Medicated abortion - timing

Medicated abortion - timing
Medicated abortion - timing

It does not matter for what reasons a woman decides to terminate a pregnancy. The task of medicine is to make this procedure as safe as possible. For this, three types of abortions are used. The difference is not only in how they are carried out, but also in the duration of pregnancy. Medical abortion is less traumatic.

Medical abortion timing
Medical abortion timing

Its essence lies in the use of special drugs that cause uterine contractions and affect the function of the corpus luteum. It is considered less traumatic due to the lack of surgical intervention. Terms of medical abortion, according to the laws of the Russian Federation - up to six weeks of pregnancy. It is better to do an ultrasound beforehand.

Some people think medical abortion can be done at home. And supervision of the doctor at reception of tablets - superfluous. Actually it is necessary. The drugs used are hormonal and they can cause weakness, nausea, and heavy bleeding. In case of a threat to the he alth of a woman, the doctor will take action. For the same reason, abortion drugs are only sold to hospitals.

Medicated abortion, the most time-consumingminimal, has contraindications. Ultrasound is needed not only to determine the exact gestational age, but also to exclude ectopic conception. Absolute contraindication - diseases of the adrenal glands, inflammatory diseases of the uterus, malignant and benign tumors of the uterus, anemia, hemophilia. Severe forms of lung disease are an exception to abortion.

Abortion medical terms
Abortion medical terms

Therefore, medical abortion, the terms of which are limited, should be carried out exclusively in the clinic. The doctor prescribes tablets "Mifepristone" and "Misoprostol". Take them with a gap of several hours. During this period, a fertilized egg should come out. After 10 days, an ultrasound should be done to make sure that the uterus is clean. If fetal remains or blood clots are found, the patient is required to undergo surgical cleaning. If this is not done, then at best endometritis will begin, at worst - inflammation and suppuration.

Medicated abortion, which takes up to six weeks, is ideally carried out up to four weeks of pregnancy. It must never be used after the end of the allowed intervention time. There is a risk of miscarriage and severe uterine bleeding. And this is a serious threat to life.

Terms of medical abortion
Terms of medical abortion

You can not terminate a pregnancy using drugs if the woman was previously protected by oral contraceptives. An additional portion of biologically active substances will not benefit the body. Somedical abortion, the timing of which is limited, is done only in early pregnancy. Then hormonal changes begin in the woman's body.

Abortion is also done with a vacuum and conventional curettage. The legislation of Russia is allowed to interrupt the bearing of a child for up to 12 weeks. If there are social indications, then up to 22 weeks, according to medical indications - at any time. Each woman decides for herself whether to keep her child or not. Therefore, if she chose medical abortion, the timing of the intervention must be observed.