The first version of the Rankin scale appeared in the 80s. Its main purpose was the correct assessment of the patient's condition after a stroke. The Rankin scale also helped in the selection of appropriate measures to restore the human body. This technique is still widely used by doctors involved in the rehabilitation of patients suffering from cerebrovascular accidents.
Afterward, a modified Rankin scale was released. It not only reflects the degree of functional impairment, but also allows you to objectively assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures. It can also be used to identify the need for various additional devices for the disabled.
Description of the Rankin scale
The method is based on studying the Nihs picture, Rivermead analysis. Diagnostics in each clinic is individual. According to the Rankin scale, a specialist determines the further life activity and the level of disability of a person who has had a stroke. Thrombolytic therapy is being carried out based on the findings.

Diagnose using the scale:
- quality of speech activity;
- changes in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
- level of awareness;
- sensitivity;
- the ability to control body movements.
The scale determines the severity of the patient's condition. The he alth assessment table consists of six items. Each gives a detailed description of the condition of a patient with cerebrovascular accidents.
High Rankin he alth score
The first two paragraphs describe a practically unaffected by the pathology, who retained the capacity of the patient, who does not need rehabilitation:
- Zero. Ability is not impaired. There are no problems after a stroke, no restrictions.
- First. Small changes in speech, writing and reading speed are observed. There are emotional disturbances. A person leads a habitual independent lifestyle, but cannot perform activities associated with fine motor skills and increased attention.

Low He alth Score
The remaining paragraphs describe the condition of the patient, partially or completely incapacitated and in need of assistance:
- Second. The patient is partially incapacitated. It is possible to live without outside support if you do not need to perform complex actions. Restrictions in certain activities: driving, dancing, running, physical labor.
- Third. Moderate disability. The person needs help withside, but he moves independently, possibly with the use of assistive devices. Psychological and moral support is needed.
- Fourth. Moderate level of loss of motor functions. The patient needs external support. Doesn't take care of herself.
- Fifth. The most serious condition of the patient, the last degree of disability. Requires 24/7 supervision and care. Man bedridden for life, uncontrollable urination occurs.
In the original version of the scale there was a sixth level - the death of the patient. It is not in the modified system.
The benefits of the method
The main component of medical care after the treatment of a critical condition in stroke is rehabilitation. During this period, it is necessary to get rid of neurological abnormalities as much as possible.

The individual characteristics of the human body play a big role in recovery. The Rankin scale greatly facilitates the work of a neurologist who draws up a consistent rehabilitation plan.
In addition, the obtained scale values are also used by doctors involved in restorative procedures. This method is also used to assess the need for the rehabilitation process itself. It can also be noted that the Rankin scale reveals the appropriateness of using and the variety of means for moving the patient (wheelchair, walker, cane).