How to flavor tobacco at home on your own

How to flavor tobacco at home on your own
How to flavor tobacco at home on your own

Those who grow tobacco themselves or buy it from people who are directly engaged in this, note a number of undeniable advantages inherent in home-made tobacco, in contrast to ready-made cigarettes bought in a store. One of the factors affecting the quality of homemade tobacco compared to a product made in industrial production is the ability to saturate it with interesting, pleasant smells. This article looks at how to flavor tobacco at home.

Benefits of homemade tobacco

Connoisseurs and connoisseurs say that a good homemade tobacco is completely devoid of any harmful impurities, the so-called chemistry, which cannot be said about a purchased product. Tobacco at home processing technology is a natural, environmentally friendly process and does not use any harmful chemical additives.

Main differencehomemade tobacco is its taste and aroma. Using various flavors, you can get an almost endless variety of flavors, choosing for this their various combinations. In addition, this taste will be very stable, it will not be lost after a few minutes of smoking.

how to flavor tobacco at home
how to flavor tobacco at home

Another advantage of the homemade product is its smokiness, which is regulated by the addition of glycerin. And, again, no chemistry.

Why flavor tobacco

Tobacco flavoring is carried out in order to improve its taste, when the natural taste of the product is already boring and you want to change it. There are also cases of purchasing low-quality goods. Flavoring will help improve its taste, make it acceptable for consumption. This procedure does not change the physical or chemical properties of the tobacco.

Knowing how to flavor tobacco with your own hands, you can

  • save money - homemade flavored product is much cheaper than store bought;
  • get high quality natural product;
  • eliminate the possibility of poisoning with various synthetic fillers.
different flavors
different flavors

All flavors are divided into natural and synthetic. They can be liquid (in the form of syrup), powder or in the form of small particles. The easiest ways to flavor tobacco at home are fruit-based methods.

With apples

How to flavor tobaccoat home with an apple? To do this, you will need two or three apples, a glass jar with a lid, and a thread with a needle. The procedure is as follows:

  • jar half filled with dried tobacco;
  • the apple is cut in half, the half is pierced with a needle and thread and fixed on the thread;
  • the free end of the thread is wrapped around the neck of the jar so that the apple hangs on the thread in the jar without touching the tobacco;
  • the jar is tightly closed with a lid and aged for three to four days.

If you don't think the tobacco is moist and flavorful enough yet, you can continue flavoring for a few more days.

Citrus flavors

To obtain a pure lemon flavor, take twelve medium-sized lemons, washed, towel dried and cut into small pieces. Place them in a container, pour 2 liters of warm water and insist in a warm place. Then the liquid is filtered and poured into a glass bottle with a tight lid.

Lemon-orange flavor is obtained by taking one lemon and one orange, peeling them and pouring 200 g of vodka into the zest. Infuse in a glass bottle for a day.

Tobacco is sprinkled with these flavors, placed in a tightly closed jar and kept for several days in a warm place, after which it is dried.

Cherry leaves

Perhaps the easiest and most common way to flavor roll-your-own tobacco is to add cherry leaves to it. They are collected, dried and mixed with the main raw material. Howeverexperts advise not just mixing both components, but wrapping the leaves in gauze, placing them in the center of the jar, and pouring moistened tobacco around. Close the jar tightly and leave in a warm place for several days.

For the same purpose, you can also use natural vanilla pods. It is rubbed with crushed moist tobacco, placed in a jar with a tight lid and left in a warm place for two to three days.

mixing ingredients
mixing ingredients

Yellow sweet clover

An equally common way to flavor tobacco yourself is to use yellow sweet clover flowers. The amount of raw materials in the mixture is determined empirically, depending on the personal taste of the consumer. However, experienced experts say that the use of dried flowers does not give the desired result. It is much more efficient to prepare an alcohol extract and flavor tobacco with it.

To do this, you can fill a hermetically sealed container with flowers with moonshine and stand for two weeks. In this case, the smell of moonshine completely disappears. The mixture after settling has the appearance of gruel. A teaspoon of this mixture is added to dried tobacco, simmered for a couple of hours, and then dried.

Another way is to pour one hundred grams of sweet clover flowers with a liter of 70% alcohol. Insist in a dark place for two weeks, then strain. This liquid is lightly sprayed with tobacco from a spray bottle and placed in a bag for three to six hours.

Then they are aired and sent for fermentation.

dry tobacco
dry tobacco

First fermentation lasts three to five daysat a temperature of 35-42 degrees. After this period, the tobacco is removed from the bag, aired for about ten minutes, sprinkled with tincture again and sent for the next fermentation. It continues for a couple of days. After that, the tobacco is dried and left for ten days so that it is saturated with aroma.

This method is quite laborious, so only the most "advanced" connoisseurs use it.

How to flavor tobacco with honey

This method is also quite laborious, but the result is worth the effort. It is quite long, so not everyone has the patience to complete it. But any true connoisseur should know how to flavor tobacco at home with honey.

To do this, dissolve two tablespoons of honey in a glass of cognac, add eighty milliliters of vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar) and a milliliter of glycerin.

cognac with honey
cognac with honey

The mixture is topped up with distilled water to a liter. Tobacco leaves are sprinkled with it, they are hermetically packed and placed in heat. Once every ten to twelve days, the container is opened for ventilation. After a couple of months, the tobacco is removed and kept for another two weeks outside the sealed package. Then dried and used as intended.

Tea, coffee

How to flavor tobacco at home with literally improvised means? You can use tea bags for this. Moistened tobacco and a bag of good tea are placed in a half-liter jar. Close tightly and leave for three to four days. As an experiment, you can lay teas with differentflavors.

To prepare coffee flavoring, boil two liters of water, cool it and add half a kilo of natural ground coffee. Stir and leave in a tightly sealed container for twelve hours in the refrigerator. It turns out a rather expensive product, but it can be used not only to improve the quality of tobacco, but also in cooking.

Saucing method

A rather original way to flavor tobacco at home is as follows. Any berries are poured with water and boiled over low heat. The liquid evaporates, the broth thickens. They put honey and alcoholic drinks in it - any, to your taste. There are no clear proportions, everything is added “by eye”. Fermented tobacco leaves are placed in a container, poured with prepared sauce and pressed down with oppression. Kept warm for forty-eight hours.

pouring flavoring into tobacco
pouring flavoring into tobacco

Next, tobacco is placed under a press or clamped in a clamp and heated for five hours. Then the leaves are cut and dried in the oven.

Synthetic flavors

The most popular way to flavor tobacco with synthetic substances is to use flavors for electronic cigarettes for this purpose. They are diluted with water in a ratio of one to ten and sprinkled with this mixture of tobacco from a sprinkler.

synthetic flavors
synthetic flavors

You can use Leyla hookah raw materials for this purpose. The briquette is poured with a glass of boiled water and infused for five hours. The resulting liquid is drained andspray it with homemade tobacco. Place it in a jar and close the lid. After two days, dry and consume. This method is good because you can choose the flavor to your liking.

Another way to improve the smell and taste of a homemade product is to add quality industrial tobacco to it. It is chosen depending on one's own preferences and added to one's tobacco in a ratio of one to fifteen.
