Eye diseases threaten not only the deterioration of the quality of vision, but also its absolute loss. Regular examination of the system of vision, carried out as part of preventive examinations, allows timely detection of such a serious problem as angle-closure glaucoma, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed below.
Happiness to see the world around
Sight is a great gift to a person, with the help of which he cognizes the world. As scientists have found out, about 90% of all information about the environment a person receives with the help of this system of sensations. The visual organ is a multicomponent structure. Even a partial loss of vision causes a deterioration in the quality of life, because a person has to use corrective devices - glasses, contact lenses, or they will replace the ability to see with another way of understanding the surrounding reality. In addition to common myopia and hyperopia, a person may suffer from other visual impairments, one of which may be, for example, angle-closure glaucoma. What kind of disease is this, the patient should be told by a specialist afterdiagnosis.

Features of the visual organ
The structure of the visual system is very complex, because in order to perceive the surrounding reality through vision, many components must work in harmony. The main ones are familiar to everyone from school biology and anatomy lessons. But, for example, the fact that the junction of the iris and the cornea forms an iridescent corneal angle is known only to specialists and those who are faced with such a problem as angle-closure glaucoma. What kind of disease is this if its development depends on a physical quantity - the angle of connection of the two components of the structure of the eye? The iridocorneal angle is a kind of drainage component of the anterior chamber of the visual organ, and a violation of the outflow of fluid causes serious problems with vision and well-being in general.
Blurred vision
Such a problem as angle-closure glaucoma, the symptoms of which cause a violation of the quality of life, occurs due to increased pressure as a result of the accumulation of excess fluid in the eye. The name of the disease has a group of ophthalmic diseases, which are based on an increase in intraocular pressure. The very name of the problem comes from the Greek word, which means "dull or cloudy swelling." And it is clouding of the cornea that a specialist can observe when examining a patient. Glaucoma is the result of dysfunction of the visual organ due to increased intraocular pressure.

Types of glaucoma in violation of the outflow of fluid
Visual impairment due to increased intraocular pressure develops in people of different sex, age and for various reasons. There are several diseases united by the name "glaucoma". But there are two main types of such a problem: open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma. They differ from each other in the mechanism of fluid retention, and more precisely in the geometry of the iridocorneal angle. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common type of the disease - it is recorded in 90% of detected cases of visual impairment caused by an increase in intraocular pressure. The second type of the disease, although less common, is more likely to result in complete blindness. Acute angle-closure glaucoma requires prompt medical attention to keep the optic nerve working.
Features of the problem reflected in the title
The fluid that plays the most important role in the vision system must constantly circulate - secreted by certain glands and removed naturally. But if the geometry of the "iris-ciliary edge" system is disturbed, the outflow of fluid stops, it accumulates in the anterior chamber of the eye, which causes an increase in intraocular pressure. The result of this process is called angle-closure glaucoma. This problem occurs in 10% of patients diagnosed with glaucoma. It is manifested by strong painful sensations - a headache, eyes hurt, vision is disturbed, the patient develops nausea and vomiting. But such symptoms are notstrictly specific, and therefore only a competent specialist can differentiate the pathology and diagnose angle-closure glaucoma. What kind of a problem is this if its manifestations are not strictly specific, although violations occur in the visual system? Fluid retention due to complete closure of the angle of the anterior chamber, through which the outflow of secretion occurs, causes an increase in pressure and a violation of the optic nerve, in turn. An acute attack of such a disease requires immediate treatment, otherwise it can result in significant visual impairment and complete blindness.

The causes of angle-closure glaucoma are established by specialists as they observe cases of the disease, assess the history of patients. Both physiological causes and external factors contribute to the disease. The first include such structural features of the vision system as:
- pupillary blockade - the lens of the eye is close to the posterior surface of the iris, while the angle of the anterior chamber closes, which blocks the mechanism for evacuating intraocular fluid.
- flat iris syndrome, in this case, the moisture outflow system and the iris are extremely close to each other; when the pupil expands, the peripheral part of the iris closes the angle of the anterior chamber and blocks the outflow of moisture;
- the structure of the eye has a feature in the form of a small iridescent-corneal angle, which is a prerequisite for the development of angle-closure glaucoma.
Bin some cases, the angle at which the ocular fluid outflow system is located narrows and even completely closes due to the growth of tumor-like formations that form behind the iris. Also, the following factors may play a role in the development of angle-closure glaucoma:
- hereditary structural features of the eye system;
- diabetes mellitus;
- frequent bruising of the eye;
- features of the development of the nervous system, manifested in nervous pathologies;
- chronic fatigue affecting the functionality of the visual system;
- chronic increase in intraocular pressure caused by aging factors, which is why all people over 40 years of age should undergo regular examination by an ophthalmologist, including measurement of intraocular pressure;
- physiological thinness of the shell of the eye;
- corticosteroid therapy;
- high blood pressure;
- increased body weight;
- pathology of the cardiovascular system.
All these causes have a pronounced effect on the development of the disease.
Signs of glaucoma
Like most he alth problems, angle-closure glaucoma develops gradually, although it can be acute. At the initial stages, an increase in intraocular pressure due to the closure of the anterior angle of the visual chamber practically does not manifest itself in any way. Then the patient begins to feel problems both with vision and with general well-being: photophobia, iridescent circles before the eyes, blurring of the objectvisual perception, reduced twilight vision, discomfort or pain in the eye area or temporal headache. But such signs are characteristic of many other he alth problems. Therefore, most often the diagnosis is accurately diagnosed as an attack of angle-closure glaucoma.
A sharp headache, localized in the eye area, and spilling into the temple, forehead, nausea and vomiting, visual impairment up to its complete loss - these are signs of an attack, which is based on a significant increase in intraocular pressure. Several such attacks - and spikes appear in the patient's vision system, violating the functionality of visual perception, and then complete blindness.

Let's go to the doctor
Not always some symptoms in the form of a headache, nausea or vomiting make a person see a doctor, especially an ophthalmologist. But if the patient has farsightedness, and the headache is most often localized in the orbit, in the temple, then the measurement of intraocular pressure for the differentiation of glaucoma is simply necessary. In addition, all patients over the age of 40 must undergo an annual examination by narrow specialists, including to check the condition of the vision system.
Diagnostic Methods
It's not often that a specialist diagnoses angle-closure glaucoma. "What is this problem?" - ask those for whom increased intraocular pressure becomes a part of life. Violation of the functionality of the visual system due to problemsoutflow of intraocular fluid dangerous sudden complete loss of vision. To prevent the severe consequences of angle-closure glaucoma, it is necessary to undergo an initial examination by an ophthalmologist, in which intraocular pressure will be determined using special procedures. If the results are unsatisfactory, then the next step will be an examination of the fundus.
A specialist can measure intraocular pressure in several ways. For example, the Maklakov method involves applying special pre-painted weights weighing 10 grams to the cornea. After the weights are removed from the patient's eye, they are applied to a sheet of paper and the intraocular pressure is determined from the trace left, measured with a special ruler. This method assumes the norm of intraocular pressure up to 24 mm Hg. Art. This method is widely used and has high accuracy. It is he who is accepted as the standard for monitoring the dynamics of the development of glaucoma in a patient.
The use of a pneumotonometer is the basis of the second method for measuring intraocular pressure. Pneumatic pressure is used here - it is “shot” into the eye with a jet of air, and the deflection of the cornea recorded by special equipment in response to the applied pressure is recorded and evaluated by a specialist - the larger the deflection, the higher the intraocular pressure. The results of such a measurement are not very accurate and are usually underestimated by an average of 2 mm. rt. st.
This technique is not used in the dynamic study of the course of the disease with established glaucoma. Special equipment is used fortranspalpebral tonometry, when pressure is measured through the eyelid.
The method of measuring intraocular pressure is chosen by a specialist, taking into account the capabilities of a medical institution. If an increase in intraocular pressure is detected during the initial examination, then the patient is invited to undergo a further examination - an examination of the fundus, in which the doctor will identify the condition of the optic nerve head, hemorrhages or edematous foci along the edge of the optic nerve head, the thickness of the neuronal rim, the presence of glaucoma excavation. Then gonioscopy is performed - measuring the angle of the anterior chamber using a microscope with a slit screen and a three-mirror Goldman lens. The patient's visual fields are also measured using computer polymetry.

Problem Shapes
Among the problems of the ophthalmological direction, there is an extensive group of diseases united under one name. Among them, only 20-22% of cases are diagnosed with angle-closure glaucoma. The symptoms of this disease require differentiation from other vision problems that have similar painful symptoms, as well as a thorough examination by an ophthalmologist. This type of visual impairment is divided by specialists into two main types:
- primary angle-closure glaucoma;
- and, accordingly, secondary.
In the first case, the problem is formed by itself, not associated with other systemic diseases. The angle of the anterior chamber of the eye decreases and closes due to structural features of the visual system, the formation of tumors,disrupting fluid flow. In secondary angle-closure glaucoma, disturbances in the physical parameters of the eye chamber and the outflow of fluid from it are the result of injury or diabetes mellitus.

Treatment methods
Any disease must be diagnosed, a treatment strategy is chosen by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's he alth. The stages of the disease determine the principles of treatment. Thus, an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma requires emergency medical intervention due to the potential danger of catastrophic damage to the visual system, threatening complete blindness.
Today, ophthalmology operates with three treatment methods:
- drug treatment;
- laser vision system correction;
- fistulizing operation.
Quality treatment of glaucoma is carried out in the same stages: drugs, laser correction, surgery. The goal of therapy is to use drugs to lower intraocular pressure and prevent glaucoma from progressing aggressively. If glaucoma continues to develop actively, then the patient will have to undergo laser intervention, and then a fistulizing operation.
Pharmacy preparations
One of the very serious vision problems is angle-closure glaucoma. Drops are the most common form of medication used in the medical treatment of this condition, although both injections and oral medications are used. Medications have one goal - to lower the pressure insideeyes. The following medicinal substances can act as an active component in them:
- latanoprost;
- pilocarpine;
- timolol;
- quinapril.
These substances are used both as independent active components of preparations, and in combinations. What kind of medicine the patient needs, the decision is made only by the attending physician. It is strictly forbidden to use drugs to combat angle-closure glaucoma without the recommendation of a specialist!

Traditional medicine to help vision
Acute angle-closure glaucoma in any case requires immediate medical attention. All medicinal methods and preparations should be recommended by a specialist, taking into account the characteristics of the disease of a particular patient. It should be remembered that it is impossible to cure an existing ophthalmological problem only with medicines or with the help of traditional medicine recipes.
Is it possible to prevent the problem?
Like any other disease, glaucoma is easier to prevent than to treat. Preventive measures are aimed at maintaining adequate functioning of the human vision system. It is impossible to prevent glaucoma, but to treat it, while maintaining vision at a sufficient level, is possible only if the correct diagnosis is made at an early stage of the development of the disease. That is why it is so important to visit an ophthalmologist once a year, and after reaching the age of 40, to undergo an annual measurement of intraocular pressure. Various ametropias require vision correction with the help of correctfitted glasses or contact lenses. This will help reduce eye strain and relieve fatigue. It is also necessary to eat right in order for the body to receive all the vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary for a person.

Such a pathology of vision as angle-closure glaucoma, the causes and symptoms of which were discussed above, can affect a person at any age. But only in the early stages of the disease, high-quality specialist help will help maintain vision. If time is lost, then the disease can lead to complete loss of vision. Responsibility for the state of one's he alth should become the norm for every person, because a timely identified problem will allow you to apply adequate measures to get rid of it.