Currently, medicine has stepped a few steps forward. People have learned to transplant organs for further successful human life. There is a lot of talk about transplantation. But what about uterus transplantation? Is it possible to do this? This will be discussed in this article.
What is it for?
Uterus transplant is one way to combat infertility. In this case, we are talking about surgical intervention. During the operation, a donor uterus is transplanted into the body of a woman in whom this organ has pathologies. If there are problems with her, the patient, as a rule, experiences some difficulties and cannot become pregnant.
Uterine transplantation is currently being considered as an alternative to surrogacy. Such surgical interventions allow the fair sex to endure and give birth to a he althy baby.

What can cause infertility?
Such an ailment can develop due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as well as genetic abnormalities.
In addition, one of the causes of infertility is the stoppage of the ovaries. Another absence of some reproductive organs is considered the source of the ailment in question.
Uterine transplant surgery helps to solve a number of these problems. This method gives a chance for a successful pregnancy.
What is the complexity of the operation?
Uterine transplant is a new type of surgery. This is explained by the fact that the new organ should not only take root, but it will also serve to carry the baby. The complexity of this method lies in the fact that it requires postoperative immunosuppressive therapy. The latter, in turn, prevents conception. Because of this, a kind of dissonance develops.
Besides, the uterus is not easy to remove. This process is dangerous for the donor. The organ is located in an inaccessible place. In addition, it has many blood vessels. And this increases the chances of bleeding.
After a well-performed surgical intervention, the body of the fair sex will experience a stressful situation. Hormonal fluctuations will appear, menstruation will begin. It all depends on whether the woman's body will accept a new organ or simply reject it.
Those who decide to carry out such an operation should compare the disadvantages and advantages. Because this method is very complex. For this reason, dangerous complications are possible.

How is the procedure?
Uterine transplantation begins with a surgical intervention that represents the removal of the necessarydonor organ. A similar method has been tested on animals. There are situations when the uterus needs to be saved. For example, in some cases it is necessary to transport it. It should be noted that the ischemic tolerance in this case is equal to more than 23 hours.
The patient must take into account that she will have to undergo 3 types of surgical interventions. After she carries the baby, she will have a caesarean section. As soon as the woman gives birth, a hysterectomy will be performed. This is done in order to complete immunosuppressive therapy.

Who can be a donor?
Anyone can become a person who donates his organ. But, for example, in Sweden, the donors were the relatives of the patients. According to experts, this helps reduce the risk of rejection.
In America, they believe that a living person cannot be taken as a donor. Since an operation of this type represents a danger to his life. Therefore, they take those donors who have recorded brain death, but the heart still continues to work. But, despite this kind of reasoning, there has been only one operation in the United States to transplant the uterus from a living donor. And to carry out surgical intervention in the way that they considered more acceptable did not work. Because infection developed in these organs.
In Saudi Arabia, the method of transplanting the uterus is considered only from a living person. As a donor, as a rule, they take a relative.

How is conception aftersurgery?
Immediately after the operation, of course, this does not happen. Initially, the transplanted uterus is monitored. This period is about a year. In addition, certain doses of immunosuppressants are selected. They help reduce the risk of rejection. In the case when the organ takes root, after a while, menstruation begins.
But even in this case, the eggs cannot enter the uterine cavity. This is explained by the fact that there is no connection of the fallopian tube with this organ. Thus, conception can only occur in vitro. In this case, we are talking about artificial insemination.
Eggs from the fair sex are taken before the uterus is transplanted. They are stored frozen.
Embryos in a transplanted organ take root very difficult. Therefore, several attempts are required.

How does childbirth occur and how does pregnancy with an organ transplant proceed?
Not everything always goes smoothly. It is noted that there is an abortion for a period of about five weeks. During this period, the risk of developing a severe complication increases, in which there is a significant increase in blood pressure. Experts suggest that this is due to taking medications that help reduce immunity. Although there are no proven facts. But, despite this, a woman takes immunosuppressors all the time. Otherwise, there may be organ rejection.
As mentioned above, a child is born whenassisted by a caesarean section. The question of how to make the process of natural conception and birth of the fetus possible in the future is considered. In this case, scientists are exploring the possibility of transplanting the uterus along with the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
After a woman gives birth to one or two children, the organ will need to be removed. Since during this entire period the patient takes immunosuppressants. And they, in turn, do not have a very positive effect on her body.

Uterine transplant: the cost of such a procedure
There is no great experience in conducting such operations in any country. For this reason, this method is considered exceptional. The cost of this procedure is uncertain. Prices range from 60 to 200 thousand dollars.
An interesting question is about a uterus transplant in Russia and the cost of such an operation here. Unfortunately, this method of surgical intervention is not performed in our country.
Therefore, the answer to the question of whether a uterus transplant is done in Russia will be negative. You can often hear that experts have not yet begun to master it. Therefore, with a similar problem, you will have to turn to specialists from foreign countries.
About a dozen women in the UK will receive donated wombs this year.
In Sweden, this method is more developed. Here they are waiting for the birth of several babies who were born in transplanted wombs. Saudi Arabia and Turkey are interested in the same issues.
Whatever it was, medicinedevelops and does not stand still. This kind of operation costs fabulous money. Perhaps, after a deeper study of this method and the implementation of procedures in other countries, prices will become lower. At the moment, the operation is not available in Russian clinics.