Shopaholism disease: causes, symptoms and treatment

Shopaholism disease: causes, symptoms and treatment
Shopaholism disease: causes, symptoms and treatment

Shopping addiction can be serious and devastating to physical and mental he alth. If a person experiences strong shopping cravings, they may periodically feel as if they are on an emotional roller coaster - they can be overcome by euphoria, which is abruptly replaced by depression.

Shopping addiction mostly affects women, but global statistics may be slightly skewed as men are less likely to admit to being shopaholics. However, based on official data, it can be concluded that up to 80-95% of people who are addicted to shopping are women.

The article will tell you in detail about what shopaholism is - a disease or a way of life? It will also describe why people become addicted to shopping and how to deal with it.

shopaholism disease or lifestyle
shopaholism disease or lifestyle

How does the disease of shopaholism develop?

Social norms and gender roles are likely to play a role in the demographics of behavioral he alth problems in general. Evidence shows that men gravitate towards gambling and sex addiction, whilewomen are more likely to develop food and shopping addictions.

Most of the time, shopping can be seen as a pretty positive experience as it's fun and rewarding overall. Sometimes purchases are a kind of reward. For example, a person may set a goal to quit smoking, but instead promise themselves that if they go a month without nicotine, they will allow themselves to buy a new gadget or some clothes. However, any activity that stimulates a reward center carries some risk of addiction.

It is believed that several factors influence the development of the disease of shopaholism. The most common of these are age and gender, with young women at greatest risk. According to most studies, the typical buyer of compulsive disorder is a young girl with a low level of education. In addition, research suggests that if a person is addicted to shopping, they may be prone to drug and alcohol abuse.

Age is also a factor in the appearance of shopaholism. The disease most often manifests itself in the period from 20 to 30 years. Psychologists argue that this phenomenon is due to the emergence of the ability for people to make their own decisions about what they spend their money on. But sometimes it happens that a person crosses the line of reason and becomes addicted.

Some people are more likely to develop shopping addictions than others. Studies show that there is a strong link between depression, anxiety disorders and compulsionsshopping. If a person is anxious or depressed, they may use shopping as a way to deal with negative emotions.

Depression is one of the most common comorbid symptoms that accompanies compulsive shopping disorder. However, it's hard to say what comes first - shopping sickness disorder or depression.

One theory is that people with depression shop on their own and do so to temporarily alleviate their anxiety-related symptoms. Another theory is that shopping addiction alters the reward circuitry of the brain (similar to other addictions), which can increase the likelihood of developing depression.

If the general scientific data on the development of such a psychological pathology have been more or less sorted out, then it is worth considering in more detail the causes of the disease of shopaholism. This will help to delve into the issue and understand what, in addition to depression, can cause compulsive buying disorder.

Causes of the disease shopaholism

Conditionally, all reasons can be divided into several groups, namely:

  • childhood trauma;
  • depression;
  • low self-esteem and stress.

It is worth taking a closer look at each of these groups.

Childhood injuries

When a psychotherapist communicates with his patient and tries to find the right treatment for the disease of shopaholism, he collects a thorough anamnesis. According to experts, most of the root causes that cause compulsive shoppingdisorder, come from childhood.

Shopaholism can develop due to the fact that a person did not receive proper attention and love from his parents, he was limited in things, toys, etc. Buying a huge amount of most often unnecessary things, he tries to compensate for what he had not enough in childhood, but, unfortunately, such a replacement becomes the basis of a stable addiction.

shopaholism disease causes
shopaholism disease causes


When a person makes a purchase, the body produces serotonin, which is often called the “feel good hormone”. The body does not get enough of this substance due to a depressive state, and a person, sometimes without realizing it, tries to make up for its deficiency with the help of such a pleasant ritual of making a purchase, which leads to compulsive shopping disorder.

Stress and low self-esteem

When a person experiences difficulties at work, at home, quarrels with family or friends, or is bullied by others, he puts stress on his body. But while shopping, he feels freedom of choice and satisfaction. This compensation of emotions is similar to the previous paragraph about depressive states.


If a person has a shopping addiction, they are likely to experience a lot of guilt and regret about their habits, and the stress of guilt can lead to depression and anxiety. In addition, serious conflicts or tensions can arise in the family due to this addiction, since financial problems canaggravate relations with relatives. This state of constant stress can lead to severe depressive symptoms.

shopaholism disease treatment
shopaholism disease treatment

Typically, the symptoms of a shopaholic are:

  • persistent sad, empty or anxious mood;
  • Guilt and worthlessness;
  • irritability;
  • feeling hopeless;
  • fatigue;
  • difficulty making decisions, concentrating or remembering;
  • loss of interest or pleasure in work and social activities;
  • person begins to move or speak more slowly;
  • having difficulty sleeping;
  • appetite changes, weight can drop or increase dramatically;
  • may have thoughts of death or suicide.

People with compulsive shopping disorder often have trouble controlling their impulses. An important characteristic of behavioral addictions is the inability to resist the urge or temptation to do something harmful to oneself.

Trade addiction is very different from the love of shopping. Addicts continue to shop despite serious negative consequences. Many compulsive shoppers face consequences such as serious credit card debt, inability to pay current bills, and debt.

shopaholism disease causes
shopaholism disease causes


If a person thinks they might be addicted to shopping, theysurely can feel:

  1. Expectation. The person feels the urge to shop and can't stop thinking about it.
  2. Preparation. A person decides when and where to go, what to wear and how he will pay. However, he may spend considerable time researching fashion trends or sales.
  3. Purchase. A person experiences great excitement while shopping.
  4. Expenses. The ritual is completed with a purchase. The person may feel euphoric or relieved, followed by feelings of frustration or self-loathing.

Shopping tendencies are hard to spot in another person as it is largely a personal experience. Most compulsive shoppers shop alone and keep any debts a secret. Shopping addiction has little to do with individual well-being. Shopping can be done in a variety of places, from high-end boutiques to second-hand stores and sales. Addict-prone shoppers are most likely to buy clothing, followed by shoes, jewelry, cosmetics and household items.

shopaholism disease causes and treatment
shopaholism disease causes and treatment


Besides the psychological symptoms, shopaholics also show other behavioral changes, namely:

  • they become greedy for any goods;
  • gets addicted to fashion magazines, brochures, shop flyers, etc.;
  • they are constantly talking about shopping and purchased items;
  • they can't leave the store empty-handedor without looking at all departments;
  • staying in retail outlets improves mood;
  • sometimes they can't remember what was bought last, etc.

Having understood what this addiction is and what its causes may be, it is important to consider how to treat the disease of shopaholism in order to cope with it once and for all.

shopaholism disease how to treat
shopaholism disease how to treat


There are currently no proven pharmacological treatments for compulsive shopping disorder. If a person turns to a specialist, then he can prescribe to the patient only drugs from the group of antidepressants in the treatment of the disease of shopaholism.

The causes and determination of the level of addiction are key in the treatment process, so the person himself must be aware of the importance of this moment and not interfere with the specialist.

Relatives and friends of a shopaholic should understand that getting rid of addiction cannot be imposed or forced. Otherwise, the efficiency will be very low.

Research shows that the best way to treat shopping addiction is through cognitive behavioral therapy, a form of talking therapy in a group setting. A person has the opportunity to learn to question thought patterns and understand how they affect behavior and emotions. He is then helped to develop a strategy to change his self-destructive patterns and learn to cope with stressful situations without addiction.

shopaholism disease
shopaholism disease


Trading addiction is characterized by an intense preoccupation with purchases and an uncontrollable desire to acquire something despite serious negative consequences.

Having considered such issues as what constitutes the disease of shopaholism, the causes and treatment of this pathology, we can conclude that compulsive shopping disorder leads to irreversible consequences that can destroy a person's life. It is very important to recognize the problem in time and take measures to resolve it.

Seeking help from friends, family or a professional psychologist is the first step towards a complete cure. The most important thing is to identify the cause of the disorder and eradicate it for the benefit of your own life and the happiness of others.
