Cleaning braces: how to properly care?

Cleaning braces: how to properly care?
Cleaning braces: how to properly care?

Brackets are complex orthodontic constructions, thanks to which a problem bite is corrected. The method of their application is reliable, common, time-tested. The question immediately arises: “How to brush your teeth if the glands interfere?” For this case, orthodontists have specially developed several devices to facilitate dental care.

Brace cleaning. How and what to do it

During the period of orthodontic treatment, caries can progress rapidly. So that after the braces are removed, not to be horrified by the condition of the teeth, it is necessary to master certain skills for proper cleaning of these devices before installation or immediately after it. It is necessary to treat the lower and upper dentition separately. In this case, each tooth should take at least 10 seconds.

Hygiene products should be recommended by a dentist, or you should focus on trusted sources of information. Properly selected toothbrushes, brushes and other devices will keep gums he althy and the integrity of tooth enamel. Not worth itfeel free to ask the doctor to demonstrate on the model how to properly clean the braces.

braces cleaning
braces cleaning

Brace cleaner

The following products are essential for proper braces care.

  • Orthodontic toothbrushes for cleaning braces. These instruments are V-shaped with a thin neck. It is necessary to brush each tooth individually with a brush in those places where it is possible to reach, while trying not to touch the braces. The brush has soft bristles. Even if the piece of iron is hurt, nothing bad will happen.
  • Brushes for cleaning braces. Such devices allow for accurate cleaning of braces at different angles, which must be done in order to avoid the appearance of plaque in inaccessible places. Otherwise, after removing the braces, to your displeasure, you can find caries.
  • Flosses are dental flosses that clean the space between teeth well. Waxed flosses can penetrate the tightest gaps just fine.
  • Irrigator for braces. This useful device cleans the teeth with a thin jet of water under high pressure, massages the gums well. Such cleaning does not harm the teeth at all and is highly effective. You should not charge the irrigator with plain water, for this there are special strengthening and disinfecting compounds with medicinal, herbal tinctures.
  • Toothpaste and mouthwash. These are essential components for caring for teeth with braces. They must be chosen according todentist.

These products should be used carefully and regularly, preferably every time after eating for 10 minutes.

brushing teeth with braces
brushing teeth with braces

Cleaning before braces. What needs to be done?

Before you install the bracket system, you must undergo a procedure for cleaning the oral cavity and teeth. It is recommended to do the following:

  • If there is caries, then it must be cured. Installed braces will accelerate the development of the disease, and it will be more difficult to get rid of it.
  • Completely heal any inflammation of the gums.
  • Clean tooth enamel. Bracket systems are installed only on clean dentition.
  • Remove diseased teeth before installing braces, if any.

These procedures are mandatory before installing the braces. It is best to have a professional teeth cleaning.

flossing with braces
flossing with braces

Professional cleaning

Most people who wear braces don't care for them properly. No toothpaste, flosses and brushes can replace a specialist who will not only tell you how and how to properly brush your teeth before and with braces, but also carry out the necessary hygiene measures, namely:

  • tartar removal;
  • Fissure sealing;
  • enamel processing;
  • cleaning plaque.

Professional teeth cleaning is performed by laser, ultrasound and chemical solution. At the endbrushing teeth are covered with a special varnish that saturates the enamel with fluoride.

These hygiene measures are mandatory for 1 time in 5-6 months. Do not do them more often, as tooth enamel may suffer.

braces cleaning brushes
braces cleaning brushes

How to brush your teeth with braces

Brushing teeth with braces involves several procedures.

  1. The first thing to start with is the use of the V-shaped brush. Brush movements should be slow, vertically and horizontally. Thus, the front surface of the tooth enamel is processed.
  2. The next step after the first procedure is the use of a multi-beam brush that removes plaque that has formed around the braces. It is necessary to perform this manipulation with sweeping movements.
  3. Next, a brush is taken, with which hard-to-reach places under metal arcs are cleaned with rotational movements.
  4. After carrying out these procedures, you need to clean the space between the crowns with dental floss. Just be very careful not to injure your gums. Flossing with braces is a must, the floss cleans up food debris well.
  5. At the very end, when all the necessary manipulations have been done, you need to remove the plaque formed on the internal and chewing surfaces of the crowns with an ordinary toothbrush.
  6. The final stage is rinsing the mouth with an antibacterial rinse. It will kill harmful microorganisms and freshen your breath well.
brushesfor cleaning braces
brushesfor cleaning braces

How to choose a toothpaste for brushing teeth with braces

You only need to choose a special toothpaste so that cleaning braces can provide these results:

  • perfect cleansing and effective removal of food debris;
  • normalization and restoration of microflora;
  • antimicrobial activity;
  • optimum protection against caries.

Special toothpastes perfectly protect and strengthen teeth, which become more susceptible to external factors during treatment.

After the toothpaste procedure is completed, the mouth should be thoroughly rinsed with an alcohol-free solution. This should be done after every meal.

cleaning before braces
cleaning before braces

Daily braces care, cleaning & dental advice

You need to learn how to properly care for braces, teeth and oral cavity, follow all the doctor's recommendations. When brushing your teeth with a special brush, you first need to make slow horizontal movements along the arc of the braces. This will help to remove particles of food stuck in the teeth. When cleaning with a brush, you need to clean each element of the bracket system separately, the entire space surrounding each tooth around the bracket, the groove and gums. Be sure to clean the space under the arch of the bracket system.

The thread helps to process the space between the teeth. Brushing your teeth and braces is a must after every meal.

Contraindicatedusing a regular or too hard toothbrush. It will damage not only the gum, but also the integrity of the bracket system itself.

If all the necessary manipulations are performed correctly, then plaque can be easily removed.

If a person is not at home and after eating there is no way to fully brush their teeth, you need to use dental floss, as well as a special mouthwash.

brushing teeth before braces
brushing teeth before braces

What is forbidden when wearing braces, so as not to cause harm

While wearing braces, it is necessary to avoid solid whole foods, as well as viscous and sweet foods. If you eat raw fruits or vegetables, then they must be cut into small pieces. It is strictly forbidden to bite carrots, apples and other hard foods.

You need to forget about eating too hot and cold food. Temperature fluctuations will lead to the fact that the braces will begin to “peel off”. It is absolutely forbidden to eat toffee and chew gum.

Don't brush your teeth with regular toothpaste.

It is forbidden to get rid of the remnants of food stuck between the teeth with various sharp objects.

If any element of the bracket system has shifted, you should immediately contact an orthodontist. If this is not done, the risk that the result of wearing braces will be zero increases many times over.

Brace cleaning is a very important procedure. The further he alth of the teeth, gums and the entire oral cavity after their removal depends on it. We need to take it seriouslythis process: strictly follow all the recommendations of a dentist, and then after removing the braces you will have a beautiful smile, he althy teeth and gums.
