This budget resort is famous for its medical base and deservedly enjoys the reputation of the best he alth resort in the region in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Many reviews of patients who have stayed here throughout the long history of its existence (opened in the 70s of the last century) speak of the consistently high level of medical services, the good attitude of the staff and the quality of service. The Kolos sanatorium in Kostroma over the years of its existence has not lost the professionalism of Soviet he alth resorts, but added to it the hospitality and comfort of a modern resort.

Beautiful birch grove, rare deciduous trees surround the sanatorium "Kolos". Kostroma is located 7 kilometers from it, and a little more than 370 km to Moscow. The he alth resort is located in the picturesque village of Minskoye near the banks of the Volga. The territory of the sanatorium is 80 hectares. Trees cover the river from the buildings. Therefore, in order to admire the water surface, you need to walk along the alley for 100 m and go down the equipped picturesque staircase with gazebos for relaxing (there are a lot of them here).
Mild climate, clean forest air make staying herepleasant and he althy. Many patients in their reviews write that having visited the he alth resort once, they have become its regular customers. They come here to relax and improve their he alth every year. For those who have not been here yet, you can find out the necessary information or book a place by calling: (4942) 46-67-35.

The main building of the he alth resort has 4 floors. A mud bath, a dining room, a medical building are located separately. All of them are interconnected by transitions. There is a working elevator in the main building. In total, the he alth resort can simultaneously accommodate about 190 guests.
Among the customer reviews, a lot of space is occupied by stories about the recent (2015) cosmetic renovation, which significantly improved the interior of the rooms, made them cozy and more diverse, unlike each other. Many are impressed by the order and cleanliness, daily cleaning. The he alth resort offers its guests only 4 types of rooms:
- Single standard room (second category, small room).
- Single large room (first category).
- Double standard (1 room).
- Double deluxe (2 rooms).

However, tourists who come here will be pleased with the prices for tours. So, a standard place in a double room with treatment and 4 meals a day will cost 1560 rubles per day, and a place in a single superior room - 2040. It is possible to stay on an additionalplace (with treatment - 1200 rubles / day or without it - 1000 rubles). Children under two years of age are admitted free of charge (no bed and no meals). Payment is made in the following directions:
- CMI policy (the tour is completely free).
- Union ticket (30% discount).
- Paid tour (discounts, according to promotions).
The resort constantly has promotions and bonuses that allow you to save even more on accommodation. About the conditions of stay provided by the sanatorium "Kolos" (Kostroma), the photo selection presented in the article will tell in more detail.

Balanced, diet food in the sanatorium "Kolos". Kostroma invites guests to the table 4 times a day. In this case, dishes can be ordered. Reviews speak of the high skill of chefs who make he althy diet delicacies tasty and very diverse. Many good words are also received by the staff of the dining room. Vacationers are impressed by the warm transition from the dining room to the sleeping building.

Profile treatment
Kolos he alth resort in Kostroma is the region's leading sanatorium for the rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular pathologies. In fact, it is the only one in the region that performs the rehabilitation of people with such complex diagnoses as stroke, heart attack, and after heart surgery. The powerful rehabilitation department, which the Kolos sanatorium (Kostroma) has, has only positive reviews of its work. Hereachieve good results, lifting even seriously ill patients to their feet, providing them with highly qualified assistance.

Additional medical profiles of the he alth resort are the treatment of the musculoskeletal system and non-tuberculous pulmonary diseases. The range of medical services provided to patients is wide. So, guests can be offered the following treatments:
- Electrical procedures.
- Laser treatment.
- Inhalations.
- Treatment with paraffin and ozocerite.
- Medical massage.
- Carbon baths (dry).
- Phytotherapy (the fragrance of a flowering meadow).
- Healing procedures with mineral water.
- Acupuncture.
- Hirudotherapy.
- Therapeutic physical education with computer program selection and training with an individual instructor on simulators.
The balneary provides treatment based on mineral water produced on the territory of the he alth resort. Guests are offered the following treatments:
- Shower massage (underwater).
- Several types of shower (including Charcot, circular).
- Mineral and pearl baths.
- General and 4-chamber mineral baths.

Aftercare of patients who have had a heart attack, acute cerebral insufficiency, patients after operations on the heart and great vessels is carried out according to specialized programs. They have been developed and tested in the he alth resort and, judging by the reviews, they give good results. The clinic also has a powerfuldiagnostic base. Here they carry out (additionally) ECHO and ECG, ultrasound of the kidneys, abdominal cavity and small pelvis. There is a laboratory (clinic and biochemistry), there is a modern electrocardiography room (Valenta system). Everyone can be examined on a cardiovisor.
Mineral water of two types is produced on the territory of the he alth resort. Firstly, this is a drinking canteen, which has high levels of sodium, chlorides, bromine and sulfates. It is useful for the treatment of the digestive system, problems of the liver, intestines. Secondly, it is brine-type mineral water. It is used for therapeutic water procedures (external application). Many reviews point to an extensive course of procedures included in the cost of the tour. The course of treatment according to the course - 12 days, according to the full program of sanatorium rehabilitation - 21.
About medical staff
A special pride of the he alth resort is a friendly, highly qualified medical staff. Only the highest and first category cardiologists with many years of experience, who have their own experience in the treatment of complex cardiac ailments, work here. Very good reviews about rehabilitation doctors, acupuncturists, chiropractors. Sanatorium "Kolos" (Kostroma) has maintained a high level of medical care. Today, he treats and rehabilitates patients in a qualified manner, achieving good results.

Recreation and entertainment
The main time in this he alth resort is occupied by medical procedures. However, the remaining free time will also not be boring. Herethere is a good library with a reading room, a cinema, a dance hall, a concert hall with 250 seats. For outdoor enthusiasts, there are telnkur routes with a total length of 5 km.
There is a gym and a sauna with 2 pools. There is a rental shop. In the summer there is an equipped beach, and at other times, many vacationers will like fishing. The sanatorium "Kolos", which Kostroma can be proud of, offers its guests an extensive entertainment program in the evenings and weekends. A lot of excursions are organized. At the same time, guest reviews indicate that many of them are free.

Holiday programs and promotions
Promotions occupy a special place in the work of the he alth resort. Thus, the educational program “Walking with a doctor”, aimed at popularizing Nordic walking, is very popular among vacationers. She provides a free consultation with the leading cardiologist of the he alth resort.
On New Year's holidays there is a program "New Year-2017 in the sanatorium "Kolos", as well as "Christmas-2017 in Kolos". They are not new. Similar events were held in 2016. Sanatorium "Kolos" in Kostroma receives only positive reviews about them. People come here to relax on holidays with children and relatives. The reviews write about the good organization of the program, interesting for both kids and adults, as well as delicious food.

Once again about patient reviews
According to the general trend and feedback from patients, the sanatorium "Kolos" isa specialized cardiological he alth resort, which in 2016 opened additional profiles for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system and pulmonary non-tuberculosis diseases. Most people are not satisfied with the narrow specialization of the he alth resort and the restrictions associated with it.
So, here is more of a medical institution than a resort area in the broadest sense of the word. But those who go to be treated and receive rehabilitation will like the he alth resort. In general, the friendliness and professionalism of the staff, responsible and careful attitude towards each patient make the Kolos sanatorium in Kostroma attractive for guests. Photos and reviews show good treatment at a moderate cost.