Types of vulva: description, features and structure

Types of vulva: description, features and structure
Types of vulva: description, features and structure

Every woman represents a whole world, and nothing reveals the fullness of this phrase like the female vulva, which is inimitable and unique in each of the fair sex. However, there are some common characteristics that make it possible to classify vulva species.

The structure of the vulva

The vulva is the female external genitalia, which are part of the reproductive system. The anatomy of the vulva includes the following components:

  • Inlet lips: big and small;
  • elevation at the top of the inlet, called the "hill of Venus";
  • clitoris - a place where many nerve endings converge, which is the point of sexual stimulation of a woman;
  • the "vestibule" area of the vulva;
  • bartholin glands of the vagina;
  • urethra.

The bottom view of the vulva is shown in the following picture.

Bottom view of a female vulva
Bottom view of a female vulva

Anatomical characteristics

The following anatomical features are characteristic of parts of the vulva:

  • The "vestibule" area is located between the hymen and Hart's line and is covered with squamous epithelium. Inside the lobby areBartholin's, small vestibular and vestibular glands, as well as the urethra.
  • Large lips originate from the walls of the vulva. They look like folds, consisting of fibrous and adipose tissue. At the top of the vulva, the large lips join to form the "mountain of Venus", and at the bottom they join 3-4 cm before the anus. The function of large lips is to protect the delicate internal organs. Outside, these lips are covered with a basal layer of tissue, and inside with a granular layer of cells.
  • Small lips are two folds of connective tissue that contain virtually no fat. At the top, they are divided into two parts, one part passes over the clitoris, forming the foreskin, and the second forms the frenulum. At the bottom, the small lips are connected to the inner surface of the large ones. The skin and mucous membrane of the small lips are rich in sebaceous glands, which secrete a substance that keeps the internal components of the vulva lubricated.
  • The hymen is a membrane that is located in the "vestibule" of the vulva. It breaks during the first sexual intercourse, resulting in bleeding, which is proof of virginity. It should be noted that this membrane can also be torn as a result of exercise or when using tampons during menstruation.
  • The urethra inside the vulva is lined with a layer of cells that form a transitional epithelium into the squamous epithelial tissue of the vagina. There is smooth muscle around the canal.
  • "The hill of Venus" is a fat pad,located on the front of the pubic bone, which is covered with pubic hair after puberty girls.
  • The clitoris is a small cylindrical formation similar to the male penis. The clitoris is rich in blood vessels and nerve endings, although it is many times smaller than the head of the male penis, the number of nerve endings in it is twice that of the latter.

The size of the described anatomical parts varies from one woman to another, which leads to a unique look of the female vulva for each representative of the weaker sex. In addition, the left and right sides of the vulva may be asymmetrical.

Vulva species classification

Generally, female vulva types are classified according to the shape and size of her external organs. It should be borne in mind that within a particular classification group, the vulva of each woman has her own characteristics that are unique to her. It should also be mentioned that each type of vagina and vulva is beautiful in its own way, and their type does not affect the sexual desire on the part of the partner.

There are vulvas that are big, others are small, some have more hair or are more "fleshy", some are dark in color, others are pink, their lips can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Types of vulvae and their shape also depend on the genetic factor and the constitution of the woman.

One gynecological surgeon Mofid Ibraheim observed various women's vulvas and classified each of them into one of 5 types. If the external genitalia of a particular woman belong toone of the given types of vulvae, then they can be said to be normal when they do not cause any physical discomfort.

Little Red Riding Hood Type

Red Riding Hood
Red Riding Hood

It got its name from its hood - the area where the small lips meet. This hood is slightly oversized and covers the clitoris well.

Feature of this type of vulva in women is that the hood protects the clitoris and makes it difficult to achieve female orgasm. To get sexual pleasure for a woman with the "little red riding hood" type, you must remember that you first need to gently open the clitoris with your fingers.

But not only fingers can open the hood of the clitoris. Now on sale there are special electrical appliances that are designed to give pleasure to a woman. Such devices perfectly perform the functions assigned to them.

Flamenco type

Flamenco-like vulva
Flamenco-like vulva

This kind of vagina of the female genital organs is simply stunning in its beauty. Indeed, the small lips are slightly elongated, and their folds fall like a flamenco dancer's dress.

The advantage of this type is that it does not cause any physical inconvenience, and flamenco folds easily adapt to any type of "music".

Modest vagina type

Shy girl
Shy girl

Every guy has noticed girls who at first glance seem unattractive, butlater it turns out that they are the cutest. Such a description fits the appearance of a modest vulva: she is closed, but if you win her trust, then she becomes the soul of the holiday. This vulva is characterized by compressed small lips that hide all her inner beauty.

If a woman has this type of vulva, then before having sex, it is recommended to add some water-based lubricant to it. Then making love will give her and her partner real pleasure.

Pearl type

Vulva with pearl
Vulva with pearl

Such a vulva does not hide its most important treasure, but shows it at the first glance at it. The "pearl" vulva is characterized by the fact that her clitoris is slightly larger than usual, so it protrudes from behind the hood of the small lips.

If a woman has the "pearl" type, then she can consider herself lucky, because every touch on her big clitoris will excite a range of bright and pleasant emotions and pleasure.

Butterfly type

Vulva "butterfly"
Vulva "butterfly"

The peculiarity of this type of vulva lies in its large small lips, which are larger in size than large lips. At the same time, the folds of the small lips open, like the wings of a beautiful butterfly, and lie on the large ones. Hence the name of this type of female genital organs.

If a woman has a butterfly type, then there are some difficulties to get to the clitoris. Therefore, it is recommended to drip a few drops during sex.stimulating female fluid on the clitoris. This action will increase blood flow to him, and he will show under the hood.

Thus, women's vulvas can have a variety of forms, each of which has its own advantages and is beautiful in its own way. A girl needs to know what type her genitals are in order to use this knowledge for maximum sexual pleasure.
