Problems with the skin of the face in women begin to occur by about 25 years. By this time, the fair sex may show small wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, and swelling. With age, these unpleasant manifestations progress. At the same time, the skin under the eyes sags, and edema often forms in the eyelid area. In order to get rid of such problems, women can use a variety of cosmetic preparations. For example, a very effective remedy for swollen eyelids is Mesoeye C71. Consumer reviews of this drug deserved just excellent.
Causes of swelling and wrinkles
If a woman often has swollen eyelids or wrinkles, this most likely means that she has a very thin dermis in this area (fatty tissue is almost completely absent). The dermis in this case adjoins directly to the secular part. This is what leads to the formation of wrinkles. The lymphatic and venous system in the region of the eyelids of such a structure predisposes to fluid stagnation. The skin is stretched.

It is for women with such eyelids that cosmeticmedication Mesoeye C71. This medicine received good reviews, first of all, for its effectiveness.
Form and composition
Manufactured by ABG LAB LLC, NY USA. Mesoeye C71 belongs to the group of biological vasomodifiers. It is a colorless viscoelastic injection gel. A good opinion about this medicine among consumers and doctors has developed, including for ease of use. The drug is supplied to the market in a syringe with a luer tip. Needles are not included with it.
The effectiveness of the drug, and accordingly, good reviews about it, are determined, first of all, by its rich unique composition. There are several main active ingredients in this cosmetic product:
- dermo-modeling complex, including hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins, nucleosides;
- activating the outflow of lymph from the eyelid Hexapeptide 17–C 71 (patented);
- relieving spasm of local arteries PeriOrbita L PePtide XP2(patented).

Excellent deserved Mesoeye C71 customer reviews of cosmetology clinics, including for excellent quality. The main specialization of the company "ABG Lab" is the manufacture of complex innovative injection products designed for skin rejuvenation. The director of ABG LAB LLC, NY USA and its subsidiary Premier Pharma (official representative in Russia) is Dr. ElenaTester. Today AGBG Lab is one of the world leaders in the production of innovative medical cosmetic products. In addition to Mesoeye C71, this company supplies the market with such popular products that deserve excellent consumer reviews, such as:
- EPI-ORAL F199 humidifiers;
- MESO-GENESIS (hair loss remedy);
- MESO-XANTHIN for the skin of smokers, etc.

Indications for use
Deserved from cosmetologists and their patients a good tool Mesoeye C71 reviews, including for a wide range of actions. It is allowed to use this drug for almost any aesthetic shortcomings of the area around the eyes. These could be:
- age wrinkles;
- sagging skin and swelling;
- unnatural creases.
Mesoeye C71 is just great for bags under the eyes. Reviews are good about him mainly for this reason. Perfectly removes this tool and bruises under the eyes.

When not to use
Contraindications for this remedy are as follows:
- chronic and acute skin diseases;
- presence of local implants;
- pregnancy;
- hypersensitivity;
- lactation;
- autoimmune processes (lupus erythematosus).
Do not use this medicine for herpes and chronic dermatoses. It is also forbidden to use this tool for children under18 years. You can not use Mesoeye C71 and exacerbations of such a serious disease as diabetes.
Dosages and methods of using the drug
Most often, Mesoeye C71, which consumers have a good opinion of, including due to the speed of the effect, is administered 5-6 times with an interval of a week to 10 days. There are only two technologies for using this drug:
- superficial mesotherapy;
- infiltration.
In the first case, 0.05 ml of Mesoeye C71 is used per session. The medicine is injected into the skin to a depth of 1-2 mm over the entire area around the eyes. This uses a 33G (0.20×4mm) needle.

Infiltration technique involves the use of 0.1 ml of the drug. The medicine is injected into the bag under the eye. To prevent the needle from hitting the bone, the latter is pre-clamped between the fingers. The drug is injected in this place to a depth of 2-4 mm. This uses the same needle as in the first case.
Any specialist during the procedure can make a slight mistake and inject the drug too superficially. Such a mistake will not cause any serious consequences. This also applies to necrosis. For safety in this regard, the Mesoeye C71 also deserves good reviews. A photo of the procedure for introducing this medication into the area around the eyes can be seen on the page. As you can see, this operation is absolutely not terrible.
Special Instructions
For patients older than 40 years, this medicine is administered in the usual way. However, the proceduresnecessarily combined with the use of Meso-Wharton from the same manufacturer. This medication has also earned good consumer reviews.
It is advisable to pre-mark the injection sites in the area around the eyes. Injection points are determined by a cosmetologist depending on the degree of skin laxity, swelling, etc.
The procedure for administering the drug itself is short and almost painless. The use of anesthesia during its implementation is not required.
Possible side effects
It is believed that Mesoeye C71, which has good reviews and therefore, the drug is relatively safe. Of course, this tool has passed all the necessary tests - for toxicity, bacteriological reaction, sensitization, mutagenicity. However, in some cases, this medicine can still give side effects. These include in the first place:
- slight redness;
- puffiness;
- slight itching.
These effects may continue for about 1-3 days after the drug is administered.

What is the healing effect of
Women using Mesoeye C71 first of all experience swelling around the eyes. Good drug Mesoeye C71 deserved reviews of doctors in the first place because it just perfectly improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage of tissues. As a result, the skin acquires a pleasant color, and the dark circles under the eyes of the patients completely disappear. In addition, women who have been treated with this drug have an increasedturgor in the periorbital region. The skin in this place also acquires a beautiful appearance due to the alignment of the macro- and microrelief.
Another beneficial effect of Mesoeye C71, according to the manufacturer, is to reduce the severity of periorbital hernias. Once in the skin, this drug retains substances that are useful for it, such as collagen and elastin. For this, of course, Mesoeye C71 also deserved excellent reviews.
Medication cost
The price of Mesoeye C71 is unfortunately quite high. One such syringe (1 session) costs around 5,000 rubles. It is, of course, very expensive. However, some cosmetology clinics conduct a course of treatment using this medication at quite affordable prices. If you wish, you can find a specialist who will conduct, for example, 4 sessions for 10,000 rubles.
Mesoeye C71 is currently the only biological vasomodifier on the Russian market. It is impossible to find other similar drugs in pharmacies and salons. However, various kinds of cosmetics designed to remove bags and bruises under the eyes, of course, exist on the domestic market. For example, injections to get rid of such problems can be given using:
- Juvederm Ultra.
- IAL-SYSTEM (Italy).
- Teosial Meso (Switzerland).
- Yalupro (Italy).
- Juvederm Hydrate (USA).
Like Mesoeye C71, all of these medicines contain hyaluronic acid.

Mesoeye C71: reviews
This medicine is relatively new on the Russian market. Therefore, there are not too many reviews about it yet. However, those patients who have already tried this remedy in practice, in most cases, as already mentioned, speak positively about it. Mesoeye C71 smoothes wrinkles around the eyes very well. After a course with this drug, the face of the patients looks rejuvenated. The procedure for administering the drug, according to many women, is actually painless.
For the rapid disappearance of bruises under the eyes, Mesoeye C71 also deserved simply excellent reviews. “Who made injections using this medicine and how did the course end?” - such questions can be heard from many women. And they are answered by those who have already tried this tool, in most cases in a positive way. Bruises under the eyes disappear after a couple of uses of the drug. Many patients find that, compared to Botox and Dysport, this medicine is much more effective.
Some drawback of this drug, judging by the reviews, in addition to its high cost, is that it has not yet been tested by time. Women who decide to use it to improve their appearance have to some extent even take risks. From hernia, according to most patients, this drug, unfortunately, does not help at all.