Many mothers-to-be start preparing a dowry for a baby from the middle of pregnancy. There are so many things to buy! You will need a stroller, a baby crib, a changing table, and cute clothes.
Among all the fuss, in no case should we forget that the child needs to prepare a separate first-aid kit, most of which is occupied not by emergency medicines, but by the funds needed daily. Here new questions arise. What antiseptics are needed, and what is the best cure for colic in newborns? What you need to have at home to treat an umbilical wound? How to help a child with painful teething?

Some useful tips
Medicines for newborns do not need to be bought in advance and "for all occasions." If necessary, you should immediately contact a pediatrician, because self-medication in the case ofbreastfeeding is completely unacceptable. This will save the family budget, and the he alth of the child, and your peace of mind.
Most drugs are contraindicated for such young children, and you yourself may not even guess that the baby has an increased sensitivity to some component. The doctor will always recommend the safest drugs. In the event of an allergic reaction, the specialist will replace the medicine with a similar one and find the exact causes of the allergy.
When buying any drug at the pharmacy, check the expiration date. Some components of the first aid kit will be in demand every day, while other medicines for newborns, such as antipyretics, are used quite rarely. It is important that when they are needed, the implementation period has not yet expired.
Improper storage conditions can shorten the "life" of the medicine. Most medications can be stored at room temperature, but some should be refrigerated. Most hand sanitizers should be kept out of direct sunlight.
For the same reason, you need to consider a place to store a first-aid kit for a newborn. It is best to have a separate box where you can conveniently put all the medicines. The storage location for the first aid kit should be easily accessible to parents, but completely inaccessible to children.
Basic first aid kit for a newborn
There are not so many medicines in the first aid kit for a newborn baby. Spouses preparing to become parents will need to purchase very little. It is enough to buy hygiene products, antiseptics that will be needed to treat the umbilicalwounds in the first days of life and for disinfecting the skin of a child with scratches or wounds, medical supplies for medical procedures and some drugs for emergency care of a sick child.
Often, lists of essentials are given out at the maternity hospital or at courses for future parents, but in general they differ little.
Baby care products
Baby needs care from the first days of life. A young mother will need materials and products to treat the umbilical wound and the delicate skin of a newborn. Cotton swabs (with and without limiter) must be included in the children's first aid kit for daily care. Sticks with a limiter prevent accidental penetration to great depths. They are used for ear care, umbilical wound treatment, nose care.
Wet sanitary napkins designed specifically for children (labeled 0+) are especially relevant in summer. Children's skin is very sensitive, so you need to choose wipes without alcohol and fragrances. You can prefer products with herbal extracts: chamomile, lavender, calendula.

Baby shampoo is not needed in the first two months of life, but then this tool is very useful for parents. In addition to its direct purpose, namely the removal of crusts and sebum, the shampoo stimulates hair growth and strengthens hair follicles. A cosmetic product for a baby must be chosen very carefully. It is better if the inscription "no tears" is present on the bottle. It is strictly forbidden to use children'sshampoos containing diethanol, sodium lauryl sulfate, dioxane or formaldehyde.
Powder is also needed, but now powders that were not used in the past, which roll into lumps when moisture is absorbed, are more actively used, and products based on liquid talc. Such powders retain their original consistency and form an ultra-thin layer that gently protects the baby's skin. Many future and accomplished mothers recommend using diaper cream instead of powder. Perhaps this is your option.
You will need soap for bathing and washing the baby. It should not contain allergens and fragrances. Only plant extracts are allowed as a base and glycerin, as well as lanolin for softening. For babies under one year old, it is preferable to use liquid soap rather than solid soap.
You should think about buying baby oil in advance. In order not to be mistaken, you can give preference to well-known brands. Butter is a versatile product, so don't skimp. Often it is used for massage or after bathing and mothers themselves. A prerequisite is the absence of a strong odor. For convenience, it is better to choose a completely sealed bottle equipped with a dispenser.
Moisturizing creams for babies should be chosen according to the same principles as other first cosmetics. It is desirable to have jojoba or almond oil in the composition. I need to buy baby milk. The rankings are topped by products from Germany, but in some cases, these high-quality products can cause allergies in especially sensitive children. As a result, it turns out that the baby is suitablethe cheapest milk from a domestic manufacturer.

Diaper rash creams are a must, because baby's skin is very delicate. Powder is not always convenient to use, but a special plant-based cream is the best.
A hair brush is needed not for combing, but to gently remove crusts and massage. The pile should be moderately soft and thick enough. Manicure scissors also need special ones, with rounded ends and thin blades, although some moms are more comfortable using regular ones.
Ointment for diapers is not the most common, but useful cosmetic product. Use in case of redness or abrasions in the groin area.
Antiseptics for baby first aid kit
What medicines can newborns take? Antiseptics are not medicines in the literal sense of the word, but they will definitely be needed on the very first day after discharge from the hospital. A first aid kit for children should include hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or an alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt.
Potassium permanganate is needed to treat the umbilical wound. It is better to buy in dry form and make your own solution at home. Dissolve 5 g in 100 ml of warm water and strain through cheesecloth in three layers. You can store the product for ten days.
In the first month, it is better to bathe a child in water with the addition of a solution of potassium permanganate. You also need to buy an iodine solution and medical alcohol for disinfection. A bactericidal patch will not be superfluous.

Essential medicalaccessories
For a newborn, a list of medicines, cosmetics and other necessary supplies can be obtained at the maternity hospital or at courses for expectant parents. There are also ready-made kits that include everything you need to care for your baby.
Need a thermometer. It is safer to use an electronic with a bendable tip, but mercury gives more accurate readings. The next item is syringe No. 1 (25 ml), which is needed for enemas.
A gas tube, a heating pad to relieve pain in the abdomen may come in handy - modern mothers are increasingly choosing one that is filled with silicone balls, a bandage (sterile and for dressings), sterile wipes for treating the umbilical wound in the first days after birth, a spoon with dispenser or syringe for drug administration.
Be sure to include a pipette in a case in the first aid kit. It will take two pieces - for instillation of drugs in the nose and ears. It is better to choose a pipette with a rounded end.

Medicines for baby first aid kit
In the first aid kit that parents prepare for the future baby, there should be medicines. For a newborn, a small set of drugs is enough, which are conveniently stored at home in small dosages in order to have them on hand in time. You will need:
- vitamin D solution for the prevention of rickets in young children - "Vigantol" or "Aquadetrim";
- antipyretic with paracetamol in suppositories or in the form of syrup - Ibuprofen, Efferalgan or Panadol;
- antihistamine - "Fenistil", "Telfast", "Claritin", "Suprastin",Tavegil;
- activated carbon;
- remedy for diarrhea - "Linex" or "Smecta";
- constipation remedy;
- drops from the common cold - "Aquamaris" or "Nazivin";
- eye drops;
- "Furacilin" in tablets - needed as a solution for conjunctivitis or for washing the genitals of girls.
- gel for pain relief during teething - "Kalgel", "Kamistad", "Dentol";
- means for strengthening immunity in the form of drops - "Interferon", or spray in the nose - "Nazoferon", during the flu epidemic or after vaccination to reduce the risk of complications.

You can immediately add herbal preparations to the first-aid kit for newborns. When bathing a baby, it is useful to add an infusion of string or chamomile to the water. These decoctions have a beneficial effect on the skin of a newborn and effectively relieve irritation.
Valerian, lavender and juniper have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of a child. You can use these herbs if the baby is not sleeping well or startles in his sleep. You need to start with 5-7 minutes in one bath, over time, you can bring the duration to 15 minutes. You don't need to bathe your baby with herbs every day, about three times a week is enough.
Fennel decoction or dill seed will help with colic. You may need other herbs, which can be purchased as needed.
All medicines should be used only in emergency cases and strictly according to the instructions. The dose should be chosen the minimum and carefully observe the reaction of the baby. Further treatment should be prescribed by a pediatrician.
Medicines for colic for baby
Cure for colic in newborns is better to choose in advance, because this is a common problem that makes both the child and parents restless. Colic disappears by itself by about four to six months of life, that is, as soon as the baby's body fully adapts to new conditions.
This disorder is not due to parental error. This problem occurs in 40% of newborns. The causes of colic are still not exactly known, but symptoms can be eliminated and the baby can be helped.
Means to help newborns are divided into folk and pharmacy. The best medicine for colic in newborns, which is right for your child, may be Plantex powder and regular dill water. Everything is very individual. Before the first use, be sure to read the instructions, and then check the medicines for allergic reactions.
Tummy tuck medication for newborns may not be needed if preventive measures are taken. You can buy Plantex tea for newborns at the pharmacy. Children under one year old can brew 1-2 sachets per day, from the age of one to four years - 2-3 sachets.
Dill water or fennel solution helps well. Drink warm 3-4 times a day for a teaspoon. Shake the solution before use. There are a lot of positive reviews about this tool.
Cure for colic for newborns - "Baby Calm". To be more precise, it is a dietary supplement. Give your child ten drops before eachfeeding.
What other newborn medicines can I try? "Espumizan L" helps both adults and children. Babies can be given 25 drops of the drug. Anti colic medicine for newborns is added to the baby bottle, if breastfeeding, can be given with a small spoon before or after feeding.
Many young mothers leave positive feedback about another pharmacy drug. The best cure for colic in newborns, according to many parents, is Bobotik, but the solution can only be used starting from the 28th day of the child's life. It is enough to give eight drops.

There are also folk recipes. A decoction of carrot seed, immortelle and chamomile in a ratio of 1: 1 will help get rid of discomfort in the stomach, but mixtures of herbs - chamomile, sage and centaury or hay, holos and buckthorn can also be used. Caring parents will find the best cure for colic in newborns only by trial and error. You need to gradually try different ways to understand exactly which one helps the baby.
Antipyretics for newborns
Young mothers, who know in advance about possible colic, begin to prepare medicines and folk remedies that can help, but forget about other drugs. With a temperature, the medicine for colic in the abdomen for newborns will not help, so you need to provide several options for the development of events.
Child can be given medicine only when the temperature rises to 38-38.5 degrees. Until this point, you should not interfere withnatural immune processes.
Children under one year old need medicines in the form of suppositories or in liquid form. You should choose those that contain paracetamol (acetaminophen) or ibuprofen. You can buy at the pharmacy "Nurofen", "Kalpol", "Efferalgan" or "Panadol". Children under 12 are categorically contraindicated in Nimesil, Analgin and Aspirin.
Relieve teething pain
Only colic passes, as another problem soon begins. The child begins to erupt teeth, which is accompanied by pain or even fever. Medicines for newborns in this case can also be bought in advance, but not several items, but one or two in a small dosage.
When teething helps "Kalgel" or "Cholisal". "Kalgel" is the most popular remedy, and "Kholisal" acts for a long time. Many young mothers and pediatricians advise Viburkol. These are homeopathic suppositories that help babies during this painful period. A good medicine for newborns is Doctor Baby. The gel quickly relieves pain and can be used an unlimited number of times a day.

Cure for jaundice in newborns
Jaundice is usually a physiological condition, not a disease in the full sense of the word. All symptoms in newborns disappear three weeks after birth. If the baby's skin is still yellow when he is more than three weeks old, you need to see a doctor, because this is already a pathology. Medicine (for example, activated charcoal, "Hofitol", Ursosan "andetc.) can also be prescribed only by a pediatrician. In other cases (if the jaundice is physiological), no specific treatment is required.
Storing a first aid kit at home
When everything is ready, the baby's first aid kit should be divided into two parts. The part that is needed for daily use should be kept close at hand. For example, you can put it in the top drawer of a chest of drawers or on a shelf near the changing table. The second part should be stored in a dark, dry place.
Candles are recommended to be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Separately, all instructions should be placed, where there is information about the purpose, expiration date and release date of the drug. Every three months, the first-aid kit must be reviewed in order to throw out drugs that have expired in time.