Every graduate of a medical school, regardless of the specialization he received, took the Hippocratic Oath. The most important thing is not to harm a person's he alth, but to do everything possible to help him and alleviate his suffering. However, unfortunately, medicine is a "treacherous" science, and sometimes it happens that the treatment of one disease leads to the appearance of another. The reason for this is often potent drugs that have an adverse effect on certain human organs. It is for this reason that today modern medicine recommends using the most gentle methods of treatment, among which the so-called UHF therapy is especially popular. Everyone has probably heard about this unique technique of physiotherapy. Many even had to learn from their own experience what UHF therapy is. Photos from the physiotherapy room can even be found in the photo album of some patients. It's so interesting andunusual for the layman. Moreover, at present, the number of those people who understand and recognize the effectiveness and benefits of such a treatment method is growing at a tremendous pace. In addition, UHF is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for prevention. The popularity of the technique, plus everything, is due to its safety and the absence of pain during the procedure.

Mechanism of action of UHF-therapy
Many patients are prescribed UHF therapy by their doctor, the mechanism of action of which requires more detailed consideration. This technique of physiotherapy is based on the impact on the human body of high-frequency magnetic waves, the length of which does not exceed ten meters. The apparatus for UHF therapy works according to the following principle: capacitor plates are placed close to certain organs and tissues of the body. It should be noted that there are two ways of placement: longitudinal and transverse.
The plates are applied transversely so that magnetic waves can pierce all the tissues of the body. This is necessary if there is a deep occurrence of the organ affected by the disease. If the treatment of a pathology that is not deep in the body is to be treated, a sufficient surface effect is required. In this case, the longitudinal method of placing the plates is used.
In addition, there can be two different types of capacitor electrodes:
- plates in the form of discs made of metal and covered with a special insulating material;
- quite soft, rectangular plates, the area of which does not exceed 600 cm².
Regardless of the type of capacitor electrodes, they are connected to a specially adapted generator.
It should be noted that patients not with any specific pathology, but suffering from completely different ailments, are prescribed UHF therapy. The mechanism of action allows you to effectively deal with a huge number of diseases with minimal time. The current power is set depending on the area to be affected. For example, 20 to 40 watts is needed to treat the neck or face, and 70 to 100 watts to treat the pelvic organs, as well as large joints.
The device for UHF-therapy provides a constant movement of ions and molecules. They collide with each other, due to which friction is created, and heat enters the tissues of the body, which has a beneficial effect on microcirculation, metabolism, etc.
UHF therapy is often prescribed to patients. The mechanism of action is not very complicated, but nevertheless it would be nice for even ordinary people to know how the procedure itself goes. Of course, there is no need to delve deeply into the essence of the problem. Enough general information that can be understood by a person who is far from medicine, visiting a doctor only from time to time, when absolutely necessary. So, first of all, the physiotherapist must disinfect the capacitor plates and check their serviceability. If no damage is found during the inspection, the procedure can begin. The physiotherapy room is equipped with special chairs and couches, on which the patient is laid. The lower part of the patient's body is placed in such a way that it is located between the electrodes, but does not come into contact with them. A certain air gap should form with a diameter of 2 cm in the case of the transverse method of laying the plates, and 1 cm - with the longitudinal one. The physiotherapist must ensure that the air gap is maintained throughout the entire procedure, which varies from 5 to 16 minutes. The full course of treatment is 10-15 procedures, depending on the doctor's recommendations.

Main tasks of UHF therapy
Among the main tasks, as well as the possibilities of UHF therapy, the following should be noted:
- Destroy or at least significantly reduce the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria.
- Slow down the production of toxic products in the foci of inflammation.
- Strengthen connective tissue and create a kind of protective barrier.
- Increase the efficiency of immunological processes.
- Speed up regenerative processes.
UHF therapy is prescribed for the treatment of what diseases
It has already been noted above that patients with various diseases are prescribed UHF. Indications for the use of this therapy are indeed very extensive. This once again confirms the effectiveness of the technique and the expediency of its use. UHF therapy successfully fights diseases:
- nervous system: encephalitis, phantom pain, neuralgia,cerebrovascular accident, Raynaud's disease, polyneuritis, meningitis;
- respiratory system: pneumonia, frontal sinusitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis (subacute, acute and vasomotor), pleurisy, pansinusitis, sinusitis, bronchiectasis, bronchitis;
- cardiovascular system: acute thrombophlebitis and hypertension;
- genitourinary system: cystitis, prostatitis, salpingo-oophoritis, nephritis, epididymitis, pyelonephritis (acute and chronic);
- gastrointestinal system: enteritis, paraproctitis, gastritis (acute and chronic), colitis, stomach ulcers, viral hepatitis, hepatocholecystitis;
- musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious arthritis, subacute osteomyelitis, arthrosis, tendovaginitis, polyarthritis;
- skin: furunculosis, mastitis, pyoderma, hydradenitis, carbuncles, postoperative infiltration, burns, purulent wounds, trophic ulcer.
Despite all the indications listed for UHF, only a doctor can prescribe therapy.

How UHF therapy affects various body systems
What kind of diseases UHF-therapy fights, we got acquainted. However, the question remains as to how UHF treatment affects different body systems. In this sense, it would be appropriate to note that this technique contributes to:
- lowering the tone of the sympathetic nervous system and increasing the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system;
- regarding the cardiovascular system: a decrease in vascular tone, amelioration of venous outflow, as well as a significant expansion of capillaries;
- improvement of the gastrointestinal tract, due to the reduction of spasms to which its smooth muscles are exposed, faster bile separation, improved metabolism, activation of motor and, accordingly, secretory function;
- decrease in the level of pathogenic bacteria in the body and increase phagocytosis.
In what cases is UHF therapy contraindicated
Like any other medical procedure, it has some limitations regarding the appointment and UHF therapy. Contraindications apply to the following cases:
- individual wave intolerance;
- overt cardiac problems;
- some diseases of the vascular system;
- vascular weakness;
- presence in the patient's body of foreign metal bodies (dental bridges, crowns);
- benign formations.
In the above cases, the doctor may still prescribe UHF. Contraindications are not absolute, so the doctor can decide if the procedure is appropriate.
The situation changes radically if a patient has:
- malignant tumors or the slightest suspicion of their presence;
- development of purulent inflammatory processes in the body;
- hypotension, which can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure;
- temperature;
- hemophilia;
- pregnancy(II-III trimester);
- bleeding.
In these cases, it is strictly forbidden to use UHF. Contraindications are absolute and the risk of serious complications is very high.

Can UHF therapy be used to treat children
Despite the rather long list of contraindications, modern medicine claims that UHF therapy can be prescribed to children of any age, from birth. The difference between the treatment of adults and children is only in the power of the effect on the body. In addition, children's sessions last an order of magnitude less - 5-10 minutes. Babies are even more often prescribed UHF therapy. The mechanism of action, however, remains the same. Today, physiotherapy for children is successfully used all over the world. It helps an organism that is not yet fully formed to independently fight a particular disease. For this, modern medical equipment of the highest quality is used. Most often, doctors recommend warming up the nose with a runny nose. Of course, kids are not so easy to force to sit in one place. However, the air gap rules must be observed without fail. To create the most comfortable conditions for the child, circles of the required thickness, made of flannel or felt, are fixed between the plates and the body.
Physiotherapy for children is used not only for the treatment of various diseases, but also for prevention.

UHF therapy for sinusitis
Sinusitis is a disease that absolutely cannot be ignored. In order to avoid complications, they require immediate, comprehensive treatment. That is why often the ENT, among other things, prescribes UHF for his patients with sinusitis. However, it should be noted that this technique is one of the anti-inflammatory therapies and gives a positive effect only if it is combined with drug treatment. This means that other methods of treating sinusitis should be used simultaneously with UHF.
Many people, not understanding the meaning of UHF therapy, are wondering what its benefits are. Such patients would do well to know that, unlike the classical procedures used in the treatment of sinusitis (washing, puncture), exposure to ultra-high frequencies does not cause pain. In addition, the electric field affects the ions and molecules of tissues, due to which it is noted:
- capillary dilation;
- a significant improvement in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, resulting in an increase in the body's susceptibility to drugs;
- activation of phagocytes, which allows cells to fight infection more actively.
In order to achieve the desired result, the procedure must be carried out in compliance with all existing rules. For example, before visiting a physiotherapy room, the nasal passages should be carefully cleaned of mucus. To do this, you can use vasoconstrictor nasal drops or some sprays.
The power of exposure is determined by the doctor independing on the form of the disease, as well as on its severity. Sessions are held either daily or at intervals of one day for a maximum of five minutes. The full course of treatment should not exceed 15 procedures.
Warming up the nose with a runny nose will help prevent the development of sinusitis.

Is it possible to carry out UHF therapy at home
In medical institutions, only medical workers who have undergone mandatory special training are allowed to work with UHF devices. However, not all patients have the opportunity to visit the physiotherapy room every day for 10-15 days. Everyone has their own reasons for this - some are too busy with work at home, others cannot let down the team at the workplace, young mothers have no one to leave their beloved child to, it is not so easy for the disabled to get to the clinic on their own, schoolchildren cannot miss school for such a long time. In such a situation, many people have a quite reasonable question as to whether it is possible to carry out UHF therapy at home and, if the answer is yes, what is necessary for this.
To clarify the situation, first of all, it should be noted that medicine is currently developing at a tremendous pace. The fact that yesterday it was even difficult to imagine today is no longer surprising. People are accustomed to doing on their own what in the recent past they could only do by visiting a medical institution. For example, one might have recently suggested thatsoon it will be possible to measure blood sugar at home? Of course, it seemed like a fantasy that simply was not destined to come true. However, reality proved the opposite, and everyone has the opportunity, without much difficulty, to purchase medical equipment that helps a person solve many he alth problems without direct medical intervention. Surprisingly, scientists even managed to create special equipment for UHF therapy, the use of which does not require medical education and specific knowledge. However, before using it at home, you need to remember a few simple rules:
- Initially, you should carefully read the instructions that the manufacturer attaches to each device they produce.
- If possible, get a short training session with a physical therapist.
- Before starting a course of physiotherapy, you should definitely consult a specialist, since UHF therapy, as you know, has a number of contraindications, ignoring which can lead to disastrous consequences.
- The number of sessions required for the course of treatment is determined solely by the doctor.
As a rule, portable devices are used at home, which have an automatic setting. They are also equipped with a timer. Most of these devices operate at a frequency ranging from 27 to 40 MHz.
Safety rules and side effects
The use of any medical equipment requires the utmostcaution. The devices used in UHF therapy are no exception in this sense. Thus, according to the rules, you must:
- Use stationary devices only in shielded cabinets.
- If UHF therapy is carried out in the ward of a medical institution, the patient should be placed at a safe distance from all metal and grounded objects.
- Before starting the procedure, you should carefully inspect all the wires, paying special attention to their integrity. If bare wires are found, the session must be postponed until the problem is resolved.
- Technical and therapeutic circuits need to be resonated with each other.
- The wires of the device should never touch. Their direct contact with the patient's body or any metal object is also unacceptable.
- If there are metal prostheses or crowns in the patient's body, the device can be used, but the exposure dose should be reduced.
Ignoring these rules can lead to the following consequences:
- The patient can suffer varying degrees of burns if the fabric pad is not dry enough or if the metal plate is in contact with the patient's skin.
- If the UHF wires are not insulated, the patient may receive an electric shock.

How effective is UHF therapy
The effectiveness of UHF has been proven by time. A huge number of famousdoctors give a very simple explanation for this fact: the UHF field does not pose any danger to human he alth and, subject to all the necessary rules, does not have any side effects. Moreover, there is a positive effect on the physiological processes occurring in the human body. If you choose the right strength of influence and do not make a mistake in determining the place to which it will be directed, then you can achieve excellent results. For example, as a result of the use of UHF therapy, vascular tone decreases, due to which the diameter of capillaries increases, regional blood flow increases, while venous blood flow decreases. As a result, vascular absorption significantly increases, high blood pressure returns to normal.
Very sensitive to the effects of an electric field is the nervous system. This is of great importance, since the normal functioning of the body largely depends on it. Through the human nervous system, it is possible to influence almost all organs. For example, spasms of the stomach, gallbladder, intestines, and many other vital organs can be prevented or reduced.
The undeniable advantages of UHF therapy can be listed for a long time. Its merits are recognized by scientists all over the world. It not only fights infections well, but also contributes to the overall strengthening of the body. Taking into account all of the above, it would be simply foolish not to use this unique technique of physiotherapy, because nature itself gives humanity a chance to live life happily, forgetting about diseases andailments.