Pain in the right groin in women: causes

Pain in the right groin in women: causes
Pain in the right groin in women: causes

Video: Pain in the right groin in women: causes

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Pain in the right groin in women can be the result of various diseases. They can be divided into several main groups. For example, the most common are diseases associated with the spine and problems of internal organs. Also, when the groin on the right side of a woman hurts, it may be due to pregnancy and some basic features of the menstrual cycle.

right groin pain in women
right groin pain in women

Intestinal problems are not excluded. Pain in the right groin, bloating, sometimes constipation, fever, and vomiting can indicate diseases such as bowel cancer, diverticulitis, and intestinal obstruction. Similar sensations can be accompanied by inflammatory female diseases: adnexitis, parametritis, salpingo-oophoritis. If a sharp pain is felt when feeling the lower abdomen, this can signal very serious problems, for example, a rupture of an ovarian cyst or torsion of its legs. In this case, pain in the right groin in women may also resemble a clinical picture similar to appendicitis.

Signs may very much resemble the formation of a cyst on the right ovary. Whena woman experiences gradually increasing painful or cramping sensations, which are combined with pain in the abdomen, radiating to the anus, then the situation is extremely serious and you simply cannot delay. In this case, pain in the right groin in women can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, and it can even go as far as rupture of the fallopian tubes.

blyth groin on the right side of women
blyth groin on the right side of women

At the same time, the pain grows and becomes so strong and unbearable that a woman can simply lose consciousness. Urgent surgical care in this case is essential! Quite often, young and nulliparous girls face such unpleasant and sometimes aching pains. In this situation, pain in the right groin in women may be a sign of algomenorrhea. The cause of such a disease may be a hormonal disorder, in which the pain often begins a few days before the onset of menstruation, has an aching or cramping character and continues for another 2 days after the cycle. It is important to know that painful periods, accompanied by sharp or aching pain, require immediate consultation with a gynecologist.

pain in right groin
pain in right groin

Also through the groin, the lower edge in the abdominal cavity, in women, the round ligament of the uterus passes. Loops of intestines descend into the same area, which can form a hernia. When pain is felt on the right, it is this problem that comes to mind in the first place. These hernias form when the local supporting tissue weakens, allowing loops of bowel to slip out of the abdomen and into the groin.

Even withoutvisible signs of a hernia can cause pain and lead to rather unpleasant complications. There is also a type of "strangulated hernia", which requires just an immediate operation. Otherwise, a violation of the blood supply to the strangulated intestines can lead to their complete destruction. Therefore, it is better to immediately consult a doctor when the first signs appear than to wait for the development of such serious complications!
