"Evitalia": reviews of doctors and customers, instructions for use

"Evitalia": reviews of doctors and customers, instructions for use
"Evitalia": reviews of doctors and customers, instructions for use

Bioadditives "Evitalia" (reviews about the products of this line are mostly positive, they say that the products of this series are tasty and he althy, bring tangible benefits to the body) contain live probiotic bacteria. They stabilize the intestinal microflora, improve the digestion process and stimulate the production of their own bifidobacteria, normalize the stool. They have a positive effect on well-being, remove discomfort and pain in the abdomen associated with improper bowel function. With constant use, they relieve the symptoms of allergies. The range of the "Evitalia" line allows you to choose the right product for both men and women, as well as for children and the elderly. There are universal supplements suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of gender and age.

About Evitaliya products

Evitalia products (user reviews note that these supplements improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and increase immunity) are produced by the Russian company Probiotics. It was she, under the guidance of a group of scientists-microbiologists, created a series of unique products. They stand out from other analogues, as they meet the following criteria:

  • Natural. Therefore, they do not cause side effects.
  • They have a pleasant and delicate taste. Because of this, absolutely all family members love them.
  • Give optimal results. Carefully restore the microflora of the intestinal environment without killing the own bacteria produced by the body.
  • Universal. Most supplements are suitable for absolutely everyone. There are also drugs designed for a specific gender and age.
  • Improve he alth. Stabilize the bowels. Eliminate gas formation, increase the absorption of fatty acids. Restore the mucous membrane of the intestinal apparatus. Remove discomfort.
  • Increase immunity. Several types of beneficial bacteria act on the body at once, which complement each other's action. Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which improves he alth and enhances the body's defenses.
  • Obtaining useful trace elements. Supplements saturate the body with various polysaccharides, amino acids and antioxidants. They contain vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins F, A and C. Useful substances are supplied in a well-digestible form. Vitamin B12 is found in therapeutic dosage.

Products "Evitalia" helps to eliminate the disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Successfully fights with nervousness and stress. It has a positive effect on the immune system and relieves manifestations of an allergic reaction. Useful forinfectious diseases. Indispensable after taking medications, antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

Specialists of the company "Probiotics" say that every person needs "Evitalia" supplements, as they help to withstand the modern pace of life. They weaken the negative impact of bad ecology, reduce stress and make the symptoms of various diseases more pronounced, which helps to detect the disease in time and start timely treatment.

Describes in detail how to take dietary supplements "Evitalia" instruction. Reviews note the ease of taking drugs in capsules and the ease of preparing starters, which help to get natural fermented milk products without leaving home.

Assortment of the line "Evitalia"

Evitalia reviews
Evitalia reviews

The range of "Evitalia" (reviews note a significant improvement in he alth, after just a few days of supplementation) allows you to choose a product for each family member. A series of dietary supplements includes the following products:

  • Sourdough or a complex of dry microorganisms-probiotics. Contains strains of lactic acid microorganisms useful for the intestines, as well as minerals and B vitamins, ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol. The drug is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, both in adults and in children. Helps to stabilize weight. A very useful product is the starter "Evitalia". Reviews of doctors note that such products should be present in the diet every day, and they are useful for children, help to avoid bacteriosis during treatmentantibiotics.
  • Evitalia Blitz. Available in capsules. The supplement is a source of probiotic microorganisms. Restores the microflora of the intestinal organ. Stabilizes the activity of the entire gastrointestinal system. Helps to increase the body's resistance. The capsule form of the drug helps to deliver microorganisms directly to the intestines. It is recommended for ulcers, gastritis, heartburn, diarrhea and dysbacteriosis. The drug will help restore the intestinal environment after a course of medication.
  • "Perfection for women". Capsules help to keep youth and he alth. Improve mood. They increase endurance, which is especially useful for excessive physical and psychological stress. The preparation contains a number of vitamins necessary for every woman, as well as lactulose and zinc. The drug is indicated after taking antibiotics, contraceptives and other drugs. Indispensable during the diet, as it normalizes metabolic processes in the body.
  • "Express Plus" for heartburn. Within a short period of time eliminates the discomfort that occurs with heartburn. Removes pain in the stomach and heaviness, which often occurs with malnutrition and frequent use of fast food. The drug contains lactose, peppermint leaves, calcium carbonate and strains of dried microorganisms that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • "Bifidum". It is a symbiotic. The supplement contains five types of lactobacilli and three forms of bifidobacteria. The supplement contains probiotic polysaccharides. The drug restores the microflora of both the thick andsmall intestine. Inhibits pathogenic microorganisms. Stabilizes metabolic processes. Removes toxins, toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Lowers blood cholesterol levels.
  • Starter "Evitalia for yogurt makers". Useful for absolutely everyone. Contains live microorganisms, essential for the normal functioning of the body. Normalizes bowel function. It is the key to good he alth. Increases immunity. Relieves allergy symptoms.

The company produces two drugs related to Phytolinium. These are "Hemorrhspas" and "Nerv-Sberegin". In addition to lactic acid and probiotic microorganisms, plant extracts are added to them. The first drug helps with sexual and urological disorders, gynecological diseases and vascular disorders. The second is used for stress, sleep disturbance and excessive anxiety.

There is a product for animals - "Evitalia-Vet". It normalizes the process of digestion in cats and dogs. Promotes the restoration of intestinal microflora. Increases the immunity of pets.

Sourdough "Evitalia"

Evitalia sourdough reviews
Evitalia sourdough reviews

Sourdough or “Complex of Dry Microorganisms-Probiotics” is the most popular product of the brand “Evitalia”. It contains freeze-dried strains of microorganisms such as:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus;
  • Lactococcus lactis;
  • Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. Shermani;
  • Lactobacillus helveticus;
  • Streptococcus thermo philus.

These bacteria, although dried, retained the ability to reproducein the intestinal environment. In addition, the product contains producers of the B vitamin group, as well as vitamins C, A and E. The supplement also contains iron, magnesium and calcium. The dietary supplement is produced in glass bottles of 0.3 g each. There are ten such bottles and instructions for use in a carton box.

Sourdough "Evitalia" deserved grateful reviews. They note the usefulness of this product, its naturalness. They say that it is simply indispensable for restoring the intestinal microflora.

Sourdough properties are based on the ability to ferment carbohydrates without causing the formation of gases, but creating special acids that contribute to the acidification of the intestinal environment. This feature of the additive inhibits the development of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. Reduces the load on the hepatic organ, as the amount of enterotoxins, amines and other microbial elements decreases. This process increases the body's resistance to negative factors. One vial of "Evitalia" contains about 4 billion live microorganisms.

Notes that the starter "Evitalia" is used to restore the mucous membrane of the intestinal organ, instructions (reviews say that when using this product, they disappeared discomfort in the abdomen, pain disappeared and the stool returned to normal). Indications for the use of dietary supplements are malfunctions of the gastrointestinal system, dysbacteriosis in both adults and children. The drug is recommended for acute intestinal diseases that occur in childhood pathology. The supplement inhibits the development of intestinal infections and is useful for constipation. Used in diabetes, it lowersplasma sugar content. Sourdough is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases. Before and after surgery on the intestines, in the gynecological field.

Use dietary supplement "Evitalia" for weight loss. Reviews of those who lose weight note that the supplement does not provide significant weight loss, but it helps to improve metabolism and prevents constipation during the diet.

The product is used to strengthen the immune system and after a course of antibiotics. It also removes excess cholesterol and helps lower blood cholesterol. Is a source of probiotic microorganisms.

Apply "Evitalia" one bottle up to three times a day. The contents of the bottle are diluted in 100 g of milk or warm boiled water at room temperature. The drink is consumed immediately after preparation.

Children from three years of age are recommended to take the starter one bottle per day. The drink is prepared in the same way as for adults.

The course of taking the supplement is 15-30 days.

From this complex "Evitalia" you can prepare fermented milk products. For their preparation, take about two liters of boiled milk. It is cooled to a temperature of 40-43 ° C, the foam is removed, the contents of one vial of sourdough are poured out and everything is mixed, the drink is covered with a lid. To retain heat, the container with the dairy product is wrapped and placed in a warm place for 12-14 hours for the fermentation process. After that, the mixture is cooled and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. The resulting product is divided into two parts. One is used for food, the other is left for future fermentation. It will be workingleaven. It is stored in the refrigerator.

For further preparation of a fermented milk product, you should take two liters of boiled milk, which, as in the previous case, will need to be cooled to 40-43 ° C. Remove the foam from the milk and add about 150 g of working starter with a clean spoon. Everything is thoroughly mixed and tightly covered with a lid. Placed in a warm place for 10 hours for ripening, and then for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. After that, the mixture is divided into two parts and one of them is eaten, the second is left for fermentation.

Working starter is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days. Finished product - about 5 days.

The finished product is taken three times a day 20 minutes before meals. The norm for an adult is 100-150 ml, for children from 3 years old - 50-100 ml.

Sourdough "Evitalia": reviews

Opinions about the product for fermenting milk "Evitalia" are mostly positive. People say that the preparation of a fermented milk product does not take much time, and its density directly depends on the fat content of milk. According to users, the taste of the product does not resemble either kefir or yogurt, but resembles ryazhenka. Many people add fruits and berries to improve the taste. Some consume the product unfermented. Just one vial is diluted in 150 g of milk or boiled water.

Almost all users say that the supplement has a beneficial effect on the intestines and stomach. In people, after using it, the stool improved, constipation disappeared, the stomach stopped growling and colic disappeared. Someone has improved skin condition and acne disappeared. A lot of people feed their children sourdough kefir"Evitalia". Reviews note that after using this product, they forgot about stomach problems. The children had no constipation, no colic, no diarrhea.

There are those who did not like the starter "Evitalia". Reviews of these persons claim that kefir is too liquid, and its taste is incomprehensible. They did not see any effect from the use of this supplement, and the problems of the gastrointestinal tract with the use of "Evitalia" remained unresolved.

Some consider the cost of the starter high and advise you to buy the usual "Lactobacterin" at the pharmacy. There were few people who did not like the sourdough, the majority of users were satisfied with this product.

Bifidum Evitalia

Evitalia reviews of doctors
Evitalia reviews of doctors

"Bifidum Evitalia" reviews are considered a real salvation for problems of the gastrointestinal tract. The product is completely natural and contains dried strains of probiotic and lactic acid bacteria. The drug is produced in the form of capsules weighing 0.3 g.

The additive belongs to symbiotics. Its encapsulated form protects the dietary supplement from the effects of the gastric environment and delivers the product directly to the intestinal cavity, which allows the maximum stabilization of the functions of all its departments.

Propionic acid bacteria, as well as lacto and bifidobacteria contained in capsules, have antagonistic effects against both opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria. Prevent the spread of pathological processes. Contribute to the restoration of natural microflora in the large and small intestines.

Whenexposure to the body of this product, the negative symptoms of some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract disappear, the body's resistance to the negative influence of the environment increases. Stabilized fat and protein metabolism. The content of cholesterol decreases, harmful substances are removed from the body. Bifidobacteria help to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal apparatus in old age, are useful for children, and reduce the likelihood of diarrhea.

Dietary supplements are recommended for adults to take 1 capsule three times a day, for children from three years old, one capsule once a day. The therapeutic course is 2-4 weeks. Do not forget that the capsules "Bifidum Evitalia" is not a medicine and it is advisable to consult a doctor before using them.

People have a good opinion of this supplement. They note that the drug helps to improve the microflora after a course of antibiotics, removes discomfort in the intestines, bloating, pain and gas formation. Lost heaviness in the stomach. Improved skin condition.

In addition, it has an affordable cost in the region of 100-150 rubles. Negative reviews about the capsules "Evitalia" could not be found.

Evitalia product for women

Evitalia sourdough reviews of doctors
Evitalia sourdough reviews of doctors

It is used as a biologically active food supplement and is called Evitalia. Perfection for women. Reviews note that after using it, they improved not only the work of the intestines, but also the condition of the skin. The dietary supplement contains probiotic and lactic acid bacteria. Saturates the bodyuseful substances, such as:

  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a source of good mood and helps maintain vitality. Increases immunity and has a positive effect on the central nervous system.
  • Vitamin B6. This substance helps to stabilize the balance between potassium and sodium. Helps to resist stress. Involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Removes excess water from the body. Fights swelling. Rejuvenates.
  • Vitamin E. It is an antioxidant. Helps maintain youth and beauty. Improves the condition of the skin and hair. Protects from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Accelerates blood circulation in tissues.
  • Vitamin B5. Increases the body's resistance to stress. Helps bifidobacteria to grow and develop in the intestines. Helps reduce body fat. Stimulates lipolysis. Reduces wrinkles and promotes hair growth.
  • Vitamin H. Beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism. Normalizes the amount of glucose in the blood. Transports sulfur to the epidermis, nail platinum and hair, which positively affects their appearance.
  • Lactulose. Polysaccharide. Enhances peristalsis of the intestinal organ. Stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora. Not absorbed by the body.
  • Zinc. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system. Prevents the formation of tumors. Boosts immunity.

Evitalia capsules for women have good reviews, users note that the supplement improves bowel function. Positive changes are visible after just a few days of using the drug. This tool helps to maintain youth and beauty. Supports psychological and physical stress. Shown after a course of antibiotics. Useful for dieting and active lifestyles.

Dietary supplement is recommended for adult women to take 1 capsule three times a day. The course should last about 2-4 weeks. If necessary, it can be repeated.

The supplement is not a medicine and cannot replace medical treatment, and you should consult your doctor before using it. The cost of 20 tablets is 250 rubles.

Reviews about "Evitalia" for women

Evitalia instruction reviews
Evitalia instruction reviews

Must be carefully studied before taking capsules "Evitalia" instructions for use. Reviews of women note that the drug is convenient to use. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. After applying it, they look more well-groomed. Protects the dermis from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Removes toxins from the body and stimulates regeneration processes. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, helps to cure dysbacteriosis. Many women used the Evitalia supplement after antibiotic treatment.

No negative reviews from doctors about this product could be found. Many doctors only remind that dietary supplements are not a drug and cannot replace the main treatment with medicines.

Yoghurt Starter

Evitalia starter for yogurt (reviewsusers note that when using this product, tasty and he althy yoghurts are obtained) is available in the form of a powder, which is packaged in sachets. There are two such packages in a cardboard box.

Sourdough content includes milk powder, dried strains of lactic acid bacteria and silicon dioxide. This product is good for everyone. It can be used by children, adults and the elderly.

Evitalia ferment reviews of doctors are negative
Evitalia ferment reviews of doctors are negative

Evitalia sourdough (doctors say that this supplement does not cure, but can only be used to prevent intestinal diseases) contains billions of live microorganisms that are simply necessary for a person to live normally.

Problems with the stomach and intestines disable the entire body, and the person begins to feel bad. The lactic acid bacteria contained in the starter prevent the reproduction of putrefactive and pathogenic microorganisms. Contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora, stabilize the process of digestion.

Sourdough is easily absorbed by the body, contains nutrients and tastes great. It is low in calories and has a positive effect on metabolism. With its help, weight returns to normal, and he alth is strengthened.

Yoghurt starter allows you to make a completely natural product, which includes milk and live lactic acid microorganisms. Reviews of the yogurt "Evitalia" note that it turns out to be tasty and tender. To improve the palatability of the dairy product, it is recommendedadd berries, fruits, honey, chocolate, nuts. This yogurt can be seasoned with salads instead of mayonnaise.

To prepare the sourdough, wash your hands thoroughly. Take the desired container, that is, the glasses and lids that come with the yogurt maker. All dishes should be sterilized or scalded with boiling water. To prepare yogurt, you can use both pasteurized and sterilized milk, which should be boiled. After the boiling procedure, the milk is cooled to 40°C. Remove the foam from the drink and carefully add the starter from the sachet. One package is designed for a liter of milk. After introducing the starter into milk, the resulting substance is poured into glasses and placed in yogurt makers for 8-10 hours. To form a clot, the temperature on the device is set to + 38 ° C. At the end of the procedure, the glasses are closed with lids. Put in the refrigerator for three or four hours so that the lactic acid bacteria stop multiplying. The chilled product can be eaten. The resulting yogurt is stored for 72 hours at a temperature of 2 to 4 ° C.

Do not exceed the fermentation time of the product, reduce the recommended dosage of the starter and use more milk than indicated in the instructions. Do not use yogurt for re-fermentation.

Following all the recommendations exactly, you can get not only a tasty and tender, but also a he althy product that will positively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heal the body and improve overall well-being.

Opinion on sourdough for yogurt

Evitalia for women reviews
Evitalia for women reviews

Reviews aboutsourdough "Evitalia" note that it has more pluses than minuses. The instructions for preparing a fermented milk product must be strictly followed, otherwise the result may be disappointing, which often happens. It is because of non-compliance with the rules for preparing yogurt that the Evitalia starter culture has earned negative reviews. These people note the too liquid consistency of the product, its unpleasant taste. They say that even with prolonged use of yogurt, their problems associated with the unstable work of the gastrointestinal tract did not disappear anywhere. These individuals were disappointed with the purchase of this starter.

Those users who followed the instructions received wonderful yogurt. He ate it with relish for breakfast, enriching it with fruits, nuts, honey, cinnamon and dried fruits. According to them, the product strengthened their he alth and relieved the discomfort associated with unstable bowel function.

Evitalia leaven has no negative reviews from doctors. Doctors only advise using this product only as a food supplement, in conjunction with the main treatment. It is desirable after the corresponding analyses. They note that no side effects were observed from this starter, but it is not capable of helping with serious diseases of the stomach and intestines.

What do doctors say about Evitaliya products?

Many doctors know and love Evitaliya products. Reviews of doctors note that they often recommend these supplements to their patients in combination with drug treatment. In their opinion, dietary supplements reduce the negative effect of tablets and help to avoid dysbacteriosis. Especiallythese products are useful after taking antibiotics.

Suitable for both adults and children. Reviews of doctors about the leaven "Evitalia" are not advised to consider it a panacea for all diseases. It is recommended not to neglect the treatment prescribed by the doctor, and the leaven is advised to be used as a prophylactic.

Negative reviews of doctors Evitalia starter culture is considered a mediocre product that can only be of benefit in case of a mild disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. In their opinion, in case of serious diseases, the products from Evitalia are useless and do not give the desired result.
