The term "gastritis" refers to a pathological condition accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. According to statistics, 90% of the world's population at least once experienced the signs of this disease. That is why people are often interested in whether the stomach hurts with gastritis, and if so, what kind of sensations a person experiences. In any case, when the first warning signs occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist will carry out diagnostic measures and, based on their results, draw up an effective treatment regimen, which will include medication and diet.

The stomach is the most vulnerable organ of the digestive system. This is due to the fact that it is in it that 3 vital processes take place at once:
- Stirring partially processed foodssupply.
- Food breakdown.
- Absorption of vital components.
Under the influence of various adverse factors, the inner wall of the organ is damaged. That is why with gastritis it hurts in the epigastric zone. At the same time, it is the inner wall that is responsible for the production of protective mucus and gastric juice.
Normally, an organ does not digest either its own tissues or the excreted secret. This is due to the maintenance of a he althy acid-base balance in different parts of the stomach. Against the background of a deviation in the pH level up or down, the development of the inflammatory process also starts.
Depending on the provoking factors, acute gastritis can be:
- Catarrhal.
- Phlegmonous.
- Fibrinous.
- Necrotic.
The catarrhal form develops due to an unbalanced diet. Necrotic and fibrinous gastritis is a consequence of poisoning the body with acids, alkalis and s alts of heavy metals. The phlegmonous form is associated with mechanical damage to the walls of the organ.
In addition, gastritis may be a consequence of:
- Long exposure to stress.
- Frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- Active pathogen Helicobacter pylori.
- Worm infestations.
- Long-term medication.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Progression of autoimmune pathologies.
- Hormonal imbalance.
Also,the presence of duodenal reflux significantly increases the risk of the disease.

How the stomach hurts with gastritis
Symptoms of pathology are pronounced. The first alarming sign of the disease is discomfort. Their intensity and localization directly depend on the type of pathology (autoimmune, Helicobacter pylori, corrosive, etc.). In addition, the stage of the course of the disease also plays an important role.
How and where does the stomach hurt with gastritis, depending on the severity:
- If the disease is of a protracted chronic nature and is accompanied by a decrease or increase in the acidity index, it is manifested by aching sensations. Their intensity is usually medium. At the same time, a person experiences a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Both heaviness and pain appear after eating.
- If the discomfort is pronounced (some patients say that it is almost impossible to endure), this indicates an acute phase of the pathology. In addition, ulcerative or erosive lesions are often detected. Doctors do not rule out that an attack may also be the first symptom of the development of concomitant ailments (pancreatitis or cholecystitis).
- If your back hurts during gastritis and the sensations are associated with the fact that a person was stabbed, this may indicate a perforation. In this case, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible.
Most patients complain that at night they are disturbed by hunger pains. That is, they simultaneously wanteat and experience severe discomfort.

Why does it hurt
Gastritis of the stomach is, as mentioned above, inflammation of the inner wall of the organ. Unpleasant sensations appear in the epigastric zone approximately 20 minutes after the meal. The most common reason is a dietary disorder. Irritant food, in contact with inflamed tissue, causes severe pain.
Somewhat less often, discomfort is the result of smoking a cigarette or drinking strong black coffee on an empty stomach. At the same time, it persists for several hours, significantly worsening the quality of life.
Localization of painful sensations
Most often, discomfort appears in the epigastric zone. This is an area in the upper abdomen. Thrills are characteristic of severe forms of gastritis. How does it hurt in this case? A person feels unbearable discomfort in the abdomen. Painful sensations often radiate to the chest.
If it hurts in the back (not a sharp pain like a dagger), this indicates that the back wall of the stomach is inflamed. A person unconsciously tries to take a position in which the intensity of sensations is weaker.
Other symptoms of chronic gastritis. How does it hurt in this case? Feelings are dull. Patients complain that they have aches in the stomach area.
Chronic gastritis is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Feeling full in the stomach.
- Severe heartburn.
- Burp.
- Nausea.
- Headache.
- Increasedfatigue.
In addition, there is always a bad taste in the mouth.

Pain from autoimmune gastritis type A
This form of the disease is characterized by atrophic changes in the epithelium and a decrease in the degree of secretory activity of parietal cells. Against this background, the acidity index changes downward. As a result, the properties of gastric juice are lost, which disrupts the absorption of nutrients.
Regarding how it hurts. Symptoms of autoimmune gastritis are very intense. Discomfort is localized in the epigastric zone. The pain is dull or aching. Even after eating a small amount of food, there is a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen.
When palpation, you can easily detect tension in the epigastric zone. It is often accompanied by:
- Nausea.
- Burp.
- Diarrhea.
- Bloating.
- Migraine.
- Dizzy.
This type of ailment is characterized by the appearance of disgust for certain products. No hunger pains.
Clinical picture of Helicobacter pylori gastritis type B
The course of this type of disease is accompanied by an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. The active activity of the pathogenic microorganism Helicobacter pylori acts as a provoking factor.
In the acute phase, a person feels a stabbing or cutting pain in the epigastric region. Sometimes it can be crampy. In this case, the person takesa forced position in which the intensity of pain is less.
If the pathology is chronic, the pain is pulling or dull. It occurs at night at the same time as hunger.
Associated symptoms are: migraine, dizziness, general weakness.

Gastritis with reflux esophagitis
In this case, the provoking factor is a condition in which there is a reverse reflux of bile into the stomach. About how it hurts. Gastritis of this type can cause symptoms of different intensity. A distinctive feature is that discomfort does not appear immediately after a meal, but after a few hours.
In addition, discomfort occurs at night. If there were long breaks between meals, hunger pains also appear. In this case, it is important to eliminate the reason why bile is thrown back into the stomach.
Pain with catarrhal gastritis
This form of the disease develops against the background of an intoxication process caused by the use of low-quality food and alcohol-containing drinks, as well as long-term use of medications.
Pain in catarrhal gastritis is pronounced, but short-lived. It has a piercing or cutting character. In addition, the person has signs of general intoxication (belching, vomiting, headache, nausea, general malaise).
Corrosive type gastritis
In this case, it is customary to talk about the defeat of the deep layers of the mucosa of the organ. Mainthe cause of the development of the disease is the penetration of toxic chemical compounds into the stomach, as a result of contact with which he althy tissues get burned.
Regarding how it hurts. Gastritis of this type is characterized by unbearable sensations. The pain is so severe that it is almost impossible to endure. A person tries to take a forced position in order to weaken its manifestations.
Associated symptoms:
- Headache.
- Burning in the chest. It is so strong that it seems to a person that he is on fire.
Ignoring warning signs leads to ulcers and internal bleeding.

Pain with phlegmonous gastritis
The course of this type of pathology is accompanied by the release of purulent exudate from the mucosa. The main reason for the development of phlegmonous gastritis is the ingress of solid particles or foreign objects into the stomach that can damage tissues.
Pain syndrome can have a different character and localization. Phlegmonous gastritis can be differentiated from other types of the disease by the following symptoms:
- High heart rate.
- Increased body temperature.
- Migraine.
- Dizziness.
- Diarrhea.
- Vomiting with various impurities.
Patients note that pain is relieved after taking antispasmodics or drinking cow's milk.
Ignoring existing symptoms is unacceptable. If the stomach hurts, what should I do? Gastritis is a pathology that is treated bygastroenterologist. It is to him that you need to contact when the first alarming symptoms occur. The specialist will take an anamnesis, conduct a physical examination and issue a referral for a comprehensive diagnosis, based on the results of which will determine the further tactics of managing the patient.
Treatment of gastritis directly depends on the form of the disease. But in all cases, a strict diet is shown. All food consumed should be as sparing as possible. It is unacceptable to eat too hot or very cold dishes. Food should be warm, mashed, do not contain spices. Only a small amount of s alt can be added to dishes. Food should be fractional. The diet must be followed even during remission.
One of the most important points of treatment is to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. No diet and even the most effective medicine will not help to cope with the disease if a person does not get rid of bad habits.
Treatment of acute gastritis, accompanied by a pronounced deterioration in well-being, requires emergency measures. In such cases, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Medics perform the following actions:
- Gastric lavage. It is carried out as long as the vomit contains particles of food.
- Introduction "Papaverine". The drug eliminates spasms and relieves pain.
- Administration of drugs to relieve nausea and vomiting.
- In severe cases, antibiotic therapy is indicated.
For patients after emergency treatment in the firstday shows complete hunger. Subsequently, a sparing diet is required.
In 90% of cases, the "culprit" of chronic gastritis is the active life of Helicobacter pylori. In this regard, the main goal of treatment is the destruction of a pathogenic microorganism. In addition to Helicobacter pylori, symptomatic therapy is carried out aimed at relieving pain, heartburn, and belching.

In closing
The term "gastritis" refers to inflammation of the gastric mucosa lining the organ from the inside. The development of the pathological process can start under the influence of various provoking factors. Every second person at least once in his life was interested in where it hurts with gastritis. The disease has several types and, accordingly, various clinical manifestations. Information about how and where it hurts with gastritis, how to treat pathology and how to eat, can be provided by a gastroenterologist. It is necessary to consult a doctor at the first warning signs in order to prevent the development of all kinds of complications.