching them together.
An experienced surgeon or traumatologist can accurately determine the presence of violations during an external examination of the patient. The localization of the bruises and the soreness of the injured area indicate the intensity of the impact that led to the stretch.

A qualified specialist will conduct a survey to clarify all the circumstances of the injury, flex and extend the injured leg in the joints, and also determine the integrity of the joints with the help of palpation, and only after that will be able to make a correct diagnosis. In some cases, additional testing is required. In addition, it is possible to exclude a possible fracture or dislocation usingx-ray or computer diagnostics.
Features of treatment
Depending on the degree of complexity of the injury, the treatment method is selected individually. With mild and moderate severity, treatment involves providing rest to the patient and eliminating stress. Sometimes the patient is advised to walk with crutches for a certain time after the injury.

Anti-inflammatory drugs will be required to eliminate pain. Treatment of the muscles of the back of the thigh after stretching involves physiotherapy, as well as specially selected gymnastics. You need to start doing the exercises immediately after the swelling has passed and the soreness has decreased. In this case, the first exercises should be with a minimum load. Subsequently, it can be gradually increased. Physiotherapy exercises quickly and effectively help restore the function of an injured muscle.
The most severe degree of sprain is treated for a long time. In the event of a tear or complete rupture of the muscles, surgical intervention is performed. It is best if the operation is performed in the first week after the injury, as over time the muscle can irreversibly shrink, and it will be very difficult to restore its original size. Subsequently, the therapy also implies the conduct of physiotherapeutic procedures and the use of special exercises of therapeutic exercises.
Recovery period
After the therapy, it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation measures. They include procedures such as:
- physiotherapy;
- swimming;
- physiotherapy exercises;
- massage.
The rehabilitation period largely depends on the degree of complexity of the injury, for example, with a slight muscle strain, it lasts no more than 10 days. In more severe cases, with torn muscles, ligaments or tendons, it may take six months to fully recover.
Preventive measures
Anyone who prefers to lead an active lifestyle or plays sports should definitely follow the basic safety rules, they will help prevent the likelihood of injury during training. As a preventive measure, it is imperative to warm up all the muscles well before playing sports, and also not to overload the body.
Often, after stretching, the muscles recover completely. However, depending on the degree of complexity of the injury, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient, this process can be quite lengthy.

It is worth remembering that untimely and improper treatment can cause fractures, dislocations and displacement of joints.