Before you decide to whiten your teeth, be sure to consult your dentist. After all, this procedure has a number of contraindications and does not always pass without a trace, even if you have one problem unit, and it seems to you that tooth whitening cannot affect the condition of neighboring incisors or canines.
In modern dentistry, there are various technologies and approaches with which this procedure is performed. For example, for complex clarification of the enamel of the entire jaw, as a rule, chemical methods are used. And if it is required to change the color of one unit, then internal (cavitary) or reconstructive methods are used in order for the tooth whitening to be effective and the result to be preserved for a long time. As a rule, these technologies are used when the color of only one or several incisors is changed. The so-called "dead teeth" usually darken - after depulpation, the metabolic processes in them stop, and they acquire a grayish tint. They can also change color when using colored filling pastes.

If youInterested in a single tooth whitening, then you can not do without the help of a doctor. Carrying out the so-called cavity bleaching on devitalized (dead) teeth is not always effective, even if the enamel has brightened, it can return to its original color in 1-2 years. Repeating this procedure is not recommended due to the increased fragility of such teeth. Therefore, in cases where it is necessary to change the color of a devital unit, tooth whitening is recommended to be carried out by reconstructive methods. These include the following:
- filling, which is carried out to treat tissues and replace the filling material - this method does not lighten, but restores the natural color;
- lamination - covering the surface of the tooth with artificial material: as a rule, veneers are used;
- removal of dentin and its replacement with a light composite material. This is perhaps the most dangerous method, since during the procedure there is a risk of chipping off the enamel or even the entire crown (visible) part.

If you want to whiten all your teeth, don't forget to check their condition first. With caries, cracks, hypersensitivity and high abrasion, this procedure is prohibited. If there are no problems, you can try both hardware and common home teeth whitening. Reviews of professional procedures, mind you, are much better. After all, in the centers involved in aesthetic dentistry, in one session, you can lighten the enamel by 10 or even 12 tones. Of course, most oftenpeople are interested in complex teeth whitening. By the way, you can ask for a photo of the expected result in advance from the specialist who deals with you, because many clinics have galleries with “before” and “after” pictures.
But at home, even without buying special products, you can whiten your teeth a little. For these purposes, use soda, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice. The main thing to remember is that all this can significantly increase sensitivity and damage the enamel.